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'unacceptable' Uk Can't Deport Abu Qatada


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He's worth more to the UK being here than abroad. It helps them with their phony 'war on terror' if they can keep wheeling stories like this out every so often to get the masses angry and justify ever more increasing 'security' activities. I'm sure we'll get even more of these stories hitting the headlines the nearer we get to the Olympics, to keep us all in fear and looking over our shoulders at those big, bad muslims just itching to do us harm around every stadium or athletics track.


But the of course if something does happen, you'll be the first one to tell us it was the nasty government fakeing it to add more fuel to the terrorist fire.


Some tin foil hats are just too tight...

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He's worth more to the UK being here than abroad. It helps them with their phony 'war on terror' if they can keep wheeling stories like this out every so often to get the masses angry and justify ever more increasing 'security' activities. I'm sure we'll get even more of these stories hitting the headlines the nearer we get to the Olympics, to keep us all in fear and looking over our shoulders at those big, bad muslims just itching to do us harm around every stadium or athletics track.


But the of course if something does happen, you'll be the first one to tell us it was the nasty government fakeing it to add more fuel to the terrorist fire.


Some tin foil hats are just too tight...


Of course, you wouldn't expect anything less.

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He's worth more to the UK being here than abroad. It helps them with their phony 'war on terror' if they can keep wheeling stories like this out every so often to get the masses angry and justify ever more increasing 'security' activities. I'm sure we'll get even more of these stories hitting the headlines the nearer we get to the Olympics, to keep us all in fear and looking over our shoulders at those big, bad muslims just itching to do us harm around every stadium or athletics track.



phoney war on terror? ? ? ?


amongst others there is


the september bomb attacks in london

the lockerbie bombing

the shoe bomber



sorry but there isn't anything phoney about that. perhaps if it is so phoney you should move to afghanistan or some country like that. i'm sure that you would receive a warm welcome of one sort or another

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He's worth more to the UK being here than abroad. It helps them with their phony 'war on terror' if they can keep wheeling stories like this out every so often to get the masses angry and justify ever more increasing 'security' activities. I'm sure we'll get even more of these stories hitting the headlines the nearer we get to the Olympics, to keep us all in fear and looking over our shoulders at those big, bad muslims just itching to do us harm around every stadium or athletics track.



phoney war on terror? ? ? ?


amongst others there is


the september bomb attacks in london

the lockerbie bombing

the shoe bomber



sorry but there isn't anything phoney about that. perhaps if it is so phoney you should move to afghanistan or some country like that. i'm sure that you would receive a warm welcome of one sort or another


You keep on lapping it all up my friend, you are a model citizen. Always remember, your government loves you.

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Yes Lxxx all those imaginary terrorists , there's no need for our governement to be concerned at all , I mean when all those bombs went bang in the centre of London it wasn't really a bunch of fanatical Muslims with a grudge against the west , nothing to see hear just move along. I suppose the IRA don't really exist either and that was all bollocks fed to us by our glorious leaders as they carried out their sinister plot to destabilise Ireland and get cheaper spuds for all . Are we still allowed to call them terrorists or are they all insurgents now ? Whatever the fuck an insurgent is ?

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Yes Lxxx all those imaginary terrorists , there's no need for our governement to be concerned at all , I mean when all those bombs went bang in the centre of London it wasn't really a bunch of fanatical Muslims with a grudge against the west , nothing to see hear just move along. I suppose the IRA don't really exist either and that was all bollocks fed to us by our glorious leaders as they carried out their sinister plot to destabilise Ireland and get cheaper spuds for all . Are we still allowed to call them terrorists or are they all insurgents now ? Whatever the fuck an insurgent is ?


Its not that there imaginary terrorists, but some think, like lxxx does is that the terrorists really are all sent up by fbi/cia MI5 mossad, which ever one you want to pick.

So its a phony war because they belive that the gov of the west have set up and funded these people to wage a war on terror as a way to impose laws and control over there own population.

make of that as you will

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I don't doubt there are nasty people out there who don't like the western way of life and resent the fact that we invade their countries, rape their lands of natural resources and also in some cases rape their women and commit other war crimes. But do I think that the threat of these people lurking round every street corner waiting to exact revenge, whether that be at a sports event or on a train, is overblown in order to fulfil a political agenda? Absolutely. Do I also think that our security services play a part in fostering these 'extremists' in order to keep this threat very real, in order to have a bogeyman to always focus the public's fear on? 100%.

I don't think you need to be wearing a tin foil hat to be able to critically analyse society today and come to a realisation that all is not as is portayed on auntie beeb and murdoch's empire.

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to be honest, theres less chance of a attack now, then there was at the hight of the IRA,

britain allways has had that threat, this is no diffrent than any other time in the uk history really.

its just the people forget and the papers need headlines,


why let i worry you, lifes gos on.

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to be honest, theres less chance of a attack now, then there was at the hight of the IRA,

britain allways has had that threat, this is no diffrent than any other time in the uk history really.

its just the people forget and the papers need headlines,


why let i worry you, lifes gos on.


Very true.

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I don't doubt there are nasty people out there who don't like the western way of life and resent the fact that we invade their countries, rape their lands of natural resources and also in some cases rape their women and commit other war crimes. But do I think that the threat of these people lurking round every street corner waiting to exact revenge, whether that be at a sports event or on a train, is overblown in order to fulfil a political agenda? Absolutely. Do I also think that our security services play a part in fostering these 'extremists' in order to keep this threat very real, in order to have a bogeyman to always focus the public's fear on? 100%.

I don't think you need to be wearing a tin foil hat to be able to critically analyse society today and come to a realisation that all is not as is portayed on auntie beeb and murdoch's empire.

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Well I for one won't be anywhere hear London or any Olympic venues

to be honest, theres less chance of a attack now, then there was at the hight of the IRA,

britain allways has had that threat, this is no diffrent than any other time in the uk history really.

its just the people forget and the papers need headlines,


why let i worry you, lifes gos on.


Although having said that I can't see them letting the Olympics go by without using that opportunity to further their agenda in some way, shape or form.

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phoney war on terror? ? ? ?


amongst others there is


the september bomb attacks in london 2005

the lockerbie bombing 1988

the shoe bomber 2001





The point I am trying to make is that yes, there are nasty people out there who don't like me or you, but the hype surrounding it is massively disproportionate to the risk involved. Open your eyes and use a bit of critical thought.

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