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The First New War For 2012


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US warns Iran over threat to block oil route

Admiral Habibollah Sayari says Iran could easily close the Strait of Hormuz


The US Navy has said it will not tolerate disruption to a vital oil-trade route, following an Iranian threat to close it.



Playing into US hands?

They get an excuse to attack and degrade the Iranian forces and Israel can take out the Iranian 'nuclear threat' at the same time

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We're already in a war, only at the moment it's a currency war. The war at the moment isn't being waged with bullets and bombs, but with derivatives, credit default swaps and the like. Once we reach the end of this particular road and the respective currencies have been devalued to the max, then the big boys will get wheeled out.

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US warns Iran over threat to block oil route

Admiral Habibollah Sayari says Iran could easily close the Strait of Hormuz


The US Navy has said it will not tolerate disruption to a vital oil-trade route, following an Iranian threat to close it.



Playing into US hands?

They get an excuse to attack and degrade the Iranian forces and Israel can take out the Iranian 'nuclear threat' at the same time


I can't see this turning into an armed conflict.


It would only add a few dollars per barrel to ship the oil the long way round.


And don't forget China would have something to say about a sea route being closed. And they are one of Iran's few friends.


Actually, did anyone notice the home run China has scored recently..... oil exploration rights in Afghanistan.

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US warns Iran over threat to block oil route

Admiral Habibollah Sayari says Iran could easily close the Strait of Hormuz


The US Navy has said it will not tolerate disruption to a vital oil-trade route, following an Iranian threat to close it.



Playing into US hands?

They get an excuse to attack and degrade the Iranian forces and Israel can take out the Iranian 'nuclear threat' at the same time



It would only add a few dollars per barrel to ship the oil the long way round.



Sorry ship it the long way round.

If you had not noticed there is only one way in and out of where they say they will block!!!!

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If you had not noticed there is only one way in and out of where they say they will block!!!!


A monorail will end the reliance on the unwieldy shipping. I'm trying to type more but my kitten is snoring louder than I do and I'm losing all powers of concentration.


The wierd git that he is.

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US warns Iran over threat to block oil route

Admiral Habibollah Sayari says Iran could easily close the Strait of Hormuz


The US Navy has said it will not tolerate disruption to a vital oil-trade route, following an Iranian threat to close it.



Playing into US hands?

They get an excuse to attack and degrade the Iranian forces and Israel can take out the Iranian 'nuclear threat' at the same time



It would only add a few dollars per barrel to ship the oil the long way round.



Sorry ship it the long way round.

If you had not noticed there is only one way in and out of where they say they will block!!!!




Wrong Gulf crying.gif

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the EU have agreed in principle to blocking imports of oil from Iran. Weather they do or not is a diffrent story.

expect oil to go pop if it happins. we take about 450k barrels per day from iran.


game of chess is in play.

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It has all the elements required


A rogue state on the verge of being nuke capable

And a threat to Western oil supplies


Looks like it's time for the worlds policeman USA to invade bring those poor oppressed people all the benefits of a capitalist democracy.

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Think of all those juicy billion dollar contracts for western oil companies, as well as those engineering and construction companies to rebuild Iran once they've bombed it back into the stone age. To say nothing of the arms corporations who can get rid of all those depleted uranium tipped bombs for megabucks, who cares if a few million kids get born with birth defects from it.

You can just see the shareholders and CEO's salivating at their share prices going up while their representatives cosy up to the politicians telling them how much money they can get if they 'do a Libya' on Iran.

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Lxxx - you've obviously been reading Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine".


I haven't actually, but will Google it.


The reason for my scepticism is that I used to work for a multinational corporation who were involved in the rebuilding of Iraq, and we found out we had won a large contract to rebuild the utilites and power infrastructure (as a junior partner with a well known American firm) soon after the war/invasion had started, which didn't sit right with me. I then got offered a chance to go and work in the Green Zone in Baghdad as colleagues of mine went out there for 6 months at a time, at x3 salary tax-free and mortgage paid off, but it didn't come off in the end. The whole thing stank to high heaven and from working in that environment and speaking to people who had worked out there it was all about big business from the off, with deals struck to rebuild it before the first bomb had been dropped.

'War Is A Racket' I think the saying goes, and nothing could be more apt.

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