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Wanted: Student Seeking Part-Time Work

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My daughter, 18 in March, is keen to do part-time work to start saving for studying an international relations/politics degree in university in September. She is happy to consider waitressing, shop or pub .,work, general assistance etc and would be able to work after school on Friday and Saturday, or perhaps Sunday. Has previous experience of office work and is multilingual. Lives in central Douglas. Please PM me with any thoughts/suggestions/offers of work! Thank you.

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Ring up the tourist board, airport, steam packet and MHK responsible for all these. They all certainly could do with the help.

Edited for butterfingers

Thanks, Addie. Good idea but I'm inclined to think they would want people who would be able to work longer hours than she could. Still, that might not be the case and will look into this. Thanks for the reply.

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ok maybe i approached this the wrong way.


your daughter needs work at specific times i.e evenings, weekends etc. so go to (or call) the specific businesses that operate in these hours, ask to speak to the manager and enquire directly. good luck,

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is multilingual.

Noticed in the paper or somewhere recently that Pets at Home are looking for part time weekend staff. Might be worth her checking it out.

Dr Doolittle?


Has she perhaps considered the STEP programme? - government run it in summer for University people (going to or on holiday from University I believe). Paid internship for the summer months. They have just advertised for applicants.


Get the money together all at once over the summer - and maybe pick up some useful background for her proposed degree?

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Has she perhaps considered the STEP programme? - government run it in summer for University people (going to or on holiday from University I believe). Paid internship for the summer months. They have just advertised for applicants.


Get the money together all at once over the summer - and maybe pick up some useful background for her proposed degree?

My daughter is in the same situation (going to uni in september hopefully, and also wanting to study the same subject) - I've just had a look at the STEP page on gov.im and it only seems to be for second year or penultimate year undergraduates

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