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Whilst the French are not a race it seems the UN would disagree with you on the ability to racially abuse and discriminate against them:




1. In this Convention, the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.


No doubt you'll just disregard this as usual and continue to wholeheartedly support a city that owes it's very fibre to the slave trade.

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Yes, you've said that once, and been shown to be wrong.


Aren't you embarrassed yet? I mean, when I point out the disgraceful characteristics of United's current first team you bring up something about Liverpool being founded upon slavery (bullshit, of course, but slavery was in any event abolished in the 1830s). I'm really not sure you can pin collective blame for this on supporters of Liverpool Football Club. The truth is that you're really crap at this, sonny, and every exchange just makes you look that little bit more stupid (actually, it's not that little, but I'm honestly starting to feel sorry for you).

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Big fixture yes, big club? No. The slavery comment was just a point to show the endemic nature of bigotry throughout the club.


I also like the way you've swerved quite a few of my other points. Lets just take one huh?


You belong to a group of people who think it's ok to leave the stand you're watching a football game in and go onto the concourse or the toilets (not sure which). Then take a drinks cup, drop their trousers and defecate in it (think about that for a second). Then go back, passing stewards and other fans on the way, and drop the contents on fellow human beings in the stands below. That just shows the mindset of a group of people you surround yourself with. No point continuing this further as all you do is "yeah but you did this and you did that........". You rarely answer salient points and deflect the blame onto others. Again typical of a certain group of people.

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"The slavery comment was just a point to show the endemic nature of bigotry throughout the club"


Oh ho ho ho ho - it must be such a good argument when you're relying on events that took place 180 years ago (and about six decades before the club was even established) to demonstrate some sort of perceived truth today. Compared to this, your Tommy Smith argument was a fucking belter.


Frankly, I'd still rather have a shit-thrower as a brother than someone who was going to fuck my wife. That's the kind of guy your lot venerate. And you flatter youself if you think that your points are worth swerving - I'm simply picking up the most hilarious one each time and rubbing your face in how stupid you are. Then sure enough, back you come with a point even more ridiculous than the last one.


You are right with one thing though: there's very little point in your continuing this further, as you will just carry on being humiliated and being shown up for the foolish, bitter, obsessed with Liverpool Scum that you (and so many of your kind) are. Off you go now and have sex with your brother's wife (and don't forget the superinjunction to stop anyone talking about it!)

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Wow, good unearthing, and impressive bitterness!


But once again, I'd rather have a brother who did any of those things than a brother who'd fuck my wife. Judging by recent talk, your next manager might have the same moral code as your current one!

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Bellamy - Assault on 20 year old girl in 2002


Carrol - Assault on girlfriend in 2010


Downing - Assault on girlfriend in 2012


At lest Giggsy only knocked fuck out of a very willing part of the young lady's anatomy and not her boat-race.


These scouse, they're not known as the bindipping, grannystabbing, scaly skinned, shit throwing murderers from self-pity-city for nothing. Salt of the earth.

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