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Bread (Ramsey Bakery)


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I've always gone along with supporting Ramsey Bakery, thinking if ever the boats didn't sail, at least we could have bread. Given the prices charged by them, I can't see any reason why the yeast can be flown in (business class). But if Jimmy Duncan now says he can't do the job without the boats (piss poor forward planning), why have I bothered all these years. As far as I'm concerned he's shot himself in the foot with this statement. No more Ramsey Bakery bread for me!

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FFS its bread you will not die just because there is no bread lol.


Ramsey bakery is the worst bread i have ever tasted, it actually makes me feel sick after i eat it.


Not eaten it for over 12 months now, tend to eat english now.


P.s the bakery in peel is very nice when i get down there, very tasty.

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Just out of interest exactly how many bakeries are left on the Island.

For that matter how many did there used to be and why have so many disappeared given the population increase?


Was the influx of English and their Manx Bread hating ways? wink.png


Might have been. Why dont you start a thread on it ?

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Just out of interest exactly how many bakeries are left on the Island.

For that matter how many did there used to be and why have so many disappeared given the population increase?


Was the influx of English and their Manx Bread hating ways? wink.png


Might have been. Why dont you start a thread on it ?


Chill, was only a joke.


I suspect that like lots of small independent shops the rise of the supermarket did for them. People love the romantic idea of shopping at lots of little shops but the reality of modern life and time constraints often dictate otherwise. I personally think a good bakery selling a variety of different breads would do well but someone has to be brave enough to start it up.

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Just out of interest exactly how many bakeries are left on the Island.

For that matter how many did there used to be and why have so many disappeared given the population increase?

There were plenty of small bakeries on the island, but most were unable to compete with a particular large bakery and went out of business...

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Just out of interest exactly how many bakeries are left on the Island.

For that matter how many did there used to be and why have so many disappeared given the population increase?

There were plenty of small bakeries on the island, but most were unable to compete with a particular large bakery and went out of business...


Thanks for reply.

I noticed the small bakery shop is making a comeback in London the last time I was there.

Maybe we can look forward to a revival here.

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Nope, it really is vile


No it isn't, you're exaggerating for effect. Although what effect I'm not quite sure. Possibly the effect of heartier blowing of your own floury trumpet.


I'm not exaggerating for effect, in my own personal opinion it is vile. I've tried it, I didn't like it, so I don't buy it. If you like it fair enough, each to their own and all that.


Why does my own personal opinion bother you so much? I know you write some odd things on here but I have no idea what on earth "heartier blowing of your own floury trumpet" might mean?

Edited by mojomonkey
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PL You must be on a wind up! Ramsey Bakery bread is a disgusting concoction that should not be allowed to be called bread. It stays fresh for about 30 minutes after it's baked and then it goes downhill. I gave up buying it long ago as it was for ever going mouldy before it even has chance to go stale. Give me Hovis anytime

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I can remember seven bake houses[as bakeries used to be called] in Ramsey alone. Harold Caugherty's down Church Street, long gone in the south Ramsey redevelopement, was the best bread you could ever have tasted.


Jimmy Duncan could do the decent thing and tell the island "Let them eat cake"

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