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The Times Safer Streets Cycling Campaign


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added their names alongside the Olympic champion cyclists Sir Chris Hoy, Bradley Wiggins, Rebecca Romero, Victoria Pendleton and Chris Boardman, the world champion cyclist Mark Cavendish, the TV presenters Gabby Logan and Jon Snow, the actress Olivia Williams, and all major candidates for the London mayoral elections.


Big photo of the man himself on the front page of Fridays Times as well

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someone should have words with the local manx cyclists.


2 of them in full high vis gear, helmets, lights etc. yet they repeatedly ride on the footpath outside the gaiety and other places. i've yet to see them on the road where they should be. both are well over 40 years old.


another one went through the red lights at the top of bray hill, he got a bit upset when a car that nearly killed him blows it's horn at him. language and gestures from the cyclist was colourfull to say the least.


people riding the cycles along strand street in the middle of the day on saturday.


cyclists riding 2, 3 or 4 abreast blocking the road and preventing traffic from safely overtaking them, so putting themselves into danger.


the cyclist who came along the prom on the road, got to the zebra crossings at the gaiety, then turned sharp right across the zebra crossing. no signal, no looking or anything.


basic road sense, use of the highway code etc, people should be able to report them for dangerous riding etc.

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someone should have words with the local manx cyclists.


Pavement riding (tick)

Red light jumping (tick)

Four abreast (tick)

Don't pay road tax


3/4, good try.



good try for what? have no problem with them paying or not paying road tax or anything like that.

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good try for what? have no problem with them paying or not paying road tax or anything like that.


How about if they ride five abreast? Or six! Or sideways taking up both lanes?


I saw someone bump into an old lady while walking past the Strand Centre today, someone should have a world with the local manx pedestrians too.

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taken from the highway code, clear rules


rule 64

You MUST NOT cycle on a pavement.

[Laws HA 1835 sect 72 & R(S)A 1984, sect 129]


so all of the cyclists on the path are in the wrong, TICK




You should

  • never ride more than two abreast, and ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends
  • be considerate of other road users, particularly blind and partially sighted pedestrians. Let them know you are there when necessary, for example, by ringing your bell if you have one. It is recommended that a bell be fitted

riding more than 2 abreast. TICK





  • ride in a dangerous, careless or inconsiderate manner
  • ride when under the influence of drink or drugs, including medicine

[Law RTA 1988 sects 24, 26, 28, 29 & 30 as amended by RTA 1991]


Dangerous riding etc, TICK



You MUST obey all traffic signs and traffic light signals.

[Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD reg 10(1)]




You MUST NOT cross the stop line when the traffic lights are red. Some junctions have an advanced stop line to enable you to wait and position yourself ahead of other traffic (see Rule 178).

[Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD regs 10 & 36(1)]



jumping red lights, stop signs etc, TICK

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lol, i'm sure that there are good ones, but there are also some very bad ones.


And there's dickhead drivers, etc. My reason for taking the piss is the assumption that all cyclists are as described, they're simply not.


In cyclists defence: I spend a lot of time on my bike, and I've yet to see the imaginary 'three or four abreast' cycling troup that appears here and on manx radio phone in shows. Cyclists in groups can be fustrating to be behind, but a group in two's is a lot quicker to pass than a line of single cyclists. It's also much safer for the cyclists to ride in pairs, and they're the ones not protected by a metal box.


Agree with you riding on the pavement, no need. But then I get plenty of people yelling at me to get off the road.


Red lights shouldn't be ignored, but occasionally it is safer if you can see clearly to get away before it changes so you're not caught up by a left hand turner beside or behind you.

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Red lights shouldn't be ignored, but occasionally it is safer if you can see clearly to get away before it changes so you're not caught up by a left hand turner beside or behind you.



but you've just said that you'd say you were a good cyclist, yet your perfectly willing to admit breaking the law by going through a red light? so slight contradiction there! !

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lost count of the number of

red lights jumped


near misses with pedestrians, cars, police cars etc

wrong side of the road

wrong way up one way streets

overtaking on the wrong side

how many laws they broke, including probably speeding


why the hell did the police car not do anything about them? ? ?


how come they only fell off in the car park at the begining? ? ?



ok, how long before someone tots up the number of laws broken lmao



but on a slightly controversial note, good bike skills lol

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