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Slim Vs Vader

Bill Posters

Who do ypu think has the upper hand?  

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You miserable little man!


Do you think for one moment that Observer doesn't condemn honour killings!


In all the forums over the years is there anyone who has not?


Has there ever been an allegation that PC authorities in England turn a blind eye to them?


Have you ignored the links that show that many muslims abhor the practice?


But carry on using it to justify your racism and I'll carry on thinking it is despicable of you to use these poor woman everytime you find yourself in a hole.


Once again you confuse racism with culturism. Islam is not defined to a race. Islam is multi race.


I am not using anything to justify racism.


I am expressing my views on a multi race cult that is a questionable religion that oppresses women and in essence is down right evil.


I am not in a hole. I have strong views on this and am exercising my legal right to express them. No race relation laws are being breached here.


Regarding "Observer" perhaps she would re-gain credability by being non-partisan with her comments.


As for calling me a miserable little man I ask you to think deeply about my views and not allow your biggotry against "vader" to cloud what should be impartial moderation and judgement.

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The blood comment was just meant to be funny as your post was very red and eye catching - contrary to what you may think I actually agree, in part, with some of what you say. I do think sometimes that you just don't come across very clearly on some things and that is not meant in any way to sound at all patronising.


I am firmly of the view that when you choose to live in another country, you should abide by that country's ways and customs, as in "when in Rome" (to coin a phrase). I do object very strongly to the extremely politically correct catering for all and sundry aside from our own - I think our ways and customs should be respected. I have no problem whatsoever with people following whatever is true for them, I do have a problem with people thrusting those ways on the masses.


You ask if I have any feelings for the oppressed 'of my sex' - I am not a feminist or sexist in any way and I would feel agrieved for anyone no matter what their sex or creed if they were oppressed. I do have strong feelings for the victims of similar circumstances to those you describe. For instance, 2nd/3rd generation islamic (not just islamic) girls (or boys) who have been brought up in our country with our ways and who are entirely like us and are being forced to abide by customs which are alien to our way of life - I think it is terrible. I have read about girls being murdered because they have tried to run away from arranged marriages bringing shame on their families and so their own family members have murdered them.


The cases you cite have not taken place in our country though and those are harder for me to comment on. Again, when in Rome and all that - whilst I think what is happening is terrible, it is the way of life in that place and some people take risks whilst being aware of the great costs involved.


Anyway - I've got to go and sort my kids out.


Back later.

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I just read your other post - you really are priceless sometimes.


Why do I have to regain any credibility for posting a jokey remark?


Non partisan? Excuse me???


Oh what's the use........ WALLY!

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The cases you cite have not taken place in our country though and those are harder for me to comment on. Again, when in Rome and all that - whilst I think what is happening is terrible, it is the way of life in that place and some people take risks whilst being aware of the great costs involved.


Anyway - I've got to go and sort my kids out.


Sadly such cases have happened in Britain. rape and killings within the muslim community and the police have come up against a wall of silence.


Your kids are more important than any of this. g.nite ;)

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How little you know about the real world.


Classic quote of the day as far as I'm concerned


They slag off the English and shun them in the streets but if any of us Brits shout at them back they go screaming to the authorities screaming about inequality.

They hate our culture yet conveniently live off it with social securitey benefits.


Bull. Some muslims do this. Some people abuse the system. Far more native British abuse the social security system in the same way, but I guess that's fine in the racists eyes, because they're 'our own'?


Can I go to Iran or Saudi Arabia and demand housing and benefits.

Can I tell them I want to live in their country but do not wish any of them to have a relationship with my daughter or son? Can I tell them I want to live in a community within a community and if you criticise me I will complain? And I want to have exemption from their laws?


You ignorant tosser. Not all muslim countries have social security like ours. Not all christian countres have social security like ours. Your bigoted fekwittery just can't see that eh?


I doubt you'd get housing and benefits if you went to india. Hindu's traditionally have arranged marriages. Are hindu's evil too Vader?

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