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Failing Well


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A top girls' school is planning a "failure week" to teach pupils to embrace risk, build resilience and learn from their mistakes.

The emphasis will be on the value of having a go, rather than playing it safe and perhaps achieving less.


I think this is a good idea

It will help build a realsitic outlook and counter the new sports day no winners all inclusive mindset which really isn't based on anything other than making sure nobody comes second


Which isn't to my mind a practical outlook to foster bearing in mind that life isn't really like that



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I agree about the course. To be fair, I think most schools do still play competitive sports, although at my nephew's sports day everyone ends up with a prize. That is at infants school, though, and perhaps the concept of winners and losers and people being good at different things needs to fed in just a little later in life.

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Hurrah for common-sense!!!

At last the political correctness at not being able to fail has been turned round and about time too.

There has to be winners and losers and no-one really likes to lose, but in a contest, someone has to win. This is like real life and kids should be taught about failure, as also the ideals of winning every time. The main thing is, to learn by any mistakes made, understand where influences have taken place and to try again, a lot like Robert the Bruce and the spider.


So good on you Wimbledon High School and if others follow suit, then this should be encouraged.

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