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Britain Out Of Europe?


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A good start would be to get Europe out of Britain by kicking out the scroungers who have come to Britain to access the very high levels of "benefits" on offer. Then all the bogus "asylum seekers" who are only seeking asylum from not getting the British benefits.

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A good start would be to get Europe out of Britain by kicking out the scroungers who have come to Britain to access the very high levels of "benefits" on offer. Then all the bogus "asylum seekers" who are only seeking asylum from not getting the British benefits.

they are not the only parasites


there are much more dangerous and expensive parasites to worry about.


did they fight their way ashore? no they were allowed/invited in

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If there really is to be a constitutional convention and consultation please can we join the EU like Gibraltar and open up the internal market to our financial products and services. They're eu compliant because we can sell into the UK, but not under protocol 3 which is goods only.

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I hope and trust that those UK voters who would actually vote to take the UK out of the EU are the noisy, nothing to lose minority, rather like Scottish 'Yes"voters. The progress of Europe away from the self-serving nation states that slaughtered millions of their people in the bloody conflicts of the 20th century has to be one of the most encouraging parts of post-war European history.

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Whether or not the EU is corrupt or has a democratic deficit the choice for UK is stay in and try and reform or leave and join EFTA and be bound by EU rules and have no say. We are cut off from a market of 500 million for our services and financial services. A market within a three hour journey on time zones within 2 hours.

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Whether or not the EU is corrupt or has a democratic deficit the choice for UK is stay in and try and reform or leave and join EFTA and be bound by EU rules and have no say. We are cut off from a market of 500 million for our services and financial services. A market within a three hour journey on time zones within 2 hours.


Some years ago, when the EU was still struggling to understand how a Crown Dependency worked, some EU officials visited the Island and proposed harmonisation of our tax rates. The response was:


'fine - we'll set the rates and you can match them'


Would we have a financial services industry if we allowed ourselves to come under the influence of the EU?


Is it not a case of being careful what you wish for?

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Be interesting case if the biggest state in a 'United Kingdom' wants to go it's own way - this would probably only happen if there was an English Parliament and the lizards who control the UK will probably arrange for devolution of some powers to the English regions rather than England as a whole

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