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Wanted: Student Seeking Part-Time Work

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Has she perhaps considered the STEP programme? - government run it in summer for University people (going to or on holiday from University I believe). Paid internship for the summer months. They have just advertised for applicants.

Get the money together all at once over the summer - and maybe pick up some useful background for her proposed degree?

My daughter is in the same situation (going to uni in september hopefully, and also wanting to study the same subject) - I've just had a look at the STEP page on gov.im and it only seems to be for second year or penultimate year undergraduates

That's a shame. Thank you though, guys, for your thoughts.

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It might be worth writing off to lots of different companies with CVs, including a pre addressed and stamped letter. That's how I got my holiday job before Uni, and they've had me back every Summer and Easter since. I wrote letters to pretty much everyone in the yellow pages, but it was worth it. It's likely she'll get on better than I did if she has a language (yes, I know and better grammar skills fnar fnar fnar.)

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It might be worth writing off to lots of different companies with CVs, including a pre addressed and stamped letter. That's how I got my holiday job before Uni, and they've had me back every Summer and Easter since. I wrote letters to pretty much everyone in the yellow pages, but it was worth it. It's likely she'll get on better than I did if she has a language (yes, I know and better grammar skills fnar fnar fnar.)


i suggested this to this user on the last page, it is nice to see someone else fortifying this direct approach technique and not a "get your mum" to do it tactic on a forum page!

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It might be worth writing off to lots of different companies with CVs, including a pre addressed and stamped letter. That's how I got my holiday job before Uni, and they've had me back every Summer and Easter since. I wrote letters to pretty much everyone in the yellow pages, but it was worth it. It's likely she'll get on better than I did if she has a language (yes, I know and better grammar skills fnar fnar fnar.)


Thanks very much for the replies/posts. I'm really pleased we were able to get sorted so quickly here.


Jumped up: Your serious 'momma' issues are showing. LOL. whatever.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have to agree with Jumped up, I'm afraid, as a previous employer, anyone contacting me through their mummy wouldn't get past the waste paper bin! Trust her to have her own abilities, pride and integrity to go forth into the world with head held high ... How in gods name will she cope alone in Uni if you keep wrapping her in cotton wool ... She sounds delightful ... Let the world see that ... Good luck to her, I'm sure she will fly free and be proud :-)

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