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I don't know why you kids get so excited and call out all these silly names, you still don't understand the clubs don't give you any respect even if you go to SEE the matches.

The Clubs put the TV money first not you fans who pay £50 for a nylon shirt every year and pay the same to watch 22 players earning more per week then you'll earn in half your life,at the late rearranged time of 5.30 on a sunday. The real travelling fan gets stung all the time.


I see Rangers are going to be another Club going to the wall, no big deal

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Cantona was told to "Fuck off back to France you French motherfucker". Now whilst this may be "culturally acceptable" in South London it obviously isn't from his background and he wrongly snapped.


The whole of Old Trafford lights up with anthems about dead scousers,


No it doesn't and never has done. I will admit there's always a few dickheads who try and start certain chants but they're always shouted down quickly. This is opposed to whole stands and even stadiums chanting certain songs for years upon years and making flags and banners glorifying death.

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The kind of pricks who sing about "dead scousers" are the kind of pricks who if they had been born 30 odd miles to the East would've been singing songs about Munich and doing stupid aeroplane impressions.


Just to be absolutely clear, it is definitely a small minority who sing about the Hillsborough tragedy (and some undeniably do). Many more sing the word "Murderers" in time with your lot singing "Liverpool" - this is and has always been in reference to the events at Heysel Stadium - another event which saw an embarrasing level of denial with regard to accepting responsibility for actions.



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" it obviously isn't from his background and he wrongly snapped."


It's not racist either you prick.


"I will admit there's always a few dickheads who try and start certain chants but they're always shouted down quickly"


You are joking. Your lot also like the paedophile gag for Wenger don't you? How witty and delightful! See the poster immediately following you for an example of a Manchester United fan. The amoral mindset of a Ryan Giggs ("I know: I'll fuck my brother's wife") or an Alex Ferguson.


Fucked if I will take a moraility lecture from Scum.

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I dread the Liverpool vs United games, they always descend into stupid point scoring. It adds nothing to the enjoyment of the game, and no-one ever wins the bickering. This is ok when its about who played best and whether it was a penalty but when it's about racism, or who's insulted who's dead the most it's toxic and pathetic. I overheard after the cup game a lad bragging that his photo was in one of the tabloids. He was behind the fan making the monkey gestures and he was flicking the v's at Evra and waiving a Manx Flag. As I Manxman and a Liverpool fan I was ashamed.


And United fans are no better, Ferguson's not offensive about Liverpool, even when sounding off about Saurez he made the point of mentioning "the history that club's got", even notexactlymanx's signature contains a backhanded compliment -


'My Greatest Challenge Was Knocking Liverpool Right Off Their F*cking Perch......And You Can Print That'

Sir Alex Ferguson


I think we should show each other more respect and then we can enjoy the games more.

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"If you're referring to "Without killing anyone""


But that's not gloating about Liverpool deaths, oh no.


They are called the Scum for a very good reason.


It's nothing to do with Liverpool deaths. It's to do with the deaths Liverpool fans caused. It's not gloating, it's stating a fact. It sounds like you're trying to twist Heysel around into some sort of Liverpool tragedy when it's exactly the opposite.

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This from the prick who supports sister in law shagging, transfer market-corrupting, GBH/ABH oh and who thinks being anti-French is racist (but saying you hate scousers is fine).


You're too stupid even to understand what you write. I guess that's why you support who you do

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I'm calm, sweetcheeks, just making sure that Scum are put in their place.


When you cheer your team out, you are cheering (i) a man who cheated on his pregnant wife with a prostitute, (ii) an adulterer who used a superinjunction to hush it all up, who happens to be the same man who organised a party for (iii) a man accused of rape (quickly hushed up), (iv) another adulterer who actually slept with his brother's wife - yes, that virtually incredible fact is true - he fucked his own brother's wife, and (v) a traitor (2010 World Cup). They are all led by a man who boycotted the national broadcaster for years on end for telling the truth about his dodgy offspring - obviously brought up the way he brings his teams up - to be a lying little cheat.


That's why you're called the Scum (it's because you are)

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