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Britain Out Of Europe?


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Albert - no it wont. There will be massive war first, killing a couple of billion people.

A couple of billion would be appx 4x the current population of the EU (which is also assumed and predicted to be declining as birthrates continue to fall).


The total population of the EU, Russia and USA combined is slightly less than 1 billion. China has about 1.3 billion people.

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'Parliament makes decisions, not the people' - anger as Peers say public cannot be trusted on EU vote




Peers have been accused of showing “contempt” for British voters over the proposed EU referendum, saying the public cannot be trusted to make the right decision.

Dozens of members of the House of Lords today attacked Conservative plans to set in law an in/out vote on Britain’s membership of the European Union by 2017.

There are growing fears the bill will be killed at committee stage by Labour and Liberal Democrat peers, despite it sailing through the Commons and receiving an unopposed second reading in the Lords.

Lord Mandelson, the former EU Commissioner, said any vote would be a “lottery” in which the electorate would be swayed by irrelevant issues.


So, we are not trusted to make a safe decision on the future of our own country. How utterly patronising.

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If you think the diktats of the EU technocrats is bad enough, the amount of corruption in Europe is getting out of control, all paid for by the unwitting taxpayer.


"The extent of corruption in Europe is "breathtaking" and it costs the EU economy about 120bn euros (£99bn) annually, the European Commission says."



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If you think the diktats of the EU technocrats is bad enough, the amount of corruption in Europe is getting out of control, all paid for by the unwitting taxpayer.


"The extent of corruption in Europe is "breathtaking" and it costs the EU economy about 120bn euros (£99bn) annually, the European Commission says."




And how much would there be without the structure of the EU? Read your history, corruption is a way of life. Only the stupid get caught...

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I for one will be advocating we follow our Scottish cousins into Europe, hopefully by banding together a loose coalition with other tiny nations


FWIW some very senior Swiss politicians are advocating EU membership. Like the IOM, Switzerland has to obey the EU rules so better to help form them than sit on the outside.


The EU is here to stay no matter what little Englanders may think.

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If you think the diktats of the EU technocrats is bad enough, the amount of corruption in Europe is getting out of control, all paid for by the unwitting taxpayer.


"The extent of corruption in Europe is "breathtaking" and it costs the EU economy about 120bn euros (£99bn) annually, the European Commission says."



And how much would there be without the structure of the EU? Read your history, corruption is a way of life. Only the stupid get caught...


Yes there is corruption everywhere, but the UK has to pay extra for the EU corruption.

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