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United States Threatens The Internet (And Manxforums)

Max Power

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Max Power


yeah, I know, which is why I suggested google move here, then the US government cant shut them down, same as the chinese government cant shut down services outside china.


it is the world wide web after all smile.png


Soon we'll have two world powers with a very similar internet policy.....very worrying.

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This is all balls, it's not going to happen. America fights for freedom of speech more than most and they are not going to let an insignificant little sector like Entertainment call the shots. Bit like the tail wagging the dog.....

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This is all balls, it's not going to happen. America fights for freedom of speech more than most and they are not going to let an insignificant little sector like Entertainment call the shots. Bit like the tail wagging the dog.....


Wake up.

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You could be right about the size of this and if you are I'll come grovelling on my knees, but the scale and fear factor seems, to me, to be getting blown out of proportion.


Google bought YouTube for $1.65B. Something tells me they are not going to let it be shut down over copyright infringement. Nor are the public going to tolerate any closure of social media sites including Facebook or Twitter because a minority of people are linking to copyrighted materials.


I would however choose to support penalties for sites that allow offensive traffic. The hugely racist and offensive comments routinely left on YouTube are a disgrace. In addition, I have no problem with sites like pirate bay and others being shut down. But any concerns that a site such as Manx Forums could be locked down because a user had provided a link to something downloadable are too much.


Let common sense prevail! thumbsup.gif

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You could be right about the size of this and if you are I'll come grovelling on my knees, but the scale and fear factor seems, to me, to be getting blown out of proportion.


Google bought YouTube for $1.65B. Something tells me they are not going to let it be shut down over copyright infringement. Nor are the public going to tolerate any closure of social media sites including Facebook or Twitter because a minority of people are linking to copyrighted materials.


I would however choose to support penalties for sites that allow offensive traffic. The hugely racist and offensive comments routinely left on YouTube are a disgrace. In addition, I have no problem with sites like pirate bay and others being shut down. But any concerns that a site such as Manx Forums could be locked down because a user had provided a link to something downloadable are too much.


Let common sense prevail! thumbsup.gif


Of course they aren't going to shut down the huge corporations, that's not the point. The point is the act is so generic and woolly that it is open to selective censoring, i.e. any sites that give people information that the mainstream media doesn't. For example news sites that have proper news on and not government propaganda like the BBC, sites like naturalnews which give people health freedom and expose the corrupt relationship between government and the pharmaceutical industry at the expense of our health. It's about censoring the freedom of information, that's the whole point. Most people these days get most of their information via the web, where it is unregulated, and this cannot continue if governments are to maintain the same level of control they have had up to now. The internet is the one last bastion of freedom we have, and that's why they want to take it away.

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Gosh, what will the kids do without the internet? They will have to do things like play outside, read, learn skills. They may even get fit and not need the healthfreak.com.


However, I agree with Mirkin. It will never happen. The amount of industry that has grown up around the internet is far more valuable to the governments that the likes of pharma, etc. It will never happen. A bit like the global warming industry.

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I see the FBI have instigated the arrest of several people in New Zealand over an upload site accused of piracy




It's not about taking down the interned, it's about taking down sites and content they don't like with little chance of due process before or appeal after. A totally legit Spanish music sharing site was off line for over a year before the Yanks allowed them back on the internet.

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It doesn't need to happen on a global scale, what will happen is they will water down the bill and it will go through the back door, as usual. Leaving it so generic that they will be able to pick off sites they don't like at will and do it piecemeal. Rest assured it will come in, whether it has to change it's name, it's reasoning or it's wording.

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I see the FBI have instigated the arrest of several people in New Zealand over an upload site accused of piracy




It's not about taking down the interned, it's about taking down sites and content they don't like with little chance of due process before or appeal after. A totally legit Spanish music sharing site was off line for over a year before the Yanks allowed them back on the internet.

This is a corner of a larger puzzle and there is 'allegedly', more to come later on this year
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I see the FBI have instigated the arrest of several people in New Zealand over an upload site accused of piracy




It's not about taking down the interned, it's about taking down sites and content they don't like with little chance of due process before or appeal after. A totally legit Spanish music sharing site was off line for over a year before the Yanks allowed them back on the internet.

This is a corner of a larger puzzle and there is 'allegedly', more to come later on this year


Spot on.

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The UK have signed the ACTA treaty.


Read about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Counterfeiting_Trade_Agreement


Specifically: "The treaty calls for the creation of an "ACTA committee" to make amendments, for which public or judicial review are not required."


The Committee consisting of not limited to:

  • RIAA
  • MPAA


This is the biggest attack on a free and open medium the Gov's previously had NO power over. This is now not the case. The internet was our last real "free press".



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