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Money In Manx Banks At Risk ?


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time to stockpile bullets and beans!


55 minutes ago..........................................




its the people who run out of tobacco i worry about

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according to this analyst, the Royal Bank of Scotland is at risk of share price collapse!

It has already collapsed - it's worth 3.1% of its peak price. Still 22 p to go.


Overall you are at less risk here if your borrowings and your deposits are more or less in balance as, I understand, they cancel one another out if there is a collapse. You end up with no cash but no debt too.

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Isle of Man Examiner Jan 2012



BNP Paribas Manx Branches collapse!

MHK's transfer all investors funds to France for unknown reason.

Manx Gov states All investors will be paid back eventually.............



Anyone interested in the true state of BNP Paribas watch the following episode of The Keiser Report where Reggie Middleton summarises the state it, and all French banks, are in. In fact anyone wanting to get a true picture of the financial situation should watch The Keiser Report at 8:30pm on Russia Today, which airs 2-3 times a week and will give you the stuff the BBC etc.... won't dare touch.



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I getting to the point where I am thinking that it would be a sensible move to withdraw all funds deposited in the banks (little interest anyway) and either stuff cash in the mattress or invest in some other way, any suggestions?


If you stuff it under the mattress, the only beneficiaries would be the burglars!

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I getting to the point where I am thinking that it would be a sensible move to withdraw all funds deposited in the banks (little interest anyway) and either stuff cash in the mattress or invest in some other way, any suggestions?


If you stuff it under the mattress, the only beneficiaries would be the burglars!


If someone tries to get my belongings out of my house they'd get a baseball bat round the head, their leg ripped off by the dog and a knife in the back on the way out the door.....whereas if some bank tries to take my life savings down with it I'll....erm....well...I .can't do anything about it.

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If someone tries to get my belongings out of my house they'd get a baseball bat round the head, their leg ripped off by the dog and a knife in the back on the way out the door.....whereas if some bank tries to take my life savings down with it I'll....erm....well...I .can't do anything about it.


Too late... when I rob you I'd make sure you're immobile before you know I'm even there.


Hypothetically, post apocalyptic, survival of the fittest speaking of course. I wouldn't condone harming anyone for their belongings. Yet.

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oh dear this is a truly depressing topic, fear rears an ugly head in people


I think you're misinterpreting this discussion. There's no fear here, I genuinely don't know what's coming for certain (although I can make an estimated guess) as it's all unknown at this stage so as with everything in life you have to embrace it as I personally believe we're approaching a paradigm shift for a number of reasons, but that's a whole different topic.

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If someone tries to get my belongings out of my house they'd get a baseball bat round the head, their leg ripped off by the dog and a knife in the back on the way out the door.....whereas if some bank tries to take my life savings down with it I'll....erm....well...I .can't do anything about it.


Too late... when I rob you I'd make sure you're immobile before you know I'm even there.


Hypothetically, post apocalyptic, survival of the fittest speaking of course. I wouldn't condone harming anyone for their belongings. Yet.


No offence taken...and for the record I wouldn't stab you in the back on the way out the door.....it's much more personal to do it face to face.


In all seriousness if the sh*t did hit the fan I'd like to think communities would bond together and build a much stronger society which wasn't based on materialism and how much money you have or haven't got.

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Is it time for rationing and 'dig for victory' yet? Do I take my hard earned savings our of Barclays yet? Do I stop consuming or increase it to keep the economy going?! Just random thoughts after watching BBC2 'The Party's Over' tonight. Haven't got a clue about economics and wished I hadn't watched it - makes my brain hurt..

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It's a mad mad time, I didn't watch the tv show but MrBees is watching the eurozone thing like a hawk. Everyone should move all their money to Conister bank, it's Manx and at least that way theres a few quid over here, not that it'll be worth much - ahck hey ho, hard times ahead. Our government really are not clever enough to deal with this, maybe some civil servants could some up with a plan?

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You know this is the way it would go, survival of the fittest

I agree that this is a very real risk but it doesn't have to be that way, not if we all look to our enlightened self-interest. We have all to gain from co-operation rather than to sink to a survival of the fittest world. A bit of foresight should convince people of this.


No amount of foresight would would convince people,

which ever way you look at it, there will allways be 1 or 2 that want it all for themselfs, just look back in history to see that.

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