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IMHO the one who has come out the worst is actually "King" Kenny.


Dalglish should have sorted this out ages ago. Because he didn't you now have some fans thinking it's OK to make monkey gestures towards black players again like in the bad old days. Lost a lot of respect for Dalglish over this.

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Suarez and Dalglish have now apologised for their behaviour yesterday.


Suarez for not being man enough to behave in a civilised and conciliatory manner when presented with the opportunity, Dalglish for behaving like a smalltime thug and staring out Geoff Shreeves (compare this to Sir Alex's statesmanlike interview after the same game and we can see that there is a world of class between the two "fellow Scots")


So that's OK then!


Classless w*nkers the pair of them.


Would you now shake hands with the Liverpool player and his manager if "presented with the opportunity" ?


It is not for me to say - I wasn't the one who was racially abused

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I personally think Suarez should of been man enough to shake his hand.

Every team in the country has players who let their clubs down in one way or another. Ferguson just wanted to use evocotive language to sensationalise something that was trivial in the grand scheme of things. Suarez was in the wrong, he did his punishement, just like Cantona and Ferdinand did. Yep, he didnt shake the guys hand, so what, it's not like he went up to him and racially abused him.


In the defence of himself and other managers Ferguson has consistently stated "Everyone's entitled to an opinion" and in this case he is right. Had Suarez shaken hands with Evra the media would have been full of stories about reconciliation, moving forward, how big they both are, how they are a credit to their clubs, managers and fans and the EPL and so forth and it would all have ended there on an upbeat note. But because of Suarez it just got worse and worse with the media totally unsurprisingly whipped up into a feeding frenzy.


The difference is that Ferguson didn't have the slightest hesitation to state that Evra should not have been celebrating just a little too hard shall we say and yet Dalglish consistantly refused to say that Suarez was completely out of order, which he undoubtedly was.


It was only when their paymasters told Dalglish and Suarez to put them on a trowel did they do what they should have done at the end of Suarez's ban and drawn a line under it. But because of the way they didn't handle it I'm sure it will rumble on for a while yet. Perhaps if Dalglish hadn't showed such mindless, slavish support for Suarez just maybe the idiot wouldn't have thought he could get away with it. But I guess we'll never know...

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LOL - LFC getting lessons in morality from a man who taught his dodgy son everything he needed to know about the agency game (as pointed out by the BBC).


Cantona - ABH - rewarded with the Scum captaincy

Keane - GBH (unconvicted, but fessed up to later) - rewarded with the Scum captaincy

Ferdinand - drugs offence, organises party at which rape allegations made (later hushed up) - rewarded with the Scum captaincy

Neville - "hates scousers" - rewarded with the Scum captaincy


Such high moral ground they occupy

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Oh sorry, I missed a couple more recent lessons from our moral guardians at the scum. Two adulterers (Ferdinand and Giggs) getting superinjunctions to cover their tracks (in the latter case, in relation to adultery with his brother's wife!).


Well, these are people we should listen to

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LOL - LFC getting lessons in morality from a man who taught his dodgy son everything he needed to know about the agency game (as pointed out by the BBC).


Cantona - ABH - rewarded with the Scum captaincy

Keane - GBH (unconvicted, but fessed up to later) - rewarded with the Scum captaincy

Ferdinand - drugs offence, organises party at which rape allegations made (later hushed up) - rewarded with the Scum captaincy

Neville - "hates scousers" - rewarded with the Scum captaincy


Such high moral ground they occupy


Cantona - Gave a racist gobshite thug a wake up call


Keane - The Inge Haaland revenge was morally just


Ferdinand - Silly boy for messing the drugs test about but no case to answer re. lurid sex allegations


Neville - Hates scousers. Oh dear. I've got news for you - he's not alone!


The above named heroes whose names you attempt to muddy will forever be remembered as shining lights in some of the best sides put together by Sir Alex.


The petty allegations you level at them don't detract from Manchester United's glory or LFCs guilt.

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LOL - they're all as bad as, or worse, than Suarez. Giggs slept with his brother's wife. Let's just think about that again: he slept with his brother's wife. Nothing Suarez could have said to Evra is as morally despicable as that.


As for Ferguson, bringing his son up to think all that improper influence stuff was alright - shame on him.


Cantona should have gone to jail for what he did.


They are Scum, that is why they belong to the Scum.

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This spat between the Koppites and the United Boot Boys just emphasises the point that for civilised and polite behaviour you need to look to Goodison Park when they're playing away.


Not at all, Endo. But then I wouldn't expect the Neanderthals of Old Trafford or Anfield to appreciate the sort of good behaviour that is normal at the School of Soccer Science.

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LOL - they're all as bad as, or worse, than Suarez. Giggs slept with his brother's wife. Let's just think about that again: he slept with his brother's wife. Nothing Suarez could have said to Evra is as morally despicable as that.


As for Ferguson, bringing his son up to think all that improper influence stuff was alright - shame on him.


Cantona should have gone to jail for what he did.


They are Scum, that is why they belong to the Scum.


Scum? Really?


This coming from a supporter of a club whose fans are responsible for, amongst many other things:


The deaths of 39 people at a game.

Taunting their city rivals as they couldn't play in Europe due to the above actions.

Spraying ammonia in the face of a visiting teams manager and players.

Actions contributing to the deaths of 96 of their own fans at a game.

Celebrating the deaths of another teams players and associated officials for many, many years.

Attacking an ambulance carrying a rival teams player to hospital with a suspected broken leg.

Defecating in cups and throwing them onto rival supporters in the stands below.

Attacking their own fans and stealing tickets off them at a major European Final.


Now whilst the Giggs actions are morally reprehensible they're not illegal unlike racist abuse which is. Speaking of racism this is from a former highly decorated club captain of LFC:


On Howard Gayle:


“Howard suffered from a black man's attitude towards the white man. See, everybody thinks whites have an attitude towards blacks. In reality it's blacks who have a problem with the whites". He added that as a form of affection, "I used to call Howard the 'White Nigger'. Now that is a compliment. It was the only way I could find to describe that I thought he was OK”. Just to remove any lingering doubts about his attitude on matters of race, he added, "I'm not prejudiced but if a coon moved in next door, I'd move, like most white people would. If my daughter came home with a nigger, I'd go mad. But I'm only being truthful and normal”



On John Barnes:


"I never thought I would see the day when Liverpool would employ niggers, I don't want any niggers playing for Liverpool".



These comments were around the same time as a LFC player served 6 weeks in jail for a drink-driving offence.



Cantona did receive a suspended jail term for his offence (which was assaulting a man who was racially abusing him and his mother) and was immediately suspended by his club for 4 months until the end of the season. This probably led to United not winning another Double. The FA then added another 5 months onto this ban after assuring United they would not.


We could go on and on tit-for-tatting various actions by both clubs but in truth the whole Suarez issue has been twisted into a United v Liverpool spat when in fact it wasn't in the beginning, it was a Suarez v racism issue. He's not been convicted of being a racist but he has been convicted of uttering racist abuse. In any other walk of life a man would be sacked for such an offense and not lauded for his actions by his workmates.


Scum? I think the wider world is actually starting to realise just who the "scum" are in this day and age.

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"whole Suarez issue has been twisted into a United v Liverpool spat when in fact it wasn't in the beginning, it was a Suarez v racism issue"


It always was: Evra would never have made the complaint if (i) he wasn't getting skinned and (ii) it wasn't Liverpool.


Are you really trying to criticise a Liverpool player from the sixties and seventies (when, frankly, racist attitudes were the norm) when you were managed by Ron "Lazy Nigger" Atkinson in the eighties (and his comment was made, and his attitude therefore endured, until 2003 or thereabouts).


Drink driving is the same as GBH/ABH. you're right. It's really just as bad.


Cantona was white: what was the racial abuse.


And as for celebrating the deaths of another team, you are fucking kidding me right? The whole of Old Trafford lights up with anthems about dead scousers, and even you couldn't resist.


And as for illegal vs immoral, I think I know who I'd rather have as my brother (hint: it's not the one who would fuck my wife - can you imagine what a scumbag you would have to be to do that to your own brother)



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