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Americas Homeless - Echoes Of Steinbeck


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According to census data, 47 million Americans now live below the poverty line - the most in half a century - fuelled by several years of high unemployment.


Panorama Tonight

Poor America, BBC One, Monday, 13 February at 20:30 GMT then available on iPlayer.

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Was reading the same article this morning: Panorama's Hilary Andersson comes face to face with the reality of poverty in America and finds that, for some, the last resort has become life in a tented encampment.

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Quite a shocking programme


People living in sewers and tents and that vice governor not seeming to care much


And as for the fatty commenting on how the poor had enough food despite the statistics saying otherwise,bit of a hypocrite, he must have eaten all the pies.


Those poor kids growing up like that

Yes I know the kids in third world countries suffer as well


And yet they (US) can throw billions at bringing democracy protecting their interests all over the world


Just like Pakistan and India


Millions in poverty but lots of big shiny nukes to wave around

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A sad story of country that was used and then discarded by the worlds power elite. They will now move onto the next rising power China with it's slave labour and abundant workforce while America turns into a two-tier society. It's no coincidence that it is slowly turning into a police state just as the decline starts, desperate people will do desperate things so they are preparing for the inevitable in advance. The following article further outlines the sad story;



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A sad story of country that was used and then discarded by the worlds power elite. They will now move onto the next rising power China with it's slave labour and abundant workforce while America turns into a two-tier society. It's no coincidence that it is slowly turning into a police state just as the decline starts, desperate people will do desperate things so they are preparing for the inevitable in advance. The following article further outlines the sad story;




There's worse for the average American - school budgets collapsing, local governments broke.


And on top of that the many tens of thousands of forces veterans who will have psychological problems for the rest of their lives.


Many 'educated' Americans I know are now seriously looking at living abroad, mostly the EU.


I honestly don't see the fascination with the country.

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I honestly don't see the fascination with the country.


Nor do I, or peoples desire to go on "once in a lifetime holidays" there. It has little architecturally to admire, a mentalist style Passport Control on visiting and generally too full of their importance in the world stage.


Look at their current Presidential Candidates, most of whom would struggle to get elected to even Douglas Corporation due to their extreme religious or political views/policy's.


As for Americans moving abroad, is it not the law that as an American Citizen unless you change that status you have to pay US taxes no matter where in the world you live?

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As for Americans moving abroad, is it not the law that as an American Citizen unless you change that status you have to pay US taxes no matter where in the world you live?


Indeed that is the case. And getting rid of US citizenship does not come cheap.

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To be fair alot of those starving (while a few looking quite on the chubbyside) US kids could do with losing a few pounds.


"This is Timmy from Kansas. He only eats 2 burgers a meal, instead of three. He is one of Americas "food poverty" sufferers".


Meanwhile in Africa, you could feed a small town on what the average "poor" American family lives on.

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I watched that porgramme, did you see how fat some of those people were?


Last time I visited the Evil Empire the people I was with went to an 'all you can eat for $12' so-called restaurant. Quality was not bad; I ate salad and fruit, my companions dined for an hour on meat, more meat spuds spuds and spuds.

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One time I was on holiday in said god awful place, I amused myself by taking pictures of people so fat they could not walk & needed fatmobiles, gross.


SO you went on holiday to a place you hate, and then amused yourself by mocking the fat people of another nation when we have more than enough "home grown" fatties here.


Wow you're super awesome...

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