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Hunting Ban Free Vote In The Commons


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With this vote now in the pipeline, I would be interested in the forum members thoughts and views on this emotive subject. May I start the ball rolling by saying the sooner this unworkable & unenforceable legislation is removed, the better.

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With this vote now in the pipeline, I would be interested in the forum members thoughts and views on this emotive subject. May I start the ball rolling by saying the sooner this unworkable & unenforceable legislation is removed, the better.


I think the anti-hunt chums should be allowed to hunt the hunters, that's what happened when I was at university; finally we got hunting banned as it should be.

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I would amend the law so it is workable and enforcable!


If hunting is the only/best way to control fox numbers then I would propose that hunting is allowed but that say with a maximum of 4 or 5 participants. I do not have a rose tinted view of the countryside and animals and appreciate that some have to be controlled but I do not agree that controlling and killing animals should be by way of a spectator sport/social occasion. So if necessary, yes hunt with dogs and huntsman on or off horseback but not with all the hunt followers participating

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An aside here


I find it strange that people express outrage at the alleged suffering of a fox yet when euthenasia is mentioned, the majority seem in favour of prolonging suffering in people.

Various fairy tale books are waved and we are lectured on morals by the church - ha ha hypocritical or what


No excuse to willingly or through inaction let anything suffer

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Wheels, when they come to put me down I trust that it will not be by having my throat ripped out by hounds after they have chased me across country. I'll stick with the jab thanks....


I don't reall have a strong position on this - Oscar Wilde was probably right when he described hunting as the unspeakable chasing the uneatable.


The argument that fox hunting is a good way to control foxes seems to me to be manifest, arrant nonsense. When you look at the costs and upkeep of a pack of hounds, horses and a set of hunting pinks or greens, all to catch one or two wee beasties it cannot be a sound economic argument. A skilled rifleman with a few bullets is much cheaper, quicker and better VFM. And that overlooks the damage a Hunt can cause to farmer's property.


Apart from which foxes seem to have become urban (urbane?) creatures these days.

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With this vote now in the pipeline, I would be interested in the forum members thoughts and views on this emotive subject. May I start the ball rolling by saying the sooner this unworkable & unenforceable legislation is removed, the better.


Genuine question, what makes you say it is unworkable & unenforceable legislation? Do you think the flaws you perceive could be readily resolved?

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Talking of Urbane Foxes

Here's a short but informative film on safety at the seaside from the ever helpful Central Office Of Information


Possibly BB might consider taking the helm as regards the IOM Drug And Alcohol Strategy as he seems quite sensible


Anyway back on topic IIRC the old argument about fox hunting being a long established tradition in the countryside uniting all classes blah blah blah is always wheeled out as an excuse.

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With this vote now in the pipeline, I would be interested in the forum members thoughts and views on this emotive subject. May I start the ball rolling by saying the sooner this unworkable & unenforceable legislation is removed, the better.


Genuine question, what makes you say it is unworkable & unenforceable legislation? Do you think the flaws you perceive could be readily resolved?

Unworkable because of the many & large loopholes the hunts get through. i.e. fox "accidently" killed when the hounds pull off the drag scent onto a fox or only pretending to lay a scent in the first place. Hunts using large hawks to kill the fox etc.

Unenforceable because frankly the police could not give a shite and have far more pressing things to worry about. Couple that with the great difficulty in obtaining a prosecution ( 5 since 2005) it makes the whole subject laughable.

I would resolve the issue by overturning the ban.

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In todays most popular daily news paper an article on badger baiting, banned since 1835, which appears to be still very popular with a certain section of a very sick society. If animals must be culled it should be done the most painless and humane method possible.

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If animals must be culled it should be done the most painless and humane method possible.

Agreed 100%

Agreed 110% - particularly if the same method is going to be used to euthanise me...


I do think that a Hunt looks magnificent - particularly in Ireland. The Green looks far better IMO than the Pink.


OTOH I have a happy recollection of being in the garden of a farm house in Ireland and stretching down without thinking to pat the red dog that had come up to my feet. As my eyes followed the movement of my arm I discovered the 'dog' I was patting was in fact a fox (well a vixen as it turned out). She did not disturb the livestock there as she was fed by the farmer with lamb chops and the like.


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An aside here


I find it strange that people express outrage at the alleged suffering of a fox yet when euthenasia is mentioned, the majority seem in favour of prolonging suffering in people.

Various fairy tale books are waved and we are lectured on morals by the church - ha ha hypocritical or what


No excuse to willingly or through inaction let anything suffer

Yes, you are right. People don't give much of a shit of poverty and starvation across the world. But then this is a situation where people can quickly and easily put a stop to others causing suffering.

Additionally, you can point out hundreds of hypocrisies in how people behave, such as their tastes in eating meat and keeping animals in zoos. In our current stage of moral understanding, we just don't like suffering when it is severe.

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I'll nail my colours to the mast here be stating I have no interest whatever in fox hunting. But I am an ardent fieldsports supporter & participtant. What annoys me about this "law" is that by association, all types of hunting are reprehensible in the eyes of the urban public.


Thankfully, due in part to that great streak of delinquency in the hunting fraternity, the ban has pretty much been ignored. Many, many hunts have reported significant membership increase, post ban. I do however, believe the result of a free vote will be too close call and the uneasy truce between hunts & the authorities will continue.

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