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Britain Out Of Europe?


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I for one will be advocating we follow our Scottish cousins into Europe, hopefully by banding together a loose coalition with other tiny nations


FWIW some very senior Swiss politicians are advocating EU membership. Like the IOM, Switzerland has to obey the EU rules so better to help form them than sit on the outside.


The EU is here to stay no matter what little Englanders may think.


It would be so wonderful to see little England leave the EU & the rest of us join

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it looks like one country in europe has the balls to stand up to the EUSSR and sod the consequences,this is the first breaching of the dyke, hopefully the european elections will give them another slap in the face in a couple of months by all projections, there really is hope this unelected, illegal, quasi-state in brussels can at last be tamed.



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You do realize that Switzerland isn't a member of the EU?



And a very small majority in a vote could produce quite a clash!


Problem is that Switzerland's economy is rocketing and many, many people from the EU want to live here. The EU will retaliate, this has already been said. If you read German: http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/schweiz/ .

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"Britons 'too ignorant' for EU referendum: Top official says debate on Europe is so distorted that people could not make an informed decision".


This coming from an origination who's auditors have refused to sign off the EU accounts for the 19th year in succession!



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"Britons 'too ignorant' for EU referendum: Top official says debate on Europe is so distorted that people could not make an informed decision".


This coming from an origination who's auditors have refused to sign off the EU accounts for the 19th year in succession!



I'd have to agree with her.

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"Britons 'too ignorant' for EU referendum: Top official says debate on Europe is so distorted that people could not make an informed decision".


This coming from an origination who's auditors have refused to sign off the EU accounts for the 19th year in succession!



I'd have to agree with her.

So would I. On page 1 of this thread some clown even suggests that the EU is responsible for about 40% of the UK's GDP!!!

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"Britons 'too ignorant' for EU referendum: Top official says debate on Europe is so distorted that people could not make an informed decision".


This coming from an origination who's auditors have refused to sign off the EU accounts for the 19th year in succession!



On the contrary, the official is worried that enough Britons have actually got it sussed at long last.

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Perhaps, when presented with a serious debate on the subject and the facts, people will see the benefits staying in.

I'm not hopeful. When presented with a serious debate they will switch over to ITV or pick their nose. They believe what they read in the Mail. Many of them have very little else other than their angry nationalism.


The EU gets a lot wrong but I would hate to give up my EU passport. Farage is funny but he has nothing in common with UKIP.Maybe he will end up leading the Conservatives.

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Why would any country want to stay with an origination that has not signed off its accounts for that last 19 years, has massive billion Euro fraud, and won't let you set your own immigration policy, and you have to pay to stay a member? Ireland gained full independence from the UK and then gave it up for EU membership. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Iceland is the only country to pull its self out of recession, the reason is they have control of their own currency and interest rates and wrote the debts off, that would not have happened if Iceland had been in the EU.

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Iceland is the only country to pull its self out of recession, the reason is they have control of their own currency and interest rates and wrote the debts off, that would not have happened if Iceland had been in the EU.

Iceland wrote off the debts they owed.



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Iceland is the only country to pull its self out of recession, the reason is they have control of their own currency and interest rates and wrote the debts off, that would not have happened if Iceland had been in the EU.

Iceland wrote off the debts they owed.



Unfortunately pongo due to the ponzi scheme called "Fractional Reserve Banking" where money is created out of thin air when a banking loan is taken out, when the loan is repaid the Principal of the loan goes back to zero, the bank only keeps the interest. The problem with this is there is never enough money world wide to pay back all the loans, hence the mess the world is in now. This is why some people are calling for a "Debt Jubilee". All this does is reset the ponzi scheme called "Fractional Reserve Banking". The solution is end "Fractional Reserve Banking" and have a money system that circulates the money supply.

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@TruthSeeker. At least consider an alternative perspective:


Fractional Reserve Banking creates liquidity out of narrow money. It makes money work. Ultimately it creates work.


It is absolutely right that banks should lend out the majority of deposits. Full-reserve banking (as advocated by those who campaign against fractional reserve banking) would be like hoarding. The deposits would serve no useful purpose.


Banks are not warehouses. They should not be. If fractional reserve banking did not exist we would have to invent it in order to overcome the inherent stagnation which strictly narrow (m0/m1) money supply would create. You might just as well simply hoard grain.

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