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Land Of The Free, Home Of The Over Zealous


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It's a pity british police were not as keen to enforce the law, I don't know the legal background but if a police office tells you to stop doing something then do what you are told. This idea that people can do what they want when told not to is a common problem. Civil disobedience is not clever or big, it was just a bunch of fools seeing how far they could push the police.


Before LDV starts bleating about civil libaties this was not the case.

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Yet more reasons not to ever go to that part of the world.


Did you know that 1% of their population is in prison? Land of the Free? My arse.

That's always been the case with the US. The free thing is just propaganda. You're free there to get as filthy stinking rich as you like, so free infact that just about the only constraint on how you do it is your own conscience.

In every other way you are only as free or less free than most of the rest of the world. Dreadful country.

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The police in that video could have easily had a total hands off and chilled approach and the whole thing would have been a non event.


There are hundreds of "Occupy" videos and photos floating around the internet showing the same bullshit approach by the US. I thought after the Bush era, a Democratic Obama administration might have been a bit more... "human". Naive.

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The police in that video could have easily had a total hands off and chilled approach and the whole thing would have been a non event.



But they could also have felt that evidence of them 'not upholding the law' was being taken on camera...?. So they had to act?. Who knows.

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But they could also have felt that evidence of them 'not upholding the law' was being taken on camera...?. So they had to act?. Who knows.


There's You tube videos of cops who have taken a chilled approach to an incident and totally defused it. There's a time for strong arm tactics but if it's applied to every little event then we're on a slippery slope to totalitarianism. Actually I think the US is probably way down that road already. Glad I don't live there.

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