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Tony Blair - Tax Mystery - Inspector Murphy Is On The Case


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Former Prime Minister Tony Blair channelled millions of pounds through a complicated web of companies and paid just a fraction in tax, The Sunday Telegraph reveals




Cue Inspector Murphy

“There is about £8 million which we don’t know where it goes. That money is unexplained. There is no indication at all why the administration costs are so high. What has happened to about £8 million which is being offset against tax?”


“It is in the limited partnership where things really happen. But that is the one Mr Blair keeps secret. We don’t know how much money is in the LP. It is completely hidden. The question is why is Tony Blair running such as a completely secretive organisation?”


Possibly the sqeaking detective is not feeling well, as he has (so far) completely failed to mention or implicate the IOM in this mystery.

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There is no suggestion that Mr Blair’s tax affairs are anything other than legitimate. His accounts are audited by KPMG, one of the world’s biggest accountancy firms.


I guess if he was living here he would have paid a lot less.


Cue Ding Dong to issue an invite for him to become the 7th additional person to take advantage of his tax capping policy.

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I don't think the taxman will find anything wrong eventually with the grinning psychopath's financial affairs when push comes to shove. I would imagine Mr Blair is a little bit further up the Westminster freemasonic lodge than various civil servants who may be doing the investigating.

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I don't think the taxman will find anything wrong eventually with the grinning psychopath's financial affairs when push comes to shove. I would imagine Mr Blair is a little bit further up the Westminster freemasonic lodge than various civil servants who may be doing the investigating.


This face really invites a slap. He's an appalling creature.

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I don't think the taxman will find anything wrong eventually with the grinning psychopath's financial affairs when push comes to shove. I would imagine Mr Blair is a little bit further up the Westminster freemasonic lodge than various civil servants who may be doing the investigating.


This face really invites a slap. He's an appalling creature.


He deserves far, far more than a slap.

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Where's the mystery? Blair's a crook and a conman, doesn't everyone know that already?



Blair, like many HNWI people on the Isle of Man, is using the law to legitimately minimise tax. Our government celebrates these types of people as being good for our economy and for creating wealth on the Island. So why wouldn't we also be celebrating Tony Blair behaving in a similarly legal way - indeed paying more tax than his equivalents would pay here.

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Where's the mystery? Blair's a crook and a conman, doesn't everyone know that already?



Blair, like many HNWI people on the Isle of Man, is using the law to legitimately minimise tax. Our government celebrates these types of people as being good for our economy and for creating wealth on the Island. So why wouldn't we also be celebrating Tony Blair behaving in a similarly legal way - indeed paying more tax than his equivalents would pay here.


Because Blair is a despicable excuse for a human being?? It's always good to slag off that scumbag, regardless of how legal, or otherwise, his financial affairs are.

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What I find ironic is that Blair's financial behaviour (but more so) is what forms a major plank of the IOM economy and we keep on being told how if we did not do this we would be back in the Dark Ages.


So however unlikeable and flawed he is as a person this is precisely how the IOMG believe wealthy people should behave.

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What I find ironic is that Blair's financial behaviour (but more so) is what forms a major plank of the IOM economy and we keep on being told how if we did not do this we would be back in the Dark Ages.


So however unlikeable and flawed he is as a person this is precisely how the IOMG believe wealthy people should behave.


It's a fair point, and there is a fair deal of hypocrisy living on an island that has it's whole ethos based on atttacting wealth 'via the back door' and at the same time denouncing it....however the guy is a scumbag so people should have no problem whatsoever in being hypocritical on that basis. Being honest doesn't have to follow logic.

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I agree with manshimajin on this. Do any of us, regardless of how wealthy or poor we are, want to pay more tax than we are legally required to? If the measures that Blair took are legal, then he is just financially astute or at least well advised. If they are illegal, that's another matter.


Like others who have posted, I loath Blair for embroiling the UK in an unjust war in Iraq, but that isn't the subject of this thread.

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I agree with manshimajin on this. Do any of us, regardless of how wealthy or poor we are, want to pay more tax than we are legally required to? If the measures that Blair took are legal, then he is just financially astute or at least well advised. If they are illegal, that's another matter.


Like others who have posted, I loath Blair for embroiling the UK in an unjust war in Iraq, but that isn't the subject of this thread.


Blair is the subject of this thread. Hang him!

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