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Britain Out Of Europe?


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And look at this.


Looks like the EU want the UK to help draw up the pack. So much for the UK becoming isolated in Europe.


Seams that the EU are trying to keep the UK sweet. and with 9 other places letting there own govenments decide if the pack should be signed and sorted this is a long way off being finished

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It looks like Airstrip One really is being incorporated into Oceania and is detaching itself from Eurasia then.....while the Ministry of Peace are focused on Iran, the Ministry of Truth are keeping us ill-informed of what's really going on as usual, the Ministry of Love are readying us for social unrest and the Ministry of Plenty are passing bills to outlaw home-grown food.....


...what year is it again??


Trade in some of you gold, gets some spendable currency and buy a calendar. And a fresh tin foil hat, your current one appears to be a bit tight and is restricting the blood flow to your brain.

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French Ban Fireworks at Euro Disney




>(AP), Paris , March 5, 2003




>The French Government announced today that it is imposing a ban on the


use of fireworks at Euro Disney. The decision comes the day after a


nightly fireworks display at the park, located just 30 miles outside of


Paris which caused the soldiers at a nearby French Army garrison to


surrender to a group of Czech tourists.




Do you know how many French soldiers it would take to defend Paris from an enemy's attack?







No-one knows, it has never been tried..........................w00t.gif



The French eh? Don't you just love the "cheese eating surrender monkeys"

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Yes, we may well believe that this this is in our best interests... but don't be fooled... Are we aware we all aware of The City of London's dabbling in http://en.wikipedia....i/Hypothecation and its bastard child re-hypothecation!


and the UK Gov have the cheek to call us Tax Haven!


Lets not get carried away by the way Right-Wing smoke screen that all that is French is bad... lets look a little closer to home and we may find the people who created this mess



Sir Fred Goodwin should be stripped of his title that would be start!

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The French eh? Don't you just love the "cheese eating surrender monkeys"


If you ever decide to grow up you may wish to read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Verdun


"By the end of the battle (December 1916) the French Second Army had rolled back the German forces around Verdun, but not quite to their initial positions of February 1916. Verdun resulted in 306,000 battlefield deaths (163,000 French and 143,000 German combatants) plus at least half a million wounded, an average of 30,000 deaths for each of the ten months of the battle."

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If you ever decide to grow up you may wish to read this: http://en.wikipedia....attle_of_Verdun

Lighten up, GD4ELI. The right attitude is expressed here:



Sorry, it just pisses me off how some people show their ignorance with regard to European history.


As for an ideal Christmas - that's one spent away from the UK (oh how I hate Christmas). Here it's not big issue at all thank goodness.

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If you ever decide to grow up you may wish to read this: http://en.wikipedia....attle_of_Verdun

Lighten up, GD4ELI. The right attitude is expressed here:



Sorry, it just pisses me off how some people show their ignorance with regard to European history.


As for an ideal Christmas - that's one spent away from the UK (oh how I hate Christmas). Here it's not big issue at all thank goodness.


Is this acknowledged mainstream european history or factual history?

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Heard a UK Tory saying that there is nothing to worry about.


If Europe responds negatively to the UK the UK can focus on the growing markets in Asia, India, South America etc...


So, if it is that obvious and that easy, given that the UK economy is in a mess why is this opportunity not being seized already?


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Heard a UK Tory saying that there is nothing to worry about.

Which tory boy bright spark was that I wonder? Don't tell me, some naive euro-sceptic, putting political dogma before the economy again?


He should be careful what he wishes for. It would be the final nail in the UK coffin, as it would take decades to build up such markets - probably 20 to 30 years at the levels required, and in the meantime unemployment would hit the 6 million mark at the very least. There's no massive market for administrators, media studies merchants and estate agents out those ways. Those people have no intention of making the same mistakes and following the path most of the west has been going down for the last 30 years.


Most of us would be having a Daily Wail then, including anyone living on this island.

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Heard a UK Tory saying that there is nothing to worry about.

Which tory boy bright spark was that I wonder? Don't tell me, some naive euro-sceptic, putting political dogma before the economy again? He should be careful what he wishes for. It would be the final nail in the UK coffin, as it would take decades to build up such markets - probably 20 to 30 years at the levels required, and in the meantime unemployment would hit the 6 million mark at the very least.

As you describe Albert - a stupid eurosceptic. I missed his name. My hope was that the interviewer would just ask him how the export markets he was promoting compared with the ones he was dismissing.

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The reality gap is worrying though.


While the right-wing press, which is to say the majority, were trumpeting Cameron's "triumph" at opting out of the new charter the remainder of the press were printing that it was all a sop to the tory eurosceptic right. I have to say I only half sort-of believed it.


But now I'm not so sure...

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