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Election Prediction

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Their deeply flawed and dishonest motive(s) for invading Iraq are an abomination. All is deceit, fake tans and all.

Well, someone had to make a very difficult decision and he made it. You may not agree with his decision but then that's up to the individual. However I would suspect that Blair and the rest of the cabinet had rather more information on it than most of us.


If Howard loses and goes immediately it will be very damaging to the party ie the defeated leader skulking away with his tail between his legs. Hopefully he will "lame duck" it for a year or so and then go honourably. But who will replace him? The bouffant buffoon Oliver Letwin? I just don't see a potential PM anywhere in their current front bench.


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Well, someone had to make a very difficult decision and he made it.

Wrong! The right decision had to be made, by the UN.


You may not agree with his decision but then that's up to the individual.

And let's all hope that proves to be the case today.


However I would suspect that Blair and the rest of the cabinet had rather more information on it than most of us.

If that were true, he had plenty of time to prove it and didn't! He also had time to supply the Chief UN weapons inspector, Dr Hans Blix and his team with any salient information. Again, he didn't!

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I wouldn’t trust the UN to decide a thing. It is so corrupt it stinks. In any case, the UN can only decide on a police action – a war is a national decision to make.


And Blix – another useless article - had a responsibility to inspect, not to have to discover.


Saddam had the duty to disclose – ha had reportedly failed. He brought what happened on his own head – or more precisely on the heads of the people that he ruled.

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Speak to any US citizen and they will tell you that the UN is a complete waste of space. They will quote Ruwanda, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Darfur etc etc and tell you that if we all waited for the UN then NOTHING would ever get done. I would agree that on it's recent efforts the UN is a very difficult position to defend. At the end of the day does a country taking punitive action actually need the blessing of the UN? I think you will find the answer is no.

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I think you'll find the answer is should do!


The UN is a long way away from it's true potential, that doesn't mean we should ignore it. We should encourage and guide a change for the better.


No one country should rule the world. It's just not healthy.


Saddam was a tyrant. A wicked, sadistic, murderous, greedy brute and if Iraq didn't have oil, I might have been less sceptical about the illegal rush to regime change. If regime change was the resolution approved by the UN than that would have been different. I detest the fact that men of power, achieved through the democratic process, can abuse that power to kill, invade, manipulate and deceive.


In thruth there's damned little concern over dictatorships, brutality and lack of democracy in many other areas of the world.


After 9/11 this whole Iraq affair is one of smoke and mirrors, designed to confuse the Americans as to who was responsible for terrorism in their country. Was it Bin Laden or Saddam? Some people, unbelievably, are still confused.


It's been alleged that Bush reckons that Jesus wants him (Bush) to enforce spread democracy in the world. Bet there are plenty of countries that will prove rather reluctant to adopt his (and Blairs) particular theocratic fancies.


I believe the war to be illegal. I thought so before it happened and I believe it still.

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I believe the war to be illegal. I thought so before it happened and I believe it still.


All war is by definition illegal - at least outside of the counties waging war when the initial aggressor is the guilty party.


It does not follow that all warlike acts are illegal and it is wrong to confuse police actions, even dam big one like Korea or Gulf War #1, with being wars which they patently are not, despite the name commonly used for them. This is NOT simply semantics.


Bleah made a big time mistake in trying to avoid upsetting the electorate firstly by playing the ‘UN’ card in the hope that it would at least provide an excuse for doing what was unquestionably the right thing and then secondly by contriving a scenario in which his actions were justified on the basis of self defence.

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Voted Labour by 10-30.


I was only saying last night to the missus that this election has totally snuck up on us. It's not had anywhere near the news coverage it has done in the past.


I thought this too. I think if you live there, you're bombarded by advertising, people with megaphones, mailshots, etc. The bbc are also being quite low key in their coverage, trying to remain as impartial as possible, so if you rely on the bbc for your uk news, your not going to see as much.

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The war against Iraq was necessary. Blaire did right.

Charging students tuition fees. Blaire did wrong.


Nu labour is not a socialist party. Difference between Tories and Labour has reduced to a crack.


Neither Tories or Labour are fit to rule. But blaire will get back with a massive reduction in majority. I voted 30-50 seats.


That will be enough to ram the message home and wipe the false smile off his face.


As for the UN that stands for United Nothing.


(Please remember to take part in our forum election today.

Vote Vader! The real choice :D )

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That will be enough to ram the message home and wipe the false smile off his face.


Yeah, I'm sure he'll be really naffed that he won. That'll show him. Dullard.



(Please remember to take part in our forum election today.

Vote Vader! The real choice :D )


I don't need to canvass. I'm pretty indifferent about the result, but I'm also confident that the majority of people won't vote for a complete fekwit.

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That will be enough to ram the message home and wipe the false smile off his face.


Yeah, I'm sure he'll be really naffed that he won. That'll show him. Dullard.



(Please remember to take part in our forum election today.

Vote Vader! The real choice :D )


I don't need to canvass. I'm pretty indifferent about the result, but I'm also confident that the majority of people won't vote for a complete fekwit.


Shame you have no sense of humour.


But if Blaire gets a reduced majority do you not think it will make him revise some of his policies?


Rog said earlier that Nu labour has plunged the nation into deep debt. May be Blaire may contemplate on that. And perhaps Howard with his total lies.


BTW. I hate Margaret Thatcher but to be fair she told no lies and was up front.

Not like the aforementioned slimey duo.

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Shame you have no sense of humour.


Not at all, I find most of your posts hilarious.


But if Blaire gets a reduced majority do you not think it will make him revise some of his policies?


Perhaps, but it's hardly going to wipe the smile off his face. Blairs shown that he's prepared to do things that are unpopular too.


Rog said earlier that Nu labour has plunged the nation into deep debt. May be Blaire may contemplate on that. And perhaps Howard with his total lies.


You seen national debt as a percentage of gdp during the conservative rule?


BTW. I hate Margaret Thatcher but to be fair she told no lies and was up front.

Not like the aforementioned slimey duo.


"You don't tell deliberate lies, but sometimes you have to be evasive. "

Margaret Thatcher

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What Blair and Rog?


I don’t particularly object to be called slimey, especially as I can only be insulted by someone who’s opinions I respect, but appearing on the same post let alone in the same sentence as The Grinning Ninny Bleah is a tad too much.

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What Blair and Rog?


I don’t particularly object to be called slimey, especially as I can only be insulted by someone who’s opinions I respect, but appearing on the same post let alone in the same sentence as The Grinning Ninny Bleah is a tad too much.


I am confused. I never called Rog slimey but Blaire and Howard.

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