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They Wouldn't Listen To David Nutt, What About Richard Branson?


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True its not the drugs its the people. The weak willed people that cant say no


Exactly. Someone at a party once said to me, "Here's an enormous line of cocaine for you. Are you going to pass on it?" Well, I'm not weak willed, so I replied, "No. I'm not." Of course, I was extremely lucky not to immediately die and that. Probably.

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Gazza, stop reading the Daily Mail. The taking of drugs has nothing to do with will, it's all about choice, there are millions of people taking drugs all the time, a small minority of them CHOOSE to become drug addicts, it should not come as a surprise to anyone taking cocaine/heroin/whatever on a daily basis that they wind up with a problem. David Nutt recently raised a good point regarding psychedelic drugs, MDMA and LSD and psilocybin might have positive medical purposes however, because of the legal status of the substances their uses are not explored, I'd be game for trying E's for SAD :)

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Gazza, stop reading the Daily Mail. The taking of drugs has nothing to do with will, it's all about choice, there are millions of people taking drugs all the time, a small minority of them CHOOSE to become drug addicts, it should not come as a surprise to anyone taking cocaine/heroin/whatever on a daily basis that they wind up with a problem. David Nutt recently raised a good point regarding psychedelic drugs, MDMA and LSD and psilocybin might have positive medical purposes however, because of the legal status of the substances their uses are not explored, I'd be game for trying E's for SAD smile.png


dont read the papers wink.png


Will and choice come hand in hand.

you make the choice to take them or you dont. The will power as it is named decides if we keep on taking them.

Sometimes the person finds that there life feels so much better when on drugs they just keep taking them, how ever much they want to stop and make a clean go of it there allways drawn back into that world where its so much better for them at the time.

Others just like the rush but know they have to control it.


Its the same with drink, some of us enjoy it but know we have to keep it in cheeck, others that life is so much better when pissed than sober.

Branson has a point.

Most addacits and not all i must add will have some sort of problem they are hiding from, the drink or drugs hides that problem puishers it to the back of there mind, off there face they dont care.

so just dealing with the addiction is only the first step, to stop it from happing again u have to get to the route of the problem.

but then some people dont want to be saved. If they cant first hel[p themselfs with a little guide then noboody can help them,

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Some of what Gazza says rings a bell with me. After a relationship broke down, I found myself using 'enhancements' more and more. I've never been too fussed on alcohol - it too often makes me sick when I have too much - but I did try a few other things. I also, I think, used them as an excuse for what I considered out-of-character behaviour, although its possible that they may have just enabled me to have the nerve to do some of the things I actually fancied trying.

Gradually, I used them less and less, finding that I preferred to have more control over what I was doing and acknowledging that I was doing things - even things that some would regard as 'wrong' - because they were what I wanted to do rather than things that drugs made me do.

I still drink - in moderation - and I have the occasional spliff; but I can understand how emotional problems etc could easily lead to addiction.

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I'm thinking that any innovation on legislation is this area is not going to be led by the IOM


They've only just stopped persecuting gays and they're probably still pissed off that they aren't allowed to burn witches anymore

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Well, quite patently the current drugs policy has failed, in the UK and in the IoM. Cannabis is more or less as widespread as alcohol, and other intoxicants are freely available. Police effort is wasted on trying to keep the finger in the dyke, maybe we could save money on policing. Cannabis we should simply allow to be sold and levy taxes. Others all decriminalized, and harmful abuse treated as a medical problem just like alcohol.


IoM surely could lead the way. If legislation went before the Queen, it would probable trigger a huge public debate in the UK media and government, and I think the door is just waiting to be shoved open.

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