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Xeon Processors ?


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Xeon are very good processors, obviously Google is your friend :) You'll see Xeon in servers and some high-end CAD / Gaming systems, for example there's a Mac with two of them.


Xeons are not low-end rubbish by any means.

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yes and no, what are you planning on doing with it?


i would steer away on the basis that you would have to get yourself an SBS license to run the machine (or rip one off) then you would have to find software to run on it which begs the question what are you planning on doing with it. you have to consider the support and extras as RAM would be more costly if a module blew, if your sticking in extra cards then your PSU will need to be considered.


if it is for personal home use = no


if you planning on running dummy machines off of it as your own VPN for home = yes


any business use = yes but again licensing, support etc


i do know of an out of work specialist who would give you a very good price off the radar for setting it up for you

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It would be for gaming

as I said it not really something I’d look at buying but at the right money...... i thought it was worth a look

it was purchased for a designer but unfortunately it never got used and its been hanging around ever since.

Does anyone know if dual processors are worth the money ? as it’s currently in a single quad configuration and i was thinking of getting the second processor if it's worth the investment.

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it would be worth getting for the best price you can, breaking the parts down and selling them on ebay and quick! use the money to buy components yourself and build your own machine


the xeon processors are worth a lot more to other people than they are you. get yourself a quad core minimum 3ghz and that should future proof you for a good couple of years; only 15% of the PC game market is optimized to use more than 2 cores

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