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Britain Out Of Europe?


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So that means we can't buy anything from China then? Oh wait. Virtually everything we use comes from China. You're talking socialist idealism.

?? Neither Britain nor the EU has free trade with China. What are you saying ?


Anyhow - it's 180° away from a socialist perspective. For example we do not want a free trade in state produced goods or services. That's the sort of thing which a fair free trade level playing field is all about defining.

I am saying that you don't need to be part of a superstate to trade with each other. You will never have a level playing field. Look at the mess that the EU has produced at vast cost. What is the point to it all? Where are the benefits? Just declare a free trade area like EFTA and abolish all the ridiculous institutions in palaces of gold and glass.

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The sooner the better, we start thinking about regions instead of countries.

That's never going to happen much as the EU overlords would love to detach Europeans from their nationalities. Soviet Union had the same idea. For all the brainwashing, when the chips are down, birds of a feather flock together.

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In Greece? Dream on. This is my whole point. They should be allowed to go on their merry devaluing way and not be tied into what was supposed to be a hard currency.


So once you've devalued your currency to the level of sea shells, how do you pay to import medicines?


Think before writing!

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In Greece? Dream on. This is my whole point. They should be allowed to go on their merry devaluing way and not be tied into what was supposed to be a hard currency.


So once you've devalued your currency to the level of sea shells, how do you pay to import medicines?


Think before writing!

The Greeks managed for thousands of years before the euro came along and no doubt they will continue to rub along after it is consigned to the dustbin of history in the not too distant future. If you sincerely believe that their economy can be permanently tied to that of Germany, for instance, then it is you that needs to have a rethink. The whole thing is an unworkable fantasy and it has been right from the start.

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In Greece? Dream on. This is my whole point. They should be allowed to go on their merry devaluing way and not be tied into what was supposed to be a hard currency.

So once you've devalued your currency to the level of sea shells, how do you pay to import medicines?


Think before writing!

The Swiss devalued their currency, whether that's a good thing or not, The Swiss had a "choice" as they have their own currency.

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woolley, on 16 Feb 2014 - 14:23, said:

The Greeks managed for thousands of years before the euro came along and no doubt they will continue to rub along after it is consigned to the dustbin of history in the not too distant future.

Greek history post WW2 was dreadful. Civil war, fascist dictatorship etc. It was the junta's military coup in Cyprus which lead to the Turkish invasion. The restoration of Greek social democracy in the mid 70s and the transition towards EU entry is what saved Greece and is what has helped to stabilise the region. The moment when Greece might have floated a deliberately weak currency has passed. And that was never a serious economic prospect.


The € and the ECU which preceded it has consistently out-performed the USD over the past 30 years. The reason that the € has stood up so well in the face of all of the recent negativity is that markets know that the political determination exists to make it work. Political will is ultimately what determines confidence.

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Also rules to discourage the hoarding of money and which encourage investment.

Agreed. If a person hoards tat they get called a weirdo but if they hoard money they get put on the cover of Forbes magazine and made a hero.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now we can see why the EU needs an extra 2.5 Billion so it can keep funding the "unbiased" BBC.


"Over the last three years the BBC has secretly obtained millions of pounds in grants from the European Union. Licence fee payers might assume that the Corporation would have been compelled to disclose the source of this money in its annual reports, but they bear no trace of it specifically. In the latest set of accounts, for example, these funds are simply referred to as other grant income."



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I can't think why the BBC is being accused of bias in favor of the EU, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that the BBC received about £3 million of EU tax payer funds between April 2011 and November 2013.


BBC chief is forced to face MPs over claims of pro-EU bias in news coverage



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  • 1 month later...

Seems theirs no free speech in the EUSSR


"A candidate in the South East European elections has been arrested after making a speech quoting from a book by Winston Churchill about Islam. Paul Weston, chairman of Liberty GB, was making the speech on the steps of Winchester Guildhall in Hampshire on Saturday after a passer-by complained."




THE RIVER WAR: An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan: By Winston S. Churchill. http://gutenberg.readingroo.ms/4/9/4/4943/4943-h/4943-h.htm

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Seems theirs no free speech in the EUSSR


"A candidate in the South East European elections has been arrested after making a speech quoting from a book by Winston Churchill about Islam. Paul Weston, chairman of Liberty GB, was making the speech on the steps of Winchester Guildhall in Hampshire on Saturday after a passer-by complained."




THE RIVER WAR: An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan: By Winston S. Churchill. http://gutenberg.readingroo.ms/4/9/4/4943/4943-h/4943-h.htm

they [The EUSSR cabal] are shitting themselves over the forthcoming elections,may its demise come quickly.

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