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Slim Vs Vader

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Who do ypu think has the upper hand?  

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For a self proclaimed expert, you really seem to be missing a very simple point. Communism isn't marxism. Marxism is a form of communism. If someone came up with an alternative communis philosophy, its still communism, but it's not marxism, get it? There was communist societies before Marx. There's many references that agree to this, oxford english dictionary is only one.


What makes you the expert on this anyway?


As I pointed out, and which you ignored, once again: Vader suggested that material rewards shouldn't be related to effort or ability. That's communsim in a nutshell isn't it? Therefore he's a communist?

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As I pointed out, and which you ignored, once again: Vader suggested that material rewards shouldn't be related to effort or ability. That's communsim in a nutshell isn't it? Therefore he's a communist?


You really are twisting this thread Slim and with respect you must know it.


I never suggested material rewards should not be related to effort or ability.


I did suggest that the right of all people to decent housing, education, health care, justice, etc should be the right of all regardless of ability to pay.


Even the UK Tory party has that philosophy. But if people can afford even better then good luck to them.


Where is the communism in that?

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Butterfly is not me. I admit quite honestly to be lacking in the intellect and knowledge that Butterfly has in his/her posts.


At least we agree on that point.


I actually hate communism because it has been proved it does not work. What I do favour is a society where free enterprise can flourish because from such, innovation and invention flowers.


And yet, when I suggest someone deserves a better quality of life because they are more successful, you call me a disgusting capitalist? What's that all about?


On housing I see nothing wrong in people buying their own homes but I think the state has a duty to provide decent accommodation to those whose earnings are insufficient enough to obtain a mortgage. Also I oppose unregulated renting out which in the main results in flatland. The Isle of Man has a lot of appalling private sector accommodation which means young families live in what most of us would regard as modern day squalor.


Renting out property isn't unregulated.


Former Chief Minister Richard Corkill and now Chief Minister Donald Gelling have failed to address these problems and the feeble attempts on first time buyer homes under the DLGE previous Ministry of Pam (the mouth “absolutely”) Crowe has only scratched the surface. Not enough and not fast enough! But let’s spend 9 million doing up the parliament building first chaps eh? What a total disgrace. 


As I already pointed out, and a point you ingored, is that first time buyers are given substatial grants to buy property on the open market.


If people can afford better than local authority housing, and attain the wealth to buy mansions, and live in luxury then good luck to them.


When I suggested that success should bring a higher quality of life, you called me a Nazi. Now you're saying the same thing.


That is great provided the state ensures that there are no homeless and the right is ensured of all to have decent accommodation.


Are you aware of any homeless people on the isle of man?


A caring compassionate political system which ensures the right of all people to education, housing, health care, and justice, regardless of ability to pay, is what I believe in, and as Butterfly rightly has stated in such an intellectual series of posts, is not communism.


I agree with that entirely, we should. Which is why I was saying public housing should be more effectively allocated so those that need it get it, and not those that can afford their own place. Yet you seem to be really offended by this idea.


Equally so because it is Vader who makes these statements, people ridicule and name call. That is the real bigotry.


No, I respond to the points as I would to anyone, I only add the insults because it's you. You called me a nazi. You added racist bleating into your points. You called yourself a liberal and said you hated capitalism, conservatism, and socialism. You can't make up your own bloody mind what you believe in, and call other people random names like Zionist and Nazi. That's why you get the response you do, you look like an idiot who has no idea what he's talking about.


As for the racist allegations attributed to me it may be not politically correct  to point out the fact that non-whites in our multi cultured society are allowed the right to boast their colour and culture and discriminate against whites. Whites however are classed as racists in our modern Britain if they do the same.


Where did you see anyone make any comments about whites in that thread? How is someones race or religion relevant to an argument about politics or housing?


But let me clarify further on my view of racism. I have nothing against people of other skin colour or culture living in Britain provided ALL submit to our laws. Therefore arranged marriages, circumcision of children, forcing young women to cover themselves against their wish, and forbidding them to inter-marry with people other than there own, is wrong. If this view makes me a racist in the eyes of people who are members of Manx Forums then I stand guilty but bloody well proud of it.


So, people are free to join our society as long as they look and behave exactly as you do? You are a small minded bigot, and I claim my five pounds!

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I'm not sure what's so wrong with "flatland" as you call it.

At age 16 when I moved out that's exactly where all my friends lived and I wanted to rent a flat too - and did. Not luxury for sure, but perfect for someone first moving out of home.

Admittedly some are hovels, but a quick glance at the inside of their flats tells you why in many cases....

I have family who rent out flats....it's a hard job honestly. every time a tennant changes a full refurb has to be done, there's constant maintenance and many fire regs to keep up with that all cost serious money.

It's companies buying up newly-built houses to rent out that you should rant about IMO.

Flats....that's what they're for. Low cost rental accomodation. There's a market for them and always will be.


Edit: I was replying to Vader's last post on the previous page...not sure why I took so long to type that tiny amount of text!

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I have family who rent out flats....it's a hard job honestly. every time a tennant changes a full refurb has to be done, there's constant maintenance and many fire regs to keep up with that all cost serious money.


Spot on Alex, thanks for that. I've just had tenants leave my flat, and it's taken us weeks to redecorate and repair.


If you pay at the bottom end of the market, you're going to get a hovel. A fair few rented flats start out in pretty good condition and become hovels because of the way the tenants treat em.


If the bloke Vader and FCMR are talking about has the near mine, well he's knocked down unsafe parts of the building, and added upvc windows and central heating to them. They really were hovels before they were bought and there's been a lot of work done to them. I don't know the details thought, and I've not been inside.

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For Christs sake Slim you are taking my remarks out of context even further!


I give up, I really do. And before trolls come in accusing me of spitting the dummy I say no way.


Those that really read with an open mind will understand.


I agree with some of your points Slim but I think I am wasting my time to try and debate with you. You percieve me as a communist but I do percieve you as too right wing.


However I must be honest and apologise for classing you as a Nazi.

Edit by ans to remove the mess of quotes that added nothing to the post and just made it two pages long.

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For Christs sake Slim you are taking my remarks out of context even further!

I give up, I really do. And before trolls come in accusing me of spitting the dummy I say no way.

Those that really read with an open mind will understand.


You seem to have made a u-turn on the 'reward vs ability thing', probably realising you were talking bull, so I'll let that drop.


Why not respond to the racist stuff? Is it because you can't defend your position? You really think we can have a mixed race society but expect people to change their culture simply because they live here?


If you go to live in India, should you only do what Indians do? Should you become a Hindu and (if you are one) give up on christianity?


Come on, I'll drop the insults, I'm genuinely interested in how your mind works. I'm convinced you simply havn't thought this through.

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