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Americas Homeless - Echoes Of Steinbeck


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I travelled across the US on the dog years ago.Did not meet many steroetypical loud mouths,mostly normal folk.I would recommend the US to visit,highlights were Hawaii,Utah,California,Arizona.There is something for everyone there,maybe thats why not many americans have passports.

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Thanks for the reminder, Arizona is quite amazing, I don't remember if it was there or San Francisco or Los Angeles but, there were these redwood trees, some were so big they'd had to build the road through their roots (or something like that) & the canyons, fwooooar, it was 20 years ago so I'm a bit vague on where things were. I guess I didn't mean to dis the whole of America, I've a great mate lives in New Jersey too, totally loved New York, I suppose it's when you go to places like Orlando (which is OK if you GTF out of there and down to Miami) you meet with the turkey leg demolishers. I've never been to Texas but I've seen Borat - nuff said :)

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Aaah, sounds like Big Sur - been there & loved it. Its a great place, esp if you immerse yourself in the hippy trail that goes on round there. Loads of camp fires, bears, ice cold water falls and other goodies whistling.gif Wouldn't go so far as to say i do it forever but a month or two every few years helps put things into perspective biggrin.png

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Last time I went I had to prove that I was the mother of my own children and had not abducted them to an incredibly rude and arrogant female immigration official, who was horrified that I had two children with a different surname and no husband. Mind you they are all very conservative over there, and seem to frown on us evil unmarried mums. I find the whole evangelical Christian thing terrifying and the worst bit is that they let it get so involved in politics! It makes me very glad to live in a more liberal culture where victims of rape can have abortions, not just any Tom, Dick or Harry can own a gun and go round shooting who they like, and the bloke in charge of the country can't rationalize a policy decision with 'god told me to do it'.

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Aaah, sounds like Big Sur - been there & loved it. Its a great place, esp if you immerse yourself in the hippy trail that goes on round there. Loads of camp fires, bears, ice cold water falls and other goodies whistling.gif Wouldn't go so far as to say i do it forever but a month or two every few years helps put things into perspective biggrin.png


Thought you were off to learn Mandarin?

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Aaah, sounds like Big Sur - been there & loved it. Its a great place, esp if you immerse yourself in the hippy trail that goes on round there. Loads of camp fires, bears, ice cold water falls and other goodies whistling.gif Wouldn't go so far as to say i do it forever but a month or two every few years helps put things into perspective biggrin.png


Thought you were off to learn Mandarin?


是我已经做了那. 这是容易.

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