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Abortion Usa

Darth Vader

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I was with you up until compulsory terminations and excessive prosecutions Rog...although I'd not agree with letting unwanted babies die after birth either. Mad suggestion.


At this point in time I agree - it would not, and could not be utterly rejected


But ---


It happens now in some cultures


It has happened in the past to anf was a very widespread practice.


It will come about again.

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I absolutely agree that this 13 year old should not be forced to give birth to this child.  But, of course, there are religious zealots the world over.


And, each State of the Union has a different set of laws regarding abortions that affect its citizens.  Abortions are legal, but each State can impose rules of its own.


But Sugar, does not the USA central Government have the right to overrule such state laws if they are considered religiously introduced rather than giving regard to human rights devoid of religious bigotry?


As the USA is devoid of a state religion I would have thought the Government would not allow laws passed on a religious basis.

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As the USA is devoid of a state religion I would have thought the Government would not allow laws passed on a religious basis.


Unless the elected person's campaign was bankrolled by right wing Church groups and they were feeling pressured to give in to their demands?

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The Florida Judge has okayed the procedure.


As they always were going to. They were simply following procedure. Something the simpler and easily outraged couldn't comprehend.

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The Florida Judge has okayed the procedure.


As they always were going to. They were simply following procedure. Something the simpler and easily outraged couldn't comprehend.


For one I am not outraged.


But the judge is basing his judgement on laws fundimentally flawed that do not have regard to human rights but have an element of religious bias in them.


Congratulations for not equally grasping the point.

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Something the simpler and easily outraged couldn't comprehend.


Some people here seem to thrive on shrill outrage.


EDIT: I've noticed a trend lately. Not especially here. But here too. Where people who supported the stupid Iraq war suddenly turn on the US right with respect to other issues. And start coming over all liberal. I see it as trying to fit in.

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The Florida Judge has okayed the procedure.

As they always were going to. They were simply following procedure. Something the simpler and easily outraged couldn't comprehend.

No, not as they were always going to at all. Something the bigoted and vindictive couldn't comprehend.


This is the state that recently conducted a "fight for life" for Terri Schiavo. Remember her? The really stupid thing about all this is that this minor was supposedly in care of the state presumably because her natural parents are somewhat "lacking" shall we say. She absconds from care and gets pregnant - surprise surprise. This tells me she is rather incapable of thinking things through i.e. is somewhat irresponsible. Now some on here make the assumption that all underage mothers are incapable of giving a child a decent upbringing. As far as I am concerned the jury is still out on that one. Sure the vast majority turn out to be real ASBO material, at least over here they are. But some do not.


The telling point seems to be that despite any obvious maturity (i.e. a female has gone beyond puberty) if a minor becomes pregnant then any conception is technically the result of rape. Great "procedure" that one isn't it? Really gives an unborn child a generously fair start in life doesn't it. Does anyone on here remember a chap called Yossarian?


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