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I can imagine few things worse than a BNP government, especially with the number of idiots that still make up the membership of the BNP but in fairness that is changing.


I do maintain that what is needed is a political presence for people who are not ashamed to be British and White.


Maybe the presence of the BNP will encourage the existing major parties to become less white-hating that they all are to some degree and also be willing to tackle delicate or difficult issues whilst at the same time ignoring the equally lunatic ‘everything that ahs any racial connotation is to be condemned’ and the ‘national prude is racist’ attitude.


The BNP as a Government? Heaven forbid!


And as for walls, there can be none that we should be concerned about more than those built by the immgrants who refuse to adoopt our ways and integrate into the society they were so desperate to enter. Those are the walls that we should be destroying and those who object or who persist in re-building them to create their own conclaves should be sent back from whence they came post haste.

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I do maintain that what is needed is a political presence for people who are not ashamed to be British and White.



I didn't realise I had any reason to be proud to be white. It's a matter of complete indifference to me. A pigment of the imagination. Please enlighten me why I should be proud of something over which I had no control.


Which current political parties "hate" white people? Supporting a multi-cultural country and diversity is not the same thing as hating white people.


The Tories have their first black (Afro-Caribbean) MP this morning. Hardly a testament to a party that goes around hating white people.


The Church of England gets automatic representation in the House of Lords through its bishops. The established religion (part of British culture) is part of our legislative process, although I'd much prefer it wasn't. Although rabbis and other religious heads seem to be appointed to the Lords too these days.


A black person is not going to be the next monarch. I'll guarantee it. British (or German) race is entrenched as far as the most potent symbol of our nationality - our head of state - is concerned.


Is the Labour party saying we should support Pakistan instead of England in Test matches? Didn't think so.


Is there any move to ban tea and scones, brass bands, fish and chips, Cockney rhyming slang, morris dancing, the kilt, pigeon-fancying? No. Every element of British culture is still going strong, unhindered by different ethnic groups in the country.


I'm happy to do some or all of those things. No Asian, Jew or Afro-Caribbean person has tried to stop me. No political party has, either.


Has Glyndebourne been replaced with a bhangra festival?


Is Ascot being stopped in favour of a steel band competition?


In what ways are British culture being undermined?



It's just alarmist tosh to suggest anything of the sort is happening.


But promoting a mono-culture is, by its very nature, going to exclude a large number of people who live in Britain.


The truth is that British culture is being undermined from one source and one source only. The United States. We watch American films, we watch American television, we use American pronunciation (say "harass" and ask an older person what's wrong with your pronunciation), American spelling is taking over - even Rog managed to spell "programme" "program" in another post.


Meanwhile, Rog brought up the "lunatic fringe" of the BNP. The lunatic element is completely mainstream within the BNP. They're the ones who think Belfast is a good template for Bradford or Oldham.


To promote such a policy, it's in the interests of the BNP to stoke up racial tension. Which they've done with some success in some areas.


The fact that so many of members of the BNP have criminal records for violence bears testament to the party's real nature. This is not an urban myth.


And the fact that the party has a couple of Oxbridge graduates in it now does not make it automatically acceptable.


All they've done is to swap the word "P***" for "muslim" and suddenly they get plaudits from people who should know better.

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I didn't realise I had any reason to be proud to be white. It's a matter of complete indifference to me. A pigment of the imagination. Please enlighten me why I should be proud of something over which I had no control.


There’s a difference between being proud to be white (of which I happen to be both but that’s beside the point) and being made to feel ashamed of being white which is so often the theme pushed by the sandal wearing lentil eaters of the UK in particular.


Which current political parties "hate" white people? Supporting a multi-cultural country and diversity is not the same thing as hating white people.


‘Multi-culture’ is a disaster and has now been shown to not work. A nation that promotes a multiplicity of cultures within itself is a disaster – or more likely a battle ground - waiting to go off.


The Tories have their first black (Afro-Caribbean) MP this morning. Hardly a testament to a party that goes around hating white people.


Huh? That statement doesn’t make sense.


The Church of England gets automatic representation in the House of Lords through its bishops. The established religion (part of British culture) is part of our legislative process, although I'd much prefer it wasn't. And rabbis and other religious heads seem to be appointed to the Lords too these days.


So what? I actually agree that there should be NO religious parties involved in government but what has that got to do with the price of soap?


A black person is not going to be the next monarch. I'll guarantee it. British (or German) culture is entrenched as far as the most potent symbol of our nationality - our head of state - is concerned.


This is not about colour it is about our British nation – at least that is how I see it.


Is the Labour party saying we should support Pakistan instead of England in Test matches? Didn't think so.


They give a dam good impression of doing so. Look at the fuss from town halls where there is a NuLabour council when anyone flies a English flag or heaven forefend the Union Flag, or suggests the celebration of St George day.


Is there any move to ban tea and scones, fish and chips, Cockney rhyming slang, morris dancing, the kilt, pigeon-fancying? No. Every element of British culture are still going strong, unhindered by different ethnic groups in the country.


There is far more about British culture than that.


In what ways are British culture being undermined? It's just alarmist tosh to suggest anything of the sort is happening.


No. Look at the all-pervading political correctness rubbish, at the removal of an age old statue of a boar ‘in case it offends mohammedans’, at the introduction of ‘mid winter holiday’ in place of Christmas for the same reason --- I could go on and on.


Promoting a mono-culture is, by its very nature, going to exclude a large number of people who live in Britain.


They have a choice – join our culture, or ship out. If some of the fashions or styles of life that they bring with them become assimilated into our way of life – fine, our society and our British couture has gained immeasurably by evolving and adopting what is a god fit but we should not be obliged to change our ways just to satisfy interlopers.


Meanwhile, Rog brought up the "lunatic fringe" of the BNP. The lunatic element is completely mainstream within the BNP. They're the ones who think Belfast is a good template for Bradford or Oldham.


I suspect they are actually quite close to the truth having spent a great deal of time working just outside of Belfast over a number of years, and visited both Bradford and Oldham on an occasional but regular basis.


To promote such a policy, it's in the interests of the BNP to stoke up racial tension. Which they've done with some success in some areas.


Yes, there have been those who have gone out to cause trouble – but there’s also those who have gone out to highlight a growing menace in the communities.


What is now happening though is that they are, by virtue of already being seen more as a result of past history and propaganda the pariahs of British politics, able to speak the truth that dare not speak its name (to paraphrase Oscar Wilde)


The fact that so many of members of the BNP have criminal records for violence bears testament to the party's real nature. This is not an urban myth.


Better quote some names and details and better come up with enough to justify the phrase ‘so many’ while you’re at it.


And the fact that the party has a couple of Oxbridge graduates in it now does not make it automatically acceptable.


More than a couple and not just Ox/brifge either. Nor just WASP’s.


All they've done is to swap the word "P***" for "muslim" and suddenly they get plaudits from people who should know better.


That could also justifiably be seen as a growing maturity by moving away from the raw racism of the past and identifying where the REAL threat to our country lies.

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I would like to see more balance in the way the UK approaches these things.


There is an Association of Black Police Officers. Can you imagine what would happen if someone tried to create an Association of White Police Officers? A young lady recently won the right to wear an overtly Muslim dress in a school that was already doing it's best to fit in everyone. What do you think would have happened if little Johnny had turned up the next day at the same school in an overshirt of the Knights Templar? A landlady had to take her council to court to stay open on St Georges Day just for parity with all those dreadful "Oirish" theme pubs that spew guinness-laden drunks onto our streets at all hours on St Patricks Day.


The problem seems to be that these folks arrive here and then form enclaves where they import their own cultures. Therefore our multi-cultural society is simply not integrating and all the pc bs above helps ensure that it won't.


Friday pm - see you Monday.


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On my small street (actually it's an avenue) there's a Sikh family in the corner shop, a Jewish lady next door, a Muslim family next to her, me, a Jewish mother and daughter, a white family (presumably Anglo-Saxon CofE, don't know them. They're the ones the police seem to keep visiting. This is all 100% true) next to them.


On the other side, there's a white family, white family (although mother is foreign-accented European, don't know from whereabouts she hails), Jewish couple, Greek Cypriot.





Just when they're all getting along so well, the bloody Welsh turn up to spoil the neighbourhood....

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There’s a difference between being proud to be white (of which I happen to be both but that’s beside the point) and being made to feel ashamed of being white which is so often the theme pushed by the sandal wearing lentil eaters of the UK in particular.


This doesn't actually happen. It's your strange fantasy.


Which current political parties "hate" white people? Supporting a multi-cultural country and diversity is not the same thing as hating white people.


‘Multi-culture’ is a disaster and has now been shown to not work. A nation that promotes a multiplicity of cultures within itself is a disaster – or more likely a battle ground - waiting to go off.


My street shows that you're talking through your bottom. I work and socialise happily with people of all backgrounds. Most people under 50 in urban Britain do.


The Tories have their first black (Afro-Caribbean) MP this morning. Hardly a testament to a party that goes around hating white people.


Huh? That statement doesn’t make sense.


If the Tories hated white people (you suggested that the BNP was a refuge for people who were "not ashamed" to be white) they'd have some black MPs before now.


The Church of England gets automatic representation in the House of Lords through its bishops. The established religion (part of British culture) is part of our legislative process, although I'd much prefer it wasn't. And rabbis and other religious heads seem to be appointed to the Lords too these days.


So what? I actually agree that there should be NO religious parties involved in government but what has that got to do with the price of soap?


The point is that ethnic minorities have not undermined either the British establishment or British culture, as you suggested.


A black person is not going to be the next monarch. I'll guarantee it. British (or German) race is entrenched as far as the most potent symbol of our nationality - our head of state - is concerned.


This is not about colour it is about our British nation – at least that is how I see it.



Is the Labour party saying we should support Pakistan instead of England in Test matches? Didn't think so.


They give a dam good impression of doing so. Look at the fuss from town halls where there is a NuLabour council when anyone flies a English flag or heaven forefend the Union Flag, or suggests the celebration of St George day.


Bollocks. Fiercely-Labour Manchester Council tried to arrange a St George's Day parade. It advertised it everything and guess what? Nobody went. You see, celebrating St George's Day has never actually been a part of English culture. And the "Merrie England" fantasists use the lack of St George's Day celebration as some sort of indictment of multicultualism, without addressing the point that it's never been celebrated.


Is there any move to ban tea and scones, fish and chips, Cockney rhyming slang, morris dancing, the kilt, pigeon-fancying? No. Every element of British culture are still going strong, unhindered by different ethnic groups in the country.


There is far more about British culture than that.


Any examples then of anything that has been stopped? Or is it all "Daily Mail bin liners cannot be black any more" urban myths?


In what ways are British culture being undermined? It's just alarmist tosh to suggest anything of the sort is happening.


No. Look at the all-pervading political correctness rubbish, at the removal of an age old statue of a boar ‘in case it offends mohammedans’, at the introduction of ‘mid winter holiday’ in place of Christmas for the same reason --- I could go on and on.


You do tend to. You're talking about "Winterval" in Birmingham in about 1999? And what else?


Promoting a mono-culture is, by its very nature, going to exclude a large number of people who live in Britain.


They have a choice – join our culture, or ship out. If some of the fashions or styles of life that they bring with them become assimilated into our way of life – fine, our society and our British couture has gained immeasurably by evolving and adopting what is a god fit but we should not be obliged to change our ways just to satisfy interlopers.


But we have not changed any of our ways to satisfy any interlopers. We still celebrate Christmas and Easter. Jews have to take time off for Passover. Hindus for Diwali, Muslims for Eid. They don't get it automatically.


Meanwhile, Rog brought up the "lunatic fringe" of the BNP. The lunatic element is completely mainstream within the BNP. They're the ones who think Belfast is a good template for Bradford or Oldham.


I suspect they are actually quite close to the truth having spent a great deal of time working just outside of Belfast over a number of years, and visited both Bradford and Oldham on an occasional but regular basis.


I live three miles from Oldham. It's your bottom talking again.


To promote such a policy, it's in the interests of the BNP to stoke up racial tension. Which they've done with some success in some areas.


Yes, there have been those who have gone out to cause trouble – but there’s also those who have gone out to highlight a growing menace in the communities.


What is now happening though is that they are, by virtue of already being seen more as a result of past history and propaganda the pariahs of British politics, able to speak the truth that dare not speak its name (to paraphrase Oscar Wilde)


Growing menace? Just because the BNP says it's so, it ain't necessarily so.


The fact that so many of members of the BNP have criminal records for violence bears testament to the party's real nature. This is not an urban myth.


Better quote some names and details and better come up with enough to justify the phrase ‘so many’ while you’re at it.


Party leader Nick Griffin was given a suspended sentence in 1998 after he was convicted of inciting racial hatred.


Soho bomber David Copeland was a BNP member.


The party's organiser in Northern Ireland, Andy McLorie, was jailed for two years for his part in a 1986 National Front petrol bomb attack on the home of an RUC officer.


No fewer than THIRTEEN of the BNP's 28 regional or branch organisers in 2003 had criminal records for offences that included assault, fraud, theft, racist abuse and possession of drugs and weapons.


Mick Treacy, an Oldham BNP organiser, has five convictions for violence, theft and handling stolen goods.


Tony Lecomber, a BNP director, is a convicted bomber and was jailed for three years after a brutal attack on a Jewish school teacher. Burnley BNP organiser Steve Smith was jailed for six months last year for falsifying election nomination signatures.


And the fact that the party has a couple of Oxbridge graduates in it now does not make it automatically acceptable.


More than a couple and not just Ox/bridge either. Nor just WASP’s.


All they've done is to swap the word "P***" for "muslim" and suddenly they get plaudits from people who should know better.


That could also justifiably be seen as a growing maturity by moving away from the raw racism of the past and identifying where the REAL threat to our country lies.


Or it could be a smokescreen to stay within race relations legislation but still spread race hatred.

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Not the glorious dawn of 1997 - not by a long way.  It's all tainted now.


And rather sad that the Portillo moment was replaced with the Twigg moment.


We need Gordon Brown combining with David Blunkett now, to lead the way forward and between them they can keep one eye on the future.


Correction two eyes :D

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Not the glorious dawn of 1997 - not by a long way.  It's all tainted now.


And rather sad that the Portillo moment was replaced with the Twigg moment.


We need Gordon Brown combining with David Blunkett now, to lead the way forward and between them they can keep one eye on the future.


Correction two eyes :D



Check your facts, correct your correction.

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Not the glorious dawn of 1997 - not by a long way.  It's all tainted now.


And rather sad that the Portillo moment was replaced with the Twigg moment.


We need Gordon Brown combining with David Blunkett now, to lead the way forward and between them they can keep one eye on the future.


Correction two eyes :D



Check your facts, correct your correction.


OMG you are right! :D


Ha ha ha. Well done

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