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The interesting point is not necessarily the fact the US is requesting this but the fact that other countries (like ours) are rolling over to it. This tells me complicity in fascism at the very highest levels is a very worrying sign for where not just the US but the world is heading. Combine this with all the talk of a global economic collapse and WWIII and it all points to a very similar time back in the 1930's.

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Just another example of where the US is going at the moment.....and it's not pretty.

It's probably the most corrupt place at top level if all the facts were revealed, but that won't happen as people keep dying from suicide or having fatal accidents and such like, especially if they get too close!



Bit of fiction here and who knows, might be a best seller -

It's probably only a matter of time before the place does an iron curtain act, by increasing it's defensive stance, creates and justifies a war and then places new laws and austerity measures which somehow hides the gold, the illegal profits and the stealing from it's people.

Feel sorry for the average US Joe Public though, as they're getting stung all over the place, with various utility rates and such like.


On the brighter side of things, well at least their chemtrails have stopped, just like the UK.

For those who don't know what I'm on about, the UK Government (like US) had the skies sprayed with E.coli, Baccilus Globggi (mimicks anthrax), Zinc cadmium sulphide (causes lung cancer)

(See Norman Baker MP chemtrails for further info)


Bringing up chemtrails on manxforums is tantamount to admitting insanity.

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