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Christmas Shopping


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I'm afraid it's a sign of the times,I am not the only scrooge on the Island,because if the price is £50 here,and £15 on the internet,the one who called me scrooge would buy the £50 one yes?,if you want to pay high prices,the shops here will welcome you with open arms,thinking,"I should have charged £60",there's one born every day.

I'd love to know what costs £50 in the shops and £15 on the internet?




How about a cheaper example.


CR2032 batteries ( small button cells ) £3.99 in the chemist , £1.70 for TEN ( good quality ) on t'internet and free delivery.


Would pay 50p or so , but that markup is far too high.

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I was in Manchester last weekend I went to their Xmas markets a few times and they were definitely quieter than last year.


Which is not surprising given their prices, £3.50 for a single vanilla slice, £4.50 for a large sausage in a bap, £5.50 for a tea cup of mulled wine, I could go on. Pretty fucking horrendous to be honest and much more expensive than last year.


It looks to me like the local council have woken up to the popularity of the markets and jacked up the cost of a pitch which in turn has led to the stall holders having to hike their prices to exorbitant levels in order to make a decent profit. Yet another good thing ruined by greedy pricks tearing the ass out of it. I won't be back next year.

The reason the Xmas market is quieter is simply because it's smaller.


All the tramline working meant reduced crainage which meant the larger units couldn't get in.


Prices are relative. I was out in the City of London last week. Beer £4 a pint minimum. Our bindi was £40 a head....

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You'd look funny with a bindi on P.K. :) Merry Christmas to you n yours.


Amazon ftw, I used to be 'shop local' person but there is no local, its all jap crap and you can buy it from amazon for a fiver or town for a tenner. If things do not arrive, I'll not lose any sleep.

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I wonder if people will ever get tired of buying stuff they don't need and probably don't even want. It is encouraged because (they say) it provides growth in the economy but since most of it is made in China, the growth it provides is built on even more debt. It is unsustainable but they don't seem to know what to do about debt and stagnation other than to throw more debt at it. Deeply disturbing policy and if we stop buying the crap from China the whole edifice will collapse around our knees.


I remember when Blair sent the troops into Iraq there was some murmuring that because "our boys" were fighting and dying perhaps the rampant consumerism should be restrained a bit. "God, No" said the government "we need growth so carry on spending and doing your bit for the war effort." It's been a long time since 1940.

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