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Outrage In The Daily Wail (Again) Over Clarkson's Racist Comments On Indians


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Lovely, the trade magazine for the Hitler Youth once again is "outraged" by Jeremy Clarkson:




I'm not sure whether his comments were expressly racist or not but on the grounds of journalistic accuracy having spent some time in India over the years you can't really argue that a big chunk of the place is a grubby, unsanitary shithole, bisected by lethal roads, and food that gives you the sh*ts for weeks.


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I don't see how the article comes across as 'outrage'. This is usual Daily Mail shite, but it isn't discussing the paper's outrage, but rather to whip it up in the reader. The people who write the Daily Mail probably don't care or may even agree, but they know it is something to stick in the paper to get some reader's cross about it and sensationalise it.

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The whole written press is compromised sh*te anyway. If you didn't read any of the dailies, or watch the news, you wouldn't miss anything and probably still be as informed about what's really going on in the world as the muppets who lap it all up on a daily basis.

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A spokesman for the BBC said they have been 23 complaints about content 'offensive to India' in the programme, which was broadcast on Wednesday evening.



so how many millions of people watched it. and out of them millions only 23 made a complant.


All to do about northing really

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A spokesman for the BBC said they have been 23 complaints about content 'offensive to India' in the programme, which was broadcast on Wednesday evening.



so how many millions of people watched it. and out of them millions only 23 made a complant.


All to do about northing really


Plus the population of India is 1.21 Billion so 23 complaints is hardly any cause for "outrage" at all .. The tabloids are certainly gunning for Mr Big Gob he literally can't do anything without the right wing press having some form of moral outrage.





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Wheels what are you doing up at 6.0.clock in the morning? As for complaints from India I dont think they get B.B.C. programmes and if they do they wont be letting on in case the are asked for a license fee, I did think about sending my licence money to the labour party as a direct donation, the BBC are so biased I might as well.

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His mouth has gone off again

Jeremy Clarkson slammed for joke about death of 23 Chinese cockle-pickers


In a column for a tabloid newspaper, Clarkson mocked the sport of synchronised swimming as "Chinese women in hats, upside down, in a bit of water", adding: "You can see that sort of thing on Morecambe Beach. For free."
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