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Election Prediction

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Voted Labour by 10-30.


I was only saying last night to the missus that this election has totally snuck up on us. It's not had anywhere near the news coverage it has done in the past.

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Voted Labour by 10-30.


I was only saying last night to the missus that this election has totally snuck up on us. It's not had anywhere near the news coverage it has done in the past.


Nor has there been any clean indication of just what NuLabour will get up to next - much has been the case before. All sound bites - no detail is Mr Bleah.


The biggest winners will be the BNP and other extreme Right Wing parties.

The cat is out of the bag re undesirable aliens and illegal immigrants and a substantial number of people have been woken up to the scandal that has been taking place under NuLabour.


Oh NuLab will probably get re-elected to office – sorry, ‘power’ in Princess Tony parlance - but it’s the extreme Right that will benefit most from this election and its campaigning.


Maybe it might just possibly be for the best if it stiffens the backbone in the mainstream politicians on issues regarding the open door strategy of immigration into the UK that NuLabour so favour.

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Yeah, I should have qualified my vote by saying that wasn't what I wanted, it's just what I expect. I think it might be a lot closer than people thing. Labour's saving grace is that a lot of people turning away from them will go to the Liberals instead of the Tories like they would have done in days gone by.


Big gains for Lib and Con but not enough to topple Lab.


I'd love to be wrong though and see a Tory government tomorrow :)

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The biggest winners will be the BNP and other extreme Right Wing parties.

The cat is out of the bag re undesirable aliens and illegal immigrants and a substantial number of people have been woken up to the scandal that has been taking place under NuLabour.

Come off it Rog. Zillions of EEC citizens can walk in here any time they like and get housing, jobs, social services such as the NHS and all the rest of it. Compared to their potential numbers the amount of illegal immigrants and asylum seekers is miniscule. Of course, by the very nature of illegals it is pretty much impossible to actually gauge their numbers which suits those stirring up the weak-minded bigots just fine.


As I have said before the UK version of democracy needs a viable opposition to function properly. Checks and balances. One of the reasons we have all this rediculous pc bs is because the opposition has been ineffectual for several years now and by the way it's not about the number of seats they have either - it's all about what they have to say. If the tories put up another poor show then I don't know where they can go from here which is very bad for government as a whole.


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Yeah, I should have qualified my vote by saying that wasn't what I wanted, it's just what I expect. I think it might be a lot closer than people thing. Labour's saving grace is that a lot of people turning away from them will go to the Liberals instead of the Tories like they would have done in days gone by.


Big gains for Lib and Con but not enough to topple Lab.


I'd love to be wrong though and see a Tory government tomorrow :)


The ONLY downside would be that the reasons for the steps that will need to be taken to try to limit the terrible damage that this lot have done to the economy will not yet obvious to other than a few.


So many people still believe that Brown has done a ‘wonder job’ and totally fail to see that it has been done on the back of massive debt by the government who have borrowed money on an unprecedented scale and who have encouraged personal debt to fund the domestic economy, a debt that now stands at over a trillion pounds, also funded by foreign loans


NuLabour have mortgaged out future – and that, like it or not, includes the Isle of Man, by this strategy.


We presently carry $ 4,7 TRILLION of foreign debt, first out of a list of 149 countries and even above the US who are only carrying a debt of £1,4 trillion. What’s more, the US have massive natural resources, the UK has by comparison, none . Even our existing foreign earnings are mostly from ‘invisibles’ – a market that is in decline as other countries now offer the same or similar resources at better terms.


(source - http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbo...r/2079rank.html )


Margaret Thatcher got lambasted for what had to be done when she took up office. I dread to think of what is likely to happen over the coming five years under NuLabour and dread even more to think of what steps will have to then be taken. Dear God I hope that I’m wrong.

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What’s more, the US have massive natural resources, the UK has by comparison, none . Even our existing foreign earnings are mostly from ‘invisibles’ – a market that is in decline as other countries now offer the same or similar resources at better terms.


Margaret Thatcher got lambasted for what had to be done when she took up office.

I take it that's the same Margerat Thatcher who went a long way to destroy the UK manufacturing industry (thus forcing the emphasis onto financial services et al - the "invisibles") and also closed down coal mining, one of our only "natural" resources?


Now folks can go on about how importing coal, for example, is cheaper. However it is only cheaper because you are paying for much lower paid workers with a lower standard of living who are probably working in an even more dangerous environment. Of course, you don't count the social cost of wiping out your own mining communities and paying them dole, housing support and all the rest of it because then it might look un-economic.


Their legacy has been a major problem for the tories during this campaign. They can't complain about the cleanliness in hospitals too much as they were the ones who "out sourced" hospital cleaning. They couldn't make anything out of the demise of Rover because Maggie destroyed manufacturing industry. I was present at a seminar where John Harvey-Jones told Maggie to her face that she was UK manufacturing's worst enemy. She responded by basically telling him he would never get a knighthood. So he promptly mobilised his city contacts and got his K just to spite her as he clearly didn't care about it either way - top man. They can't really attack labour over the economy because it is quite stable and in any event just mentioning "Black Wednesday" has the tories immediately on the back foot. Howard would have gone into Iraq regardless. It's all really difficult for them and calling Blair a liar has completely backfired as the UK electorate don't like personal attacks of any kind, which I guess is to their credit.


I voted for a labour majority of less than 100 but at the end of the day the opposition are going nowhere until they can come up with a leader who would make a viable Prime Minister. Currently they are like Labour and Kinnock - no chance at all unless something really odd happens.


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But PK, she HAD to cull the dead duck industries. The whole country was living in cloud cuckoo land and way beyond its means. Miners and others were getting far more in terms of the national cake (the GDP) than their contribution warranted. Each ton of coal actually cost MORE than it could be sold for.


And the privatisation of so much that was in the private sector simply had to be done to allow the essential efficiencies to be reached. To have done what was needed to an industry or service still in public hands would have been political suicide.


Hospital cleanliness? Not caused by the employment of outsourced services but by the dreadful incompetence of senior managers within the NHS driven by targets rather than clinical and operational l need.


In any case when the NuLabour spree finally hits the bumpers as it most certainly will what will then need to be done by the incoming government will make Mrs Thatcher seem like Lady Bountiful.


I voted to show that I expect a NuLabour (we don't have :abour any more) of in excess of 100 though I do hope the number is far less than that.

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I would absolutely agree that the emergence of the "Asian Tiger" economies would have brought it about anyway. However Maggie didn't take that into account at the time. The miners bought down a Tory Government and so she destroyed them and others out of spite. She also ordered the sinking of the Belgrano and with it any peace process which led to war AND she then lied about it to the H of C. But, of course, no parallels get drawn to the Iraq issue by rags like The Torygraph, The Daily Rail, The Excess and so forth. Case closed.


Incidentally I have decided not to vote as it only encourages the politicians. I would vote if every ballot paper had a last box marked "None of the above". If only.....


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Labour 70-90 (maybe higher), but the lowest share of the vote for a governing party since the war.


I think the Tories have blown it. They had momentum at the start of the campaign people were listening to them. Then they found very little in the way of substance. Howard was saying he have Matrons back on the wards by June, cut red tape for police within days, and tighten the borders by July. But what was he going to do for the remaining four years? ToryLite!

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The choice between the big two is very dispiriting.


NewLabour - with its messianic cult of manipulation, deceit, global interference and seeming total disregard of the health, future employment, family, pensions or lives of everyone subject to their ill-conceived notions - is a disgrace to Democracy.


Their deeply flawed and dishonest motive(s) for invading Iraq are an abomination. All is deceit, fake tans and all.


George Brown has his hand in everyone's back pockets and is raiding their pensions, to the tune of BILLIONS whilst enjoying the security of his protected pension position. I suspect that one day we'll see that he's been presiding over the biggest financial black hole known to man.


The Conservatives have yet again managed to select a loser as a leader. This man will only attract soft extremists. More serious ones will vote BNP etc or not at all. He jumps on each and every opportune bandwagon. Their party is in such a state of chaos that they shouldn't be thought capable of running a country. I reckon 10 days and then the leadership battle will start and loser number 4 will be selected.


Their ill-judged backing for Blairs war proves them spineless and ignorant.


The LibDems unfortunately haven't enough candidates to win a major number of seats. One day they could well become the party of choice for the majority. They certainly seem more honest than the others do. Their stand on the Iraq war earned them my respect.


There will undoubtedly is some first class, independent and honourable candidates out there today, most being totally ignored because the party machines'll trample them.


If Blair gets back in with a large majority, I too fear for the future.

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