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Patrice Evra Plays The Race Card


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I found it highly amusing that all sorts of Liverpool "supporters" were claiming that it was all because it was a Man Utd player who are Liverpool's "greatest" rivals.


Now just discount the fact that Suarez admitted to it for a moment and look at the facts. There have been 19 Premiership's contested which resulted in wins for Man Utd at 12, Arsenal at 3, Chelsea at 3, Blackburn Rovers at 1 and Liverpool at 0. In 19 seasons. Frankly by claiming that Man Utd are their greatest rivals Liverpool are just trying to pathetically flatter themselves for no discernable reason except vainglorious memories from a distant past.


And if it's "because it's Man Utd" then surely it's also "because it's QPR" as well! I don't think so....


I just want those Liverpool fans, you know, the team that have NEVER won the Premiership, not once, not ever, to keep sucking those lemons. Enjoy...


An 8 match ban is harsh though. Sure the likes of Suarez have to be taught that what they might be able to get away with elsewhere is unacceptable over here. Still, even Charlie Adams has embraced the Liverpool ethos of being a serial diving cheat so he's well able to carry the torch Speedo Gerrard will pass on before too long....


It has been said that last year's Premiership was the worst ever. But this season is looking similar. Currently the goal difference goes seriously negative at just eighth in the table. That's a big surprise and shows that teams are leaking goals at the moment.

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Oh God, saying "Speedo Gerrard" doesn't get funnier with repetition, you tit, it just makes it abundantly clear to those few that don't already know what a dreary little man you are I'm surprised you haven't referred to some "six sigma" bollocks or "Tynpotwald", the other comic gem that populates so many of your mindnumbing posts.

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He'll never win three European Cups (unlike Bob Paisley)


This is probably true but then again he's never had the opportunity to win one by playing just 7 games.


Yes, yes I know that was the format back then but it still doesn't alter that statement.


Additionally if it wasn't for possibly one of the greatest club sides in history he'd probably already have overtaken that mark.

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An obviously biggoted racist remark written to illicit an extreme reaction from the reader?


Regardless of exactly why Kappa wrote it, it is clear that he is a twisted little individual who craves for attention, sort of sounds like someone I used to know..

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