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Money In Manx Banks At Risk ?


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Indeed, the ubiquitous AK47. The most reliable and idiot proof firearm in the world. A true survialists weapon.


On deployment, it was indeed the simpler things in life that helped make things that little bit more endurable. A good quality toilet roll being one of them. And boiled sweets.


While gold maybe "valuable" in todays "stable" environment, but in a "doomsday" scenario it will indeed lose value very quickly. You can't eat it, drink it, make anything useful out of it, etc, etc.


Food, fresh water, bullets and medicines will be the only thing of value in that situation. OH and oil/petrol.


I can only outline the info, I can't make you understand that what you're saying makes little or no sense at all. Some people just don't get it.


Uh huh.


When the world falls down around our ears and your sat on a pile of gold and I'm sat on a pile of bullets, food and water, we'll find out just how valuable your gold is.


Tin foil hat off now.......The world is not going to end. Go about your business. Stay calm......etc.

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Indeed, the ubiquitous AK47. The most reliable and idiot proof firearm in the world. A true survialists weapon.


On deployment, it was indeed the simpler things in life that helped make things that little bit more endurable. A good quality toilet roll being one of them. And boiled sweets.


While gold maybe "valuable" in todays "stable" environment, but in a "doomsday" scenario it will indeed lose value very quickly. You can't eat it, drink it, make anything useful out of it, etc, etc.


Food, fresh water, bullets and medicines will be the only thing of value in that situation. OH and oil/petrol.


I can only outline the info, I can't make you understand that what you're saying makes little or no sense at all. Some people just don't get it.


Uh huh.


When the world falls down around our ears and your sat on a pile of gold and I'm sat on a pile of bullets, food and water, we'll find out just how valuable your gold is.


Tin foil hat off now.......The world is not going to end. Go about your business. Stay calm......etc.


You obviously don't read and take in you just read and see what you want to get out of any info.

I've stated, numerous times (if you cared to read back) that the first thing anyone should do is shore up your own personal situation with food, water, all the essentials that you would need if the shtf. Secondly withdraw enough ready cash to get you through should there be a bank holiday so you can buy or trade what further essential items that you may need and only then, when faced with a decision to leave the rest of your wealth either in a bank or in something tangible that holds value, should you then look at precious metals.


So in reality when you're sat there with your essential items and the rest of your 'wealth' in a bank account at the mercy of the global financial system not in control of whether it's going to be there in the next 24 hours or not, I'll be sat in my house with my essential items too but not giving as much of a toss whether the banking system goes down or not as it won't affect me as much as I've got less to lose.


That's the point I was making, but as ever you always get the ones who don't/can't read and just prattle on with their tired old 'you can't eat gold' you can't drink silver' etc.... as if having a printed bank statement is going to be any better if you're hungry or thirsty.


But obviously this is all hypothetical.

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seeds, seeds, seeds, vegetable seeds.....will be worth more than gold in a teotwawki(total end of the world as we know it) situation!!!

practical skills are extremely important, fishing gear considering we are surrounded by water, wonder what seaweed tastes like??? some way to heat your home if the utility supplies get interrupted, store fresh water , buy a water filter.

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seeds, seeds, seeds, vegetable seeds.....will be worth more than gold in a teotwawki(total end of the world as we know it) situation!!!

practical skills are extremely important, fishing gear considering we are surrounded by water, wonder what seaweed tastes like??? some way to heat your home if the utility supplies get interrupted, store fresh water , buy a water filter.


That rock you're on... it's not crystal meth is it?

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no slinky devil , not crystal meth, and sometimes its worrying when someone gives a contrary opinion on possible future events, I understand your unwillingness to consider a future world post social and economic collapse has resulted in a new strange landscape. I hope it does not happen, its probably 50/50 so i think its worth me spending time trying to help unprepared people some basic advice to protect themselves, their families, friends and neighbours from negative events that may occur in the very near future.

So I will continue to try and inform people of possible negative scenarios and how to prepare for them and you can carry on taking the piss......enjoy, I will be posting some even more bizarre and unlikely predictions such as this one:


France will lose its AAA rating within the next 10 days

The French CAC40 will as a result crash from its current value(2988) and fall below 2400 by end of Jan.


There is a prediction that can be tested to see if I am spouting off or know a little about things courtesy of Google and many hours of research. Now if you believe that may be a possibility then you could buy a few options to short the index and make youself a few grand by Feb. Or you may decide I am talking crap and take the piss!


I probably should warn people that spread betting is a risky business and may result in losses greater than your marriage can handle! things can go up as well as down.

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I think at least 5 people in this thread should move to the USA....er please.

I think you are right. I have never seen so many tin foil hats in one thread!!!


If they were serious, they would have mentioned the most imortant thing you need in that type of crisis - friends!!!

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I think at least 5 people in this thread should move to the USA....er please.
I think you are right. I have never seen so many tin foil hats in one thread!!! If they were serious, they would have mentioned the most imortant thing you need in that type of crisis - friends!!!


While friends can bring extra security and strength in numbers, it also brings extra mouths to feed and drains on resources.

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While friends can bring extra security and strength in numbers, it also brings extra mouths to feed and drains on resources.

That is the way communities (tribes) work though. Are you going to spend 24/7 on watch? Besides, the likelyhood of you and your AK47 winning against a small army is minimal.

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While friends can bring extra security and strength in numbers, it also brings extra mouths to feed and drains on resources.

That is the way communities (tribes) work though. Are you going to spend 24/7 on watch? Besides, the likelyhood of you and your AK47 winning against a small army is minimal.


Depends, is it a trained, well armed army, or is it a bunch civillians trying to steal my supplies? You might have a gang of ten or twelve friends. I got a mag of 30 7.62 friends who trumps yours.


One of the most devastating weapons in the modern militaries arsenal, is the sniper team. 1 or 2 guys opertaing in isolation are able to effectivly lock down much larger formations, with minimal application of force.


Of course it that "situation" (i.e. the end of the world and civilisation collapses) it will comes down to survival of the fittest. And those with the training and the mindset will flourish.

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I've been all round M&S, Dealz and TK Max today and for the love of God can't find an AK47 or any 7.62 rounds, Where are you guys getting your stuff from?


The closest I got to a bowie knife was a copy of 'The best of Bowie' from HMV... oh well at least auntie Anne will be happy.

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But what happens, MDO, when you put your foot down a rabbit hole and break your ankle. Is your AK47 going to carry you to shelter and look after you while you recover?


Oh don't get me wrong, there is strength in numbers, but numbers have to be weighed against rescources and the ability to protect/utilise/mobilise them.

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I've been all round M&S, Dealz and TK Max today and for the love of God can't find an AK47 or any 7.62 rounds, Where are you guys getting your stuff from?


The closest I got to a bowie knife was a copy of 'The best of Bowie' from HMV... oh well at least auntie Anne will be happy.


Did you try Moochers?

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