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'unacceptable' Uk Can't Deport Abu Qatada


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Its all well and good showing a pretty little graphic but it proves fuck all I bet the same infograph wouldn't be the same if it was applied to Baghdad or Kabul . Yes it shows some things that are more likely to happen than death by terrorism and you could argue that other than the death by police in that graph that all of them are basically forces of nature or disease or accident . What the graph dosn't show is that any of those risks can be greatly reduced , eg you can probably greatly reduce your chances of electrocution by installing RCDs in your house and making sure that electrical goods are in good order etc .

To me , deporting Al Qatada is a similar step , at the end of the day the bloke gets on his soapbox and preaches hate against the infidel , yes it's easy to dismiss him as a harmless raving nutter and that nobody really takes notice of him anyway , say he gets up everyday and gets an audience of say 20-30 people listening to his rantings , even if just 1 of those listeners decides that he is going to go blow himself up in the town centre then the risk has suddenly became higher . To me removing the risk no matter how small is preferable to just leaving it here going ah it's not going to happen , a bit like getting a mole checked out because it looks slightly different or would you just ignore it because it hasn't done anything yet ?


Baghdad or Kabul? You mean the places where the British and American played empire building and left it in such a mess that it is now rife with the very same threats we now have to be so fearful of in Britain and the US? Funny that hey.


As for Al Qatada, no-one on here is sticking up for him and saying he should be allowed to spout his hatred on his soapbox, indeed my point is that he is ALLOWED to stir up this racial tension for a reason, he is given media exposure for a reason, and he has quite possibly struck a deal with our security services to do so for a reason.....to keep the very threat of terrorism at the forefront of peoples minds. The world of intelligence is made up of bluff, double bluff and triple bluff so he may not even realise he is being used as a pawn, or he may be compliant, who knows?

But by doing what he is doing it is allowing the public to discuss it on forums like these, in workplaces, in pubs and in society in general, and if they get it blasted at them 24/7 by a compliant media too then you get your 'moral panic' which works well for societal conditioning and keeps an ever-present threat of a bogeyman around every corner. An open mind on this one would indicate that their is maybe more to this story than meets the eye.

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terroism by it's very definition is to cause the maximum amount of chaos and panic.


the muslim ones are actually twisting the teachings of the koran into something that it is not. it is they're own misguided interpretations of the koran.


muslims are one of the most hospitable, understanding, etc of all the people in the world. the vast majority just want to get on with they're lives in peace.


i can say this from a first hand experience and yes i'm white, roman catholic, british, educated.

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An open mind on this one would indicate that their is maybe more to this story than meets the eye.

A possibility. But what does it matter in terms of what to do in this case? Do you think the man is possibly being coerced?




terroism by it's very definition is to cause the maximum amount of chaos and panic
No, it isn't. What definition are you using?


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going to cost how much? ? ?




'Effective solution'

Downing Street said "all the options" for removing Abu Qatada from the UK were being considered.

"We will take all measures necessary to protect the public," said a No 10 spokesman on Monday.

"We are committed to removing him from the country. We want to see him deported."


just take the guy to the airport and not worry about it later.

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