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Football Antics


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Would you shake the hand of a man who had had you suspended for 6 matches and fined £40,000. I am sure as hell I wouldn't its about time these footballers started acting like men instead of prima donnas, a bit of name calling should be ignored not made a big deal of Patrice is an absolute disgrace and is just playing the race card, shame on him.

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Suarez should have shook Evra's hand. By not doing so he let his club, manager and the fans down. He doesn't even dispute Evra's version of the events, just the interpretation that he meant the words he used racially. It's not Evra's fault that the F.A. made that intrepretation. The club have supported him to the hilt, and given him the benefit of the doubt. The club has gone out on a limb to support him, damaged its reputation in the process. And the first chance he gets he repays the faith they've shown in him by doing that.

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As an organisation LFC's handling of the whole issue has been absolutely lamentable. In fact, it's difficult to see how they could have made it any worse if they had tried. The team turning out wearing Suarez shirts sent out entirely the wrong message i.e. if he get's done for it we're basically displaying that we support racism. I have a lot of respect for Kenny Dalglish, despite signing Carroll, but to keep it all festering was just stupid. Claiming he should never have been banned in the first place just keeps it rumbling on. And if he felt that strongly about it why didn't they appeal? I saw the last 20 minutes of the game and then in the post match interview to hear Dalglish claim he didn't know Suarez had refused Evra's hand was just beyond belief. And then to state none of it was Suarez's fault just made him look even more out of touch with reality.


But now LFC are caught in the snake-pit they've dug for themselves. Tomorrow the papers will be full of stories about Suarez insulting Evra yet again. Talk about not thinking it through....

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Would you shake the hand of a man who had had you suspended for 6 matches and fined £40,000. I am sure as hell I wouldn't its about time these footballers started acting like men instead of prima donnas, a bit of name calling should be ignored not made a big deal of Patrice is an absolute disgrace and is just playing the race card, shame on him.


I'm old enough to remember when men played football and when penalties were given not won. It seems strange to me that it is perfectly acceptable to wind someone up by insulting them or their family in order to get a reaction . If someone behaved like that to me I would have no hesitation in "blanking" them and refusing to acknowledge them in any way . Life is too short to waste time with people like that .

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A football thread in International News.


Borg, assimilation etc...

Yes, I know. It should be in the Leisure and Sport section, but Hissingsid (for some reason) thinks it belongs here. Although, there are equally trivial subjects posted in the International News section.


Though on the subject, I find it strange that people expect otherwise of footballers. Of course they are prima donnas and we shouldn't expect anything less. People are so passionate about football that it is unsurprising that such people are vain and have huge egos. And if we are going to discuss their antics, just shows how important some think they are.

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Suarez and Dalglish have now apologised for their behaviour yesterday.


Suarez for not being man enough to behave in a civilised and conciliatory manner when presented with the opportunity, Dalglish for behaving like a smalltime thug and staring out Geoff Shreeves (compare this to Sir Alex's statesmanlike interview after the same game and we can see that there is a world of class between the two "fellow Scots")


So that's OK then!


Classless w*nkers the pair of them.

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"statesmanlike" my ass. Alec Ferguson is a cheat and a hypocrite. This "statesman" refused to talk to the national broadcaster for years because of an entirely accurate documentary about his son; has rewarded, with the captain's armband, a player who committed ABH against a supporter, a player who "hates scousers", a player who missed a drugs test and organised questionable parties (and, of course, tried to hush up his adultery with a superinjunction) and a player who slept with his brother's wife (another superinjunction). The red faced manipulator has no business telling LFC who should play for them - he should just shut up.

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Suarez and Dalglish have now apologised for their behaviour yesterday.


Suarez for not being man enough to behave in a civilised and conciliatory manner when presented with the opportunity, Dalglish for behaving like a smalltime thug and staring out Geoff Shreeves (compare this to Sir Alex's statesmanlike interview after the same game and we can see that there is a world of class between the two "fellow Scots")


So that's OK then!


Classless w*nkers the pair of them.


I am a Man U - but Ferguson's comments were ridiculous and inflammatory - what business of his is it whether players are selected for Liverpool, never mind whether they should play "ever again"

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Suarez and Dalglish have now apologised for their behaviour yesterday.


Suarez for not being man enough to behave in a civilised and conciliatory manner when presented with the opportunity, Dalglish for behaving like a smalltime thug and staring out Geoff Shreeves (compare this to Sir Alex's statesmanlike interview after the same game and we can see that there is a world of class between the two "fellow Scots")


So that's OK then!


Classless w*nkers the pair of them.


Would you now shake hands with the Liverpool player and his manager if "presented with the opportunity" ?

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So the money finally waved the big stick and made all the little girls say sorry.


IMHO the one who has come out the worst is actually "King" Kenny. Because it's become clear that not only are his players out of his control but he also has to be told what to do about it as well. With the Kiddy Carling Cup Final coming up that's not a good situation.

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I personally think Suarez should of been man enough to shake his hand.


However for Ferguson to come out with those comments when in his management career at Utd he has had

  • Cantona kung fu kick someone in the crowd
  • Rio Ferdinand deliberately misses a drugs test and gets banned for 8 months

Is slightly hipocritical to say the least. Every team in the country has players who let their clubs down in one way or another. Ferguson just wanted to use evocotive language to sensationalise something that was trivial in the grand scheme of things. Suarez was in the wrong, he did his punishement, just like Cantona and Ferdinand did. Yep, he didnt shake the guys hand, so what, it's not like he went up to him and racially abused him.


Noone has come out of this well. Not Feguson, not Dalgleish, not Suarez, not Evra.

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Football eh

Oh, those Brazilians, you know? Circa 1970? Broke the mould. Theory out the window. Free expression of football. Uncategorisable. Is that a word? It is now! You know? Far cry from small boys in the park, jumpers for goalposts. Rush goalie. Two at the back, three in the middle, four up front, one's gone home for his tea. Beans on toast? Possibly, don't quote me on that. Marvellous.

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