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Slim Vs Vader

Bill Posters

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Because we all know that professionally moderated forums get closed down, wheras forums moderated by racist amateurs are still up and running.  Safe in the bosom of MS!




Usenet used to be a bit like this before the spammers spoiled it ... people getting all het up with each other. Actually I think this liitle spat has been quite revealing ..

name calling by someone who doesnt even know what a communist is, claims the liberal party invented capitalism (what a sweet idea!), racist abuse that one doesnt often encounter outside a BNP meeting and possible defamation of a local businessman. Is there anything else offensive that could possibly be added ?

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Usenet used to be a bit like this before the spammers spoiled it ... people getting all het up with each other. Actually I think this liitle spat has been quite revealing ..

name calling by someone who doesnt even know what a communist is, claims the liberal party invented capitalism (what a sweet idea!), racist abuse that one doesnt often encounter outside a BNP meeting and possible defamation of a local businessman. Is there anything else offensive that could possibly be added ?


You were the one who misunderstood the definition of communism, how is that revealing to yourself?

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Usenet used to be a bit like this before the spammers spoiled it ... people getting all het up with each other. Actually I think this liitle spat has been quite revealing ..

name calling by someone who doesnt even know what a communist is, claims the liberal party invented capitalism (what a sweet idea!), racist abuse that one doesnt often encounter outside a BNP meeting and possible defamation of a local businessman. Is there anything else offensive that could possibly be added ?


You were the one who misunderstood the definition of communism, how is that revealing to yourself?


You have got that slighty wrong sweetie ..it was you who wouldnt check out a description of communism ..and then made up your own. I suspect you are a lost cause but Communism is the practice of Marxism. the meta theory of Marxism is dialectical materialism. .. When you were name calling instead of debating .. there is no way your victim said anything at all to make a reasonable person think he was a communist. ...I hope this helps ... and by the way ..you arent equipped to argue the point

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You have got that slighty wrong sweetie ..it was you who wouldnt check out a description of communism ..and then made up your own. I suspect you are a lost cause but Communism is the practice of Marxism.


No, the practice of Marxism is Marxism, or Marxist Communism. Marxism is a type of Communism. Juche is another kind of communism subscribed in North Korea.


How about the Oxford English Dictionary definition:




• noun a political and social system whereby all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.


Either way, Vader wants a system of government where everyone earns the same regardless of ther abilities. In effect the eliminatoin of classes so all benefit from labour, isn't that Marxism too?


When you were name calling instead of debating .. there is no way your victim said anything at all to make a reasonable person think he was a communist. ...I hope this helps ... and by the way ..you arent equipped to argue the point


So him saying that all people should benefit equally isn't a communist view? I disagree. No name calling there is there?


I'm not equipped to argue the point? Excuse me if I don't take debating lessons from someone who ignores replies completely, and keeps banging on about the same thing regardless.


The insults in my argument are pretty much reserved for Vader. Many of us here have seen Vader threads before you see. They start off gently enough, but a small scratch on the surface and his biggotted and ignorant views become unearthed. He's a very 'special' case, and hopefully you can see that my arguments elsewhere on this forum aren't conducted in that way.

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You have got that slighty wrong sweetie ..it was you who wouldnt check out a description of communism ..and then made up your own. I suspect you are a lost cause but Communism is the practice of Marxism.


No, the practice of Marxism is Marxism, or Marxist Communism. Marxism is a type of Communism. Juche is another kind of communism subscribed in North Korea.


How about the Oxford English Dictionary definition:




• noun a political and social system whereby all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.


Either way, Vader wants a system of government where everyone earns the same regardless of ther abilities. In effect the eliminatoin of classes so all benefit from labour, isn't that Marxism too?


When you were name calling instead of debating .. there is no way your victim said anything at all to make a reasonable person think he was a communist. ...I hope this helps ... and by the way ..you arent equipped to argue the point


So him saying that all people should benefit equally isn't a communist view? I disagree. No name calling there is there?


I'm not equipped to argue the point? Excuse me if I don't take debating lessons from someone who ignores replies completely, and keeps banging on about the same thing regardless.


The insults in my argument are pretty much reserved for Vader. Many of us here have seen Vader threads before you see. They start off gently enough, but a small scratch on the surface and his biggotted and ignorant views become unearthed. He's a very 'special' case, and hopefully you can see that my arguments elsewhere on this forum aren't conducted in that way.


The only biggot in this thread is Slim. The previous paragraph is the proof.


Ha ha ha

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No, the practice of Marxism is Marxism, or Marxist Communism. Marxism is a type of Communism.  Juche is another kind of communism subscribed in North Korea.


Bardus Pusio ..

You seem to be missing the point here.

First : It isnt legitimate to call someone a communist when nothing they have said or done indicates that is the case. The more so when a communist is a bad thing to be.

Secondly: A quick check against a dictionary definition is no substitute for years of study. Marxism is a theoretical philosophy which builds on the tradition of Hegel and others. It is distinctive in that it relies on an overarching meta theory .. dialectical materialism. Communism is the practice of Marxism. You correctly observe there have been different interpretations of Marxist theory as practiced in the various communist regimes. However, it remains the case that the basis of Marxism and, therefore, Communism, is dialectical Materialism. In the context of your little disagreement regarding public sector housing ..I fail to see how Communism is relevant ??

Thirdly: It is generally a good idea not to engage people on their own area of expertise. I would still urge you, if you are interested, to take up the reader I pointed you to ... you would then be in a position to make a legitimate point.


If you are interested in politics and economics I would gladly offer some guidance as to what and how to read.

Hope this helps

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This doesn't seem to back-up your arguement.


A good point. However, not quite correct. The article your link leads to gives a brief background to communist societies over time. No doubt you have observed it makes the point of identifying Communism "as it is known today"

Commune societies have evolved as a dynamic and earlier variants were not underpinned by Marxist theories. However, 20th Century communism was firmly based on Marxist philosophy.

Gramsci is perhaps the most authoritive source on 20th Century Communism and I would recommend anyone to read his clear concise definitions and arguments.

There is no conflict between my argument that Communism is based on dialectical Materialism and the article you have found (if read correctly).

What is more to the point is that the unfortunate Vader has been accused of adopting a Communist position and that is clearly not the case.

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Butterfly is not me. I admit quite honestly to be lacking in the intellect and knowledge that Butterfly has in his/her posts.


Having said that I wish to get this post in for the record.


I actually hate communism because it has been proved it does not work. What I do favour is a society where free enterprise can flourish because from such, innovation and invention flowers.


In essence then I am a capitalist but I do not like the extreme capitalist philosophies of market forces being unregulated to the extent that people not so bright have to suffer.


On housing I see nothing wrong in people buying their own homes but I think the state has a duty to provide decent accommodation to those whose earnings are insufficient enough to obtain a mortgage. Also I oppose unregulated renting out which in the main results in flatland. The Isle of Man has a lot of appalling private sector accommodation which means young families live in what most of us would regard as modern day squalor.


Former Chief Minister Richard Corkill and now Chief Minister Donald Gelling have failed to address these problems and the feeble attempts on first time buyer homes under the DLGE previous Ministry of Pam (the mouth “absolutely”) Crowe has only scratched the surface. Not enough and not fast enough! But let’s spend 9 million doing up the parliament building first chaps eh? What a total disgrace.


If people can afford better than local authority housing, and attain the wealth to buy mansions, and live in luxury then good luck to them. That is great provided the state ensures that there are no homeless and the right is ensured of all to have decent accommodation.


A caring compassionate political system which ensures the right of all people to education, housing, health care, and justice, regardless of ability to pay, is what I believe in, and as Butterfly rightly has stated in such an intellectual series of posts, is not communism.


Equally so because it is Vader who makes these statements, people ridicule and name call. That is the real bigotry.


As for the racist allegations attributed to me it may be not politically correct to point out the fact that non-whites in our multi cultured society are allowed the right to boast their colour and culture and discriminate against whites. Whites however are classed as racists in our modern Britain if they do the same.


But let me clarify further on my view of racism. I have nothing against people of other skin colour or culture living in Britain provided ALL submit to our laws. Therefore arranged marriages, circumcision of children, forcing young women to cover themselves against their wish, and forbidding them to inter-marry with people other than there own, is wrong. If this view makes me a racist in the eyes of people who are members of Manx Forums then I stand guilty but bloody well proud of it.


Some people in here could do better if they forget the name of the poster and think about the content of the post.

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