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Election Prediction

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Voted Labour by 10-30.


I was only saying last night to the missus that this election has totally snuck up on us. It's not had anywhere near the news coverage it has done in the past.


I thought this too. I think if you live there, you're bombarded by advertising, people with megaphones, mailshots, etc. The bbc are also being quite low key in their coverage, trying to remain as impartial as possible, so if you rely on the bbc for your uk news, your not going to see as much.



Are you both living on a different planet?


The BBC's three main daily bulletins for the last three weeks have probably, on average, had more than a quarter of the time devoted to the election. Often a lot more. There have been no really big news stories to overtake the election in the last three weeks.


Newsnight has been non-stop. They've had Michael Crick out in his helicopter etc for the last three weeks.


Breakfast has had Declan Currie out on his motorcycle and side car in a silly stunt thing visiting various constituencies and businesses. Plus stacks in the studio.


All of Radio 4's news has been saturated with it. It always has a bias towards politics. But Radio 5 Live has had stacks on news and talk programmes too.


Sky News has a running thing at the bottom of the screen with election news, plus the latest polls in the far left of the screen.


ITV News has been pretty much the same as the BBC. And Channel 4 News has had more time devoted to it proportionally than either.


You can't have watched a single news bulletin all the way through.


There are 10 national newspapers in your newsagent every morning. Even the Daily Star has done a fair bit. If you bought The Sun or The Independent, the chances are the election would be on the front page any day over the last three weeks. Every paper in between has had loads.


All your posts tell us is your lack of use of the media. Which is fair enough and your choice. But don't pretend there's been nothing about the election available for those who are actually interested in the world around them.


As for direct info from the parties, I'm in the UK and I've had a leaflet and a phone call from Labour, a leaflet and a letter from the Tories (the first time the Conservatives have contacted me during any election since I've lived here since 1994) and a leaflet from UKIP. And that's it. I'm not in a marginal constituency so I'm not very valuable to the parties. But everyone in the UK gets far more info about the election from the papers and the telly than they do from leaflets and "megaphones" (not heard a single one, by the way).

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I watched the BNP party political broadcast. They were saying that like Switzerland every home would hold a modern automatic firearm issued by the gov to be used in the event of a national crisis. By the way it was ok to shoot burglars dead with it as well.


At first I thought it was a spoof. It wasn't.


The Sun has been quite low profile on the election. On the other side of the coin I think The Daily Mail is going to re-brand itself as The Daily Facist.

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What Blair and Rog?


I don’t particularly object to be called slimey, especially as I can only be insulted by someone who’s opinions I respect, but appearing on the same post let alone in the same sentence as The Grinning Ninny Bleah is a tad too much.


I am confused. I never called Rog slimey but Blaire and Howard.


It was in a post by Declan. My reply was tongue in cheek anyway.

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I notice the Mail's front page today doesn't feature the election? Have they given up on Howard?



Well, the blurb under the masthead of the copy I saw did. Natasha Kaplinsky or whoever presented Breakfast this morning held a copy of it as she reviewed the papers on the telly this morning and said the front page didn't mention the election, even though it did.


OK, the lead story wasn't about the election. It was about a vaccine for cervical cancer.


Perhaps they've run out of bile at Associated Newspapers.

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Like Howard The Daily Mail has done just about everything they could to diss Blair and Labour without really coming up with any Howard "positives" if you like. I don't actually read the Mail but I do scan it as I do The Sun because they are commonly here at work. For example the Mail made a huge play that Blair couldn't remember the exact number of UK troops killed in action in Iraq, probably because the lines get confused between things like enemy action and road accidents. They claimed he insulted our troops by not knowing the exact number which is quite pathetic really. My personal view is that certain types of people read certain types of newspapers not for news but because things like the leader comment reinforces their own bigotries with The Daily Mail being the classic example - the broadsheet for people with short arms and even shorter tolerances.


Of course, this couldn't happen to me as I'm actually a wishy-washy Grauniad reader.

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The Daily Mail is going to re-brand itself as The Daily Facist.


No it won't. Even the Daily Mail can spell.


Anyway, it already has once. It swapped its allegiance from the Conservative Party to Oswald Moseley's Fascists for a short time in the 30s.

What else do you expect from a Grauniad reader?


By the way it's Oswald Mosley. Pot, kettle etc etc.


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OK, the lead story wasn't about the election. It was about a vaccine for cervical cancer.


What's that got to do with house prices?



Well there are those, me not least, who consider Bleah is best described as a pain in the whatsit and this is after all the GB General Election day ----

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You seen national debt as a percentage of gdp during the conservative rule?


Out of interest, what were these percentages like (being a youthie).


Watching the beeb from the Isle of Man, I must admit the US election coverage seemed more prominent and intrusive of our normal news than the UK one. I suppose they're trying not to tread on toes?

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