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Oldham School Planned With All Ex-Forces Staff


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   /n. ˈrɛdʒthinsp.pngəthinsp.pngmənt; v. ˈrɛdʒthinsp.pngəˌmɛnt/ dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif Show IPA


verb (used with object)



to manage or treat in a rigid, uniform manner; subject to strict discipline.


to form into a regiment or regiments.


to assign to a regiment or group.


to form into an organized group, usually for the purpose of rigid or complete control.


Right, which is what schools should have.

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Do you accept that a person's ability to express their individuality is reduced in a regimented environment than one that is not?

I am simply amazed at the unqualified unquantified statements that this person makes.

A persons individuality is not reduced in a regimented environment (at least in HM forces) - the regimented environment exists principally to nurture teamwork, enhance confidence and serves to promote friendship, respect and honour.

I'm going to bet you have never served (and never will) in HM forces, you would otherwise appreciate how misinformed you are.

An apology might be in order for those you have insulted.

To address the point of the thread - I would suggest the concept will only serve to create the same teamwork, respect, friendship and honour that those who have served, have experienced and will never forget.

Nobody but nobody can deny this until it is (or isn't) proven by application.

Please think before attacking the keyboard venomously - it might even be worth trying to find something more constructive to do.

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Why do kids need to be given a "good" reason to go school? More wooley arsed thinking LDV.

You and Ballaughbiker, it's like talking to kids.

I haven't mentioned about kids being given good reasons for going to school, but I am discussing the matter of how they accept the authority of the school. Why should they accept the schools without question and what problems does that cause for the child in future when it comes to being presented to any individual or institution that claims to have authority over them.


All too often the emphasis is on choice for children. Do you remember the last time you said no to your parents as a child? I don't because I did as I was told (or got a whoop on the backside and soon adjusted my thinking).
So your parents were your school and teachers? Obviously not, so why mention parents?


Parents have no authority over their children and as a result neither has society.
You probably have a good point there.


I read this weekend that one of the MPs in favour of bringing in the anti-smacking laws is now re-thinking his position. Bit late if you ask me.

Yes, I know. He is an idiot who think there is a link between not smacking kids and the riots.
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I am simply amazed at the unqualified unquantified statements that this person makes.

A persons individuality is not reduced in a regimented environment (at least in HM forces) - the regimented environment exists principally to nurture teamwork, enhance confidence and serves to promote friendship, respect and honour.

In a regimented environment, people behave in a very structured and patterned matter, almost always as a result of being directed by an authority. This means the person has less ability to express themselves through making their own choices and decisions. Ordered and systematic behaviour in tandem is indicative of a situation where people are not expressing their individuality as they would otherwise do so. And it even extends to clothing where people look the same or very similar and cannot express their individuality through what they wear.

It is an example of where the person must forgoe expression of individuality for the sake of the group or team.

If there wasn't regimentation, the military would hardly be able to function.


An apology might be in order for those you have insulted.

Oh the arrogance. Seriously, go fuck yourself.
To address the point of the thread - I would suggest the concept will only serve to create the same teamwork, respect, friendship and honour that those who have served, have experienced and will never forget.

Yes, it may well do that. And such things may be very desirable, but it is not relevant to my point about regimentation and regimented behaviour.
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I haven't mentioned about kids being given good reasons for going to school, but I am discussing the matter of how they accept the authority of the school. Why should they accept the schools without question and what problems does that cause for the child in future when it comes to being presented to any individual or institution that claims to have authority over them.

How would you do it?


What if the school or way you teach is not accepted by the child, what then?

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I read this weekend that one of the MPs in favour of bringing in the anti-smacking laws is now re-thinking his position. Bit late if you ask me.

Yes, I know. He is an idiot who think there is a link between not smacking kids and the riots.


Really? Its not just the riots though is it? It is the whole youth culture today (granted not every child is a knife wielding arsonist mugger). Its (apparently) cool to be anti-authority today, but 99% don't know why they are anti-authority.


I'm wondering how your going to put a whole generation of wayward kids on the naughty step when burning and looting is acceptable behaviour to them?

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I haven't mentioned about kids being given good reasons for going to school, but I am discussing the matter of how they accept the authority of the school. Why should they accept the schools without question and what problems does that cause for the child in future when it comes to being presented to any individual or institution that claims to have authority over them.

How would you do it?


What if the school or way you teach is not accepted by the child, what then?


Indeed. How many kids give a flying hoop about learning mathematics when all they are interested in is Xbox and Facebook? If you give them a choice Xbox is going to win hands down compared to quadratic equations and trig. But you can't use Xbox as a marketable skill on a CV can you?


This is why the choice is taken out of the hands of the child, because for the most part they do not have the forward thinking as for what is best for their (potential) future.

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No, it isn't just the riots. But THIS person thinks the riots are a result of bad parents and makes a link with smacking. That sounds silly to me.


Well firstly, kids or adults must question all forms of authority. All forms of authority must demonstrate why they must be obeyed or they should be ignored and challenged. The better way to think is to address each aspect of authority in our lives and question whether it has given enough justification for its presence and power.


But the anti-authoritatian of children may simply have come about from a natural and perfectly understandable reaction to any authority been the authority of parents was lax and non-existent in childhood. If people are not presented with an unanswerable authority by way of their parents then they will probably react other authorities with disregard or criticism. The latter is completely fine and healthy, the former poses problems, as some authorities are warranted and necessary.


I would assume that anti-authoritiarian minded kids would know why they are against authority. They would answer 'Who are they to be telling me what to do?'. And that would be the right question. The authority has to explain itself and deserve obedience.

I would say that those who would not class themselves as anti-authoritarian are the ones likely to be clueless about why their default position is obedience.


In any case, I think the whole issue of the problems of crime in society are more complex than anti-authoritarian. That is just a natural reaction to upbringing. It is a good thing, but when coupled with a disregard for other's feelings, interests, emotional/physical integrity and worth you then have a problem.

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