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Patrice Evra Plays The Race Card


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An obviously biggoted racist remark written to illicit an extreme reaction from the reader?

I think the obviousness eliminates the possibility of serious trolling and the comment was too far fetched to be taken seriously.
...sort of sounds like someone I used to know..
You're not talking about me, are you?
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This thread clearly indicates the insular mental mindset of this lovely Island. The person who stalks DOT workers covertly photographing them because in his eyes they dont do any work. Then takes offence to a harmless joke.

Oh lordy me if they have got such tedious little lives maybe they should take up a hobby in 2012.

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I assume you mean the time I stood out in the open, on a public pavement, in plain view and took a picture of half a dozen DoI guys stood about smoking fags, who in everybody's eyes were taking the piss?


I take it you have not been caught in the traffic jams which stretch down past Quines Corner lights (even during off peak times) as a result of the over complicated traffic light timings at the end of Athol Street since they fucked it up?


I can see how in you eyes this is even remotely comparable to spouting racist bollocks for the sake of it.


You are a gobshite, nothing more nothing less.




Naughty boy Suarez, you have handed Carroll a one match start...for shame.

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They found out where I worked anyway, yes I got threats, and even the police on me; but to be honest I work in the private sector which is quite frankly none of their (or your) business.


Hopefully Carroll will get home sick when we visit Newcastle and ask to stay.

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