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Britain Out Of Europe?


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Costs of staying in the EU outweigh the benefits, warn business leaders as they overwhelmingly back plans for referendum.




U.K. Business Poll Finds EU Membership Costs Outweigh Benefits. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-11-01/u-k-business-poll-finds-eu-membership-costs-outweigh-benefits.html

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British taxpayers liable for £800m of misspent EU funds - Telegraph


" The European Union wasted almost £6 billion last year - including £800 million from British taxpayers - on fraudulent, illegal or ineligible spending projects, official auditors have found. At a time of unprecedented European-wide austerity, the EU mis-spent almost 5 per cent of its budget in 2012 on projects that should never have received any of its money. This so-called error rate in Brussels spending was up from 3.9 per cent the previous year, according to the auditors. It meant that for the 19th year in a row, they refused to give the EUs accounts a clean bill of health".




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Auditors refuse to give EU accounts a clean bill of health for 19th year in a row as rate of unexplained spending rises 23%... with UK liable for £800m



Do you really get your news facts from The Daily Mail?

Where do you get yours from then brains? Where's this great bastion of truth you've found?

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Auditors refuse to give EU accounts a clean bill of health for 19th year in a row as rate of unexplained spending rises 23%... with UK liable for £800m



Do you really get your news facts from The Daily Mail?

Where do you get yours from then brains? Where's this great bastion of truth you've found?


Certainly not from the sensationalist, celebrity obsessed, blinkered, error filled rag that is The Daily Mail. I suspect you already know it but there is plenty of quality press, representing all sides, that can be readily found elsewhere. The Daily Mail really is just The Star for the middle classes.

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Auditors refuse to give EU accounts a clean bill of health for 19th year in a row as rate of unexplained spending rises 23%... with UK liable for £800m



Do you really get your news facts from The Daily Mail?

Where do you get yours from then brains? Where's this great bastion of truth you've found?

Certainly not from the sensationalist, celebrity obsessed, blinkered, error filled rag that is The Daily Mail. I suspect you already know it but there is plenty of quality press, representing all sides, that can be readily found elsewhere. The Daily Mail really is just The Star for the middle classes.

Please name the quality media you describe. In fact what do you read? I'll try it.

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Please name the quality media you describe. In fact what do you read? I'll try it.


I'm not sure if you're being serious. There are many obvious and well known broadsheets and news agencies out there, I don't think I have to name them. Alternatively stick to The Daily Mail, a newspaper that claims to be morally outraged by paedophiles but then has the links to "celebrities" dressed as schoolgirls on the same page.

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Fact is there all the "Lamestream Media". I did wonder why this story was not on the BBC's RSS news feed, even though it was on there web site. The BBC did not think this was worth doing a TV news item, they also failed to report on the web site its been 19 years the auditors refuse to sign off EU accounts. None of the Lamestream Media have covered the Bilderberg conference which have been meeting every year since 1954, except for the Guardian over the past few years. So anyone looking for a reliable news source there isn't one.

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Please name the quality media you describe. In fact what do you read? I'll try it.


I'm not sure if you're being serious. There are many obvious and well known broadsheets and news agencies out there, I don't think I have to name them. Alternatively stick to The Daily Mail, a newspaper that claims to be morally outraged by paedophiles but then has the links to "celebrities" dressed as schoolgirls on the same page.

"I don't think I have to name them" why not , it seems a perfectly reasonable request ? I'm not sure if you are being serious.

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  • 2 months later...

Remember when the EU was called The Common Market as it was only for Free Trade and the free movement of people, well look at it now. Would the citizens of the UK have voted to join the Common Market if they could see it now? If you think it can't get any worse see the article below.


"A campaign for the European Union to become a "United States of Europe" will be the "best weapon against the Eurosceptics", one of Brussels' most senior officials has said. Viviane Reding, vice president of the European Commission and the longest serving Brussels commissioner, has called for "a true political union" to be put on the agenda for EU elections this spring."



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Remember when the EU was called The Common Market as it was only for Free Trade and the free movement of people, well look at it now. Would the citizens of the UK have voted to join the Common Market if they could see it now? If you think it can't get any worse see the article below.


"A campaign for the European Union to become a "United States of Europe" will be the "best weapon against the Eurosceptics", one of Brussels' most senior officials has said. Viviane Reding, vice president of the European Commission and the longest serving Brussels commissioner, has called for "a true political union" to be put on the agenda for EU elections this spring."



It will happen. Took the states of the USA ages, but it is inevitable IMO as the old guard die out over the next 20 to 50 years.

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When those of us are dead who were taught British imperial history at school and who can recall various countries becoming independent of UK then the USE concept might become established. After all, a lot of people now have known nothing but the concept of the EU and free movement etc.....Mind you old chaps are living longer and are the only ones sure to vote.....?....

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