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Well, let's face it, the Scum have plenty of form for putting the boot in to - Cantona and Keane were rewarded with the club captaincy for it, so high are the club's moreal standards.


And not everyone's been fortunate enough to enjoy consensual sex at certain parties...


I do like the way you boys are so happy to put the boot into a whole city, even after your daft mate Heathen claimed that being prejudiced about someone because of their place of origin was some form of racism.


Everyone knows what you are, please, be my guest and carry on proving it


"We're crims and bigots, obsessed with Liverpool,

Walking in our Fergie Wonderland"

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A football thread in International News.

I agree Mission and would personally prefer to see this in either General chat or sport.


I did see the two players on TV and I thought that this was just stupid, from the pair of them. I did see another player (the other side of the goalkeeper) who didn't shake Suarez's hand and again, it just added to the problems, although if Suarez personally felt that he was wrongly accused in the first place, regardless of whatever football bosses decision, then I could understand a little resentment on his part.


It would have been far easier to have just shook hands and let the talking be done on the football field in terms of skill. The waving of arms by Evra at the end of the game and in front of Suarez was another no-no and just compounded the problem.


Should teams have to shake hands or is it just good sportsmanship to do so?

  • playing fair
  • following the rules of the game
  • respecting the judgment of referees and officials
  • treating opponents with respect

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A football thread in International News.

I agree Mission and would personally prefer to see this in either General chat or sport.


I would personally prefer to see Heathen, Tugger & notexactlymanx shown a yellow card at the very least. This isn't debate, its just an exchange of spiteful bile.


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Endovelicus, you delicate little flower, maybe this isn't the place for you if you get upset by what is pretty much everyday banter. These kinds of exchanges happen daily in workplaces across britain where people who support regional rivals work side by side.


It's a bit of fun.


I hate doing this, but if I were to put my cards on the table, I'd admit that much of my apparent dislike for that lot is the product of a long period during my formative years when my club were less successful than theirs. The past 20-odd years has seen that trend reverse. The feelings of pain and envy experienced in the 1980s are now elsewhere (with the opposition I expect) and it only seems appropriate to rub it in a bit.


Both clubs, their cities and supporters have had their share of tragedy, triumph and scandal - these are things that make us love our teams even more in the midst of our dreary little lives.


We take the piss out of each other, we claim the moral high ground every time the other side slips up, but ultimately what lies beneath all of this is a begrudging respect.


I have served and seen action alongside men from Merseyside and the Wirral as well as those from nearer my own origins in South Manchester. I now work alongside people from both cities. Apart from the way we speak and the clubs we support, there is little difference between us. We are culturally similar and have proud heritages passed down from father to son in the form of Trades Unionism, Regiments served in or Ships served on and Football clubs whose colours run through our veins.


I have respect for my colleagues and my colleagues have respect for me - BUT - when it comes to football, f*ck 'em, theyre a sh*tstain on the sodden incontenance pants of society and should rot in the deepest, most rancid bowels of hell.


I thank you.

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Aaaaaah bless... a nasty little insignificant no mark, obsessed with Liverpool Football Club, but very keen to mention how he's "seen action".


I don't like bigoted obsessives whether they've seen action or not, so this one (whose motto, so yearningly and desperately refers to LFC) is no different. Some soldiers are nasty little gits - and this is one proves the point I have no "begrudging respect" for this knobend - I know what he is and so does everyone who reads his posts.

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Aaaaaah bless... a nasty little insignificant no mark, obsessed with Liverpool Football Club, but very keen to mention how he's "seen action".


I don't like bigoted obsessives whether they've seen action or not, so this one (whose motto, so yearningly and desperately refers to LFC) is no different. Some soldiers are nasty little gits - and this is one proves the point I have no "begrudging respect" for this knobend - I know what he is and so does everyone who reads his posts.


Don't worry Tugger, don't be jealous, maybe you'll see action in the next life when you might come back as something more significant than a (probably plastic) scouse throwback. A shitbeetle or something maybe - at least shitbeetles get to have one on one relations with members of the opposite sex instead of sitting behind a keyboard last thing at night.


As for the motto - I have particular fondness for this as it shows how in touch with the fans Sir Alex is. I'm only suprised that you have kept this going for so long, surely a trip to the dole office or HMP jirby is overdue?


Oh, and please don't delude yourself further by imagining that any respect would ever be afforded you - that's reserved for human beings, not the shit on Satan's shoe.


Anyway, off out to buy the family lunch now so no doubt while I've been living a useful life you'll have written a load more tripe (and probably had a cry and a wank)



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Lol - a sad sack, obsessed with Liverpool.


Just like all the rest, but with the added bitterness from the way Civvy Street has treated mummy's brave little soldier. At least you managed to delay the point at which you were recognised as human detritus- doubtless your greatest ever achievement

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Endovelicus, you delicate little flower, maybe this isn't the place for you if you get upset by what is pretty much everyday banter. These kinds of exchanges happen daily in workplaces across britain where people who support regional rivals work side by side.


It's a bit of fun.


This is the International News section - normally a repository for reasonably intelligent posts. However, just as it happens throughout the world, football fans (especially of the big city clubs, it seems) can be relied on to reduce the quality of debate.

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Endovelicus, you delicate little flower, maybe this isn't the place for you if you get upset by what is pretty much everyday banter. These kinds of exchanges happen daily in workplaces across britain where people who support regional rivals work side by side.


It's a bit of fun.


This is the International News section - normally a repository for reasonably intelligent posts. However, just as it happens throughout the world, football fans (especially of the big city clubs, it seems) can be relied on to reduce the quality of debate.


Good to learn from "notexactly" (after 20 posts) that This isn't the place for the likes of you (and me). Do I care what he thinks? No,does anyone?

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A teacher starts a new job at a primary school on Merseyside and, trying to make a good impression on her first day, explains to her class that she's a big football fan and supports Liverpool. She asks her students to raise their hands if they, too, are Liverpool fans.

Everyone in the class raises their hand except one little girl. The teacher looks at the girl with surprise and says: "Mary, why didn't you raise your hand?"

"Because I'm not a Liverpool fan miss," she replies. The teacher, still shocked asks: "Well, if you're not a Liverpool Fan, then who are you a fan of?"

"I'm a West Ham fan, and proud of it," Mary replies. The teacher can't believe her ears. "Mary, how come you're a Hammers fan?"

"Because my mum and dad are from London's East End and are West Ham fans, so I'm a West Ham fan too!"

"Still," says the teacher, annoyed, "that's no reason for you to be a West Ham fan as well. You don't have to be like your parents all the time, do you? What if your mum was a prostitute and your dad was a drug addict and car thief. Would you be like them then?"

"No," smiles Mary, "I'd be a Liverpool fan."



A Man Utd fan, a Liverpool fan and an Arsenal fan were all walking home after watching a game at the pub. They came across a dead, naked woman lying on the pavement, and decide to phone the police.

The Liverpool fan could not bear to see the undignified woman lying on the floor in such a manner, and took off his Liverpool cap and placed it over the woman's left breast. Not to be outdone the Arsenal fan, removed his cap and placed it over the woman's right breast. Similarly, the Man Utd fan felt he could be of assistance and

removed his cap and placed it over her groin area.

Now, when the police arrived, the three fans had to stick around for questioning.

They watched the officer inspect the scene of the crime.

The officer picked up the cap from the left breast, had a peek, put the cap down and then wrote down some notes. He then picked up the cap from the right breast, had a peek, put the cap down and wrote down some notes. Next, of course, was the cap over the groin area. The officer picked up the cap, put it down and then wrote some notes. He picked up the cap again, put it down and wrote some further notes. For the third time, the officer did the same thing which infuriated the hell out of the Man Utd fan to the point where he went up to the officer.

"What are you? Some kind of pervert? Why do you keep looking there?" asked the obviously annoyed Man Utd fan.

The officer replied "It's just weird - normally, you'd expect to see a prick under a Man Utd cap!"

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Whilst racist behaviour shouldn't happen, the crowds/fans are only chanting at players to get a reaction. And boy, don't they get one. If the players just ignored it, or even better, applauded the crowd, they'd soon get bored.


These players are grown adults, getting payed huge salaries, they just need to man up and stop reacting.


If opposing players make a racist comment, just ignore it or make one back. Crying and stamping their feet like they're mortally wounded and distressed is simply childish. Mountains out of molehills.

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