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Bands At The Douglas Old Friends Club


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Well, what a gig.


I missed the first two or three bands. I wish now though that I had gone along earlier.


Base were first on when I got there. Young lads on their way to Uni next year, it was their last gig together apparently. Great entertainment and bags of talent. Rock 'n' Roll alright. Someone said that three of them started their musical careers in Douglas Town Band!! Mmmhh, well, they've certainly flourished from playing Colonel Bogey down at the Sea Terminal keeping rows and rows of OAPs entertained. Some nice original numbers and a real medley of crowd pleasers to end with. Fun with a capital eff. Cheers lads.


Three Fat Greeks next. Was our own Stavros there? These guys were thoroughly enjoying playing to an appreciative audience. Although not detracting from the previous act, their extra years and experience was a pleasant contrast.


Slick Dog. This band were all tuned in to their act and the audience were with them all the way. The acoustics in the Douglas Old Friends Club seemed ideal for this sort of gig and Slick Dog seemed to enjoy the opportunity to let it rip. Nice one.


Steve Parry provided some excellent acoustic entertainment. Some tricky to emulate Paul Simon music just rolled off the fretboard. This guy is sheer talent. Turns up. Plays. Smiles. Job done.

Edited to add: Freefallin'. Thanks for that.


Outward Signs. I don't go for any of that metal stuff normally, but these guys were hypnotic. Apparently, the drum kit was on loan by the Douglas Old Friends Club. Well I'll bet anything those drums ain't ever had treatment like that before. The owner of the drum-kit seemed mesmerised 'Tommy - I bet you didn't know your kit could do that did you!' a few people were heard to say. 'The Crystal Chandeliers' will never sound the same again once Tommy gets back to his kit next club night.


A fantastic afternoon/evening's entertainment. With buffet, excellent beer at an even more excellent price and the best pint of Okell's in Douglas . . . Well organised, well compared - cheers HQ. And all for charity - Diabetes Unit and Hospice Care. Very nice venue.


It was said there will be another one. Be there! :)

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Was there a good turn out? I was planning on going but was far too wrecked from a wedding the previous day...


Would hardly call Outward Signs "metal" though!

S(l)ick Dog hardly ever play so I'm gutted I missed it really...

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I didn't know how to describe Outward Signs, except very good. It's not generally my sort of music but I was enlightened. I'm sure I speak for some others who were there.


The turn out wasn't bad but I've been to other such gigs there, where it was packed out. I like the club. There's not many places quite like it and there's certainly a unique atmosphere.

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I missed it to, was mean't to be going down with my mate Al and his girlfriend but I woke up in a house out Santon early afternoon. Only found where I was after quietly leaving and walking for half a mile. My friends may have gone but I was bolloxed still and tired.

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