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The World Of Horse Tram Law

Deejay Denzel

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There seems to be a lot of people that see the trams as a pest and they should be got rid off because they slow down the traffic.



I find that it is not the fault of the horse tram that slows down the traffic on the prom but idiot drivers <_< . Those who either have not bothered to read the new version of the manx highway code or the common sense in the fact that if the vehicle that they are travelling in is to large,wide or not capable to pass the tram safely on the inside then that they should fall back from the rear of the horse tram and signal people behind them to pass, christ i only takes a bit of grey matter to work it out :P , so next time you are going slow along the prom direct your anger at the idiot right up the arse of the horse tram and NOT the tram.



I was informed of this rule 10 years ago when i did my HGV licence :ph34r: but it was only printed in the local highway code a couple of years ago



Ps i do not work on the horse trams B)

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A few years ago I was riding my racing bike along the prom in heavy traffic.  There was a van double parked, so I had to overtake it, which involved riding over the tram tracks.  My tyres got stuck in the groove of the track, meaning I lost control immediately and fell off my bike.  Luckily no cars squashed my head, but it was the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. 


Apart from when the devil wanted to marry me, but I don't like to talk about that.


So anyway, my solution is this:  get rid of the track, get rid of the trams, replace them with Roman chariots, and have Ben Hur style races.  With spikes and everything.


It would be this:  Excellent.


I may have saw that, Was there some young boyo on the seaward side laughing his tit's off? if so it were me. I've grown up since then.... and done the same myself!

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I know someone who has done that too and really hurt themselves. They were on a racing bike with exceedingly skinny tyres, it was their pride and joy - they came down Summer Hill (pretty fast) and onto the Prom but at the point where the tracks crossed, the very skinny racing tyres just totally wedged in the tracks and he came a cropper, well and truly. Luckily there was no traffic to speak of, but his pride was hurt as much as his body - which was quite a lot.

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Driving down the prom yesterday, tram in front, plus another tram coming from other direction - idiot driver in front desides to overtake the tram in front - and just cleared it before on-coming tram


I mean how stupid - he only got to red lights at broadway and had to wait again in front of our car anyway


Idiot. (Spotted him afterwards trying to park is car, in a space that was obviously too small).

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A few years ago I was riding my racing bike along the prom in heavy traffic.  There was a van double parked, so I had to overtake it, which involved riding over the tram tracks.  My tyres got stuck in the groove of the track, meaning I lost control immediately and fell off my bike.  Luckily no cars squashed my head, but it was the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. 


Apart from when the devil wanted to marry me, but I don't like to talk about that.


So anyway, my solution is this:  get rid of the track, get rid of the trams, replace them with Roman chariots, and have Ben Hur style races.  With spikes and everything.


It would be this:  Excellent.


at least you were on the right tracks :D

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Driving down the prom yesterday, tram in front, plus another tram coming from other direction - idiot driver in front desides to overtake the tram in front - and just cleared it before on-coming tram


Last year I was heading towards the sea terminal from the broadway traffic lights, car behind me, horse tram in front of me, just heading along at the trams pace waiting to make the right turn up towards finch road - the guy behind me decided he couldn't wait so he undertook me, chopped in front of me between me and the tram and then went down the outside of the tram and nearly into the front of a tram coming the other way.


He must have saved at least 10 seconds.

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