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FIRST - a dam fine contribution by Lonan3.


Now --- here goes.



I commented in the way that living in the UK today where there are people, often involved in public bodies, who seem to see that being white is something to be ashamed of. And make this known by their words and actions.


‘Mrs T’ wrote --- This doesn't actually happen. It's your strange fantasy.


I totally disagree. When my son attended school he was very upset because of the manner in which colonial history was taught. No mention was made of the good that the British brought to countries that they colonised, everything was about the downside. This weekend t we had my wife’s cousin and her kids to stay with us. They are twin girls of 15 and attend a decent school in Finchley, Noryh London and when we were discussing this matter (the father is in the Met and the issue of racialist recruitment was being discussed) the kids spoke of how they also were experiencing this, promoted by their teachers.


Take also the remark by the ex director of the BBC when he took office and announced that the BBC was “Disgustingly white” (his words.)



I then comment on ‘the failed experiment of multi-cultureism in GB.


‘Mrs T’ wrote --- My street shows that you're talking through your bottom. I work and socialise happily with people of all backgrounds. Most people under 50 in urban Britain do.


My reply --- By multi-culture I refer to the establishment of parallel cultures (for want of a better name) which encourage the non-integration, if not the outright hostility towards the British people and our culture – the culture of the Host Nation.


A classic but by far not unique example is the Islamic Parliament that has been set up in the UK together with separation of schooling and so forth with the intent of producing a separate nationality into the UK. This is not about integrated societies, it is about social groups based mostly on religion or simply massive ‘cultural’ differences who either will not or can not integrate with us and want to live as a separate nation on the same land mass. It can’t work and should NEVER have been allowed to start.



‘Mrs T’ wrote --- If the Tories hated white people (you suggested that the BNP was a refuge for people who were "not ashamed" to be white) they'd have some black MPs before now.


But --- where has that implied that the Conservatives (not Tories if you don’t mind) hated white people? I see no indication of Conservative supporters hating ANY people and especially not on grounds of race.


‘Mrs T’ wrote --- The point is that ethnic minorities have not undermined either the British establishment or British culture, as you suggested.


Some certainly have undermined British culture and society as well. Look at the activity of the ‘Yardies’ and their indiscriminate use of guns. Look at IRA Sin Fein and how in conjunction with the awful bleah they have attempted to sell the Ulster people ‘down the river’ and hand off a piece of the UK to a foreign power. And then there’s the establishment of ‘black’ sections of organisations, at the racist recruitment policy of the civil service, of the racist recruitment policy of the police – call it ‘positive discrimination’ if you wish, but it amounts to racism by another name. After all, Ethnic Minorities aren’t all non-whites.


’Mrs T’ continues -- Is the Labour party saying we should support Pakistan instead of England in Test matches? Didn't think so.


They give a dam good impression of doing so. Look at the fuss from town halls where there is a NuLabour council when anyone flies a English flag or heaven forefend the Union Flag, or suggests the celebration of St George day.



And from ‘Mrs.T’— Bollocks. Fiercely-Labour Manchester Council tried to arrange a St George's Day parade. It advertised it everything and guess what? Nobody went. You see, celebrating St George's Day has never actually been a part of English culture. And the "Merrie England" fantasists use the lack of St George's Day celebration as some sort of indictment of multicultualism, without addressing the point that it's never been celebrated.


I reply – not so.


’Mrs T’ --- Any examples then of anything that has been stopped? Or is it all "Daily Mail bin liners cannot be black any more" urban myths?


My reply - here’s a classic to illustrate what needs to be redressed as a result of the erosion of our culture, this one relating to the teaching of our kids..


“A Sunday Telegraph survey of children visiting Trafalgar Square appeared to support Mr Thurley's claims. Only one of the 12 children, aged between nine and 15, was able to name Admiral Lord Nelson as the figure on the central column. Others thought it was Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa.”



Then in reply to my complaint about the ongoing undermining of British Culture Mrs T writes You're talking about "Winterval" in Birmingham in about 1999? And what else?


Lots. Let’s look at some of the VERY un-British things now being done.

#1 The presumption of innocence? No longer. Prosecutors in Scotland have been ordered to take all race-crime suspects to court, even if there is no evidence against them and much money is wasted in quite fruitless charges.

Former prosecutor William Frain-Bell revealed that the Scottish Executive had made the ruling essentially for political reasons; it would look good for the politicians if they could show that they were taking 'racism' seriously. (February 2004)

#2 Prosecute irrespective of race, colour, or creed? Hardly. Brian Conn, a chemist in Chadwell Heath, Essex, was assaulted in his shop and beaten unconscious. However, he recognised his attacker as a former customer, and provided the police with his name from Pharmacy computer records. In addition, he was able to take a photo of the man just before the assault took place and supplied the police with the photo.

The police did nothing to catch the thug (whom the photo showed to be black) but instead warned Mr Conn that he had breached the data protection rules by supplying the man's details from his records and that as a result he could face prosecution. (February 2004)

#3 British Humour? Dangerous stuff. The village of Merton, near Okehampton in Devon, has for years had a regular tradition of putting on pantomines for the local kids at Christmas time. This year, the plan was to stage on called 'Snow White and the Seven Asylum-Seekers'. The panto told the story of seven asylum-seekers called Chemical Ali, Comical Ali, Back Ali, Dark Ali, Bowling Ali, Ali G and Ali Kiss-Angel. The seven were working illegally in a nearby quarry and living off baked beans in a cabin in the wood.

But the Commission for racial Equality got to hear of the vent and demanded that the show be cancelled. The pantomine society, known as the Merton Players capitulated, but not before its writer, Bob Harrod, resigned from the Players in disgust at their cowardice. (December 2003)

#4 Common sense? Forget it Kim Munro is a child-minder in the village of Whiteparish, near Salisbury – an area where people who represent ethnic minorities are extremely thin on the ground.

But she was visited last month by an Ofsted inspector who took her to task because among the dolls she used for her charges to play with there were insufficient black and brown ones. This, apparently, was indicative of 'racism'! (September 2003)

There’s lots and lots more.


‘Mrs T’ wrote --- But we have not changed any of our ways to satisfy any interlopers. We still celebrate Christmas and Easter. Jews have to take time off for Passover. Hindus for Diwali, Muslims for Eid. They don't get it automatically.


Not changed our ways? Purleese. You really should get out more and meet more people. Blackboards? Black coffee? Forbidden words that even look as if they were risky such as ‘niggardly in a list that was distributed where I formally worked with a directive they were not to be used in formal documents – I can go on and on.’


When I commented “I suspect they are actually quite close to the truth having spent a great deal of time working just outside of Belfast over a number of years, and visited both Bradford and Oldham on an occasional but regular basis.”


‘Mrs T’ wrote --- I live three miles from Oldham. It's your bottom talking again.


Then you should get out more. You are in for a shock.


Mrs T --- Growing menace? Just because the BNP says it's so, it ain't necessarily so.


No, not just because the BNP say so but instead because it is so. Look at the ecent example of the islamaniacs at the Gallway meeting in London as one of many examples of the growing mennace that we face. I really could go on and on about this starting with the Finsbury Park business and working my way (literally) from John o’Groats to Lands End.


‘Mrs T’ wrote ---

The fact that so many of members of the BNP have criminal records for violence bears testament to the party's real nature. This is not an urban myth.


Actually to state that some party members have criminal records bears testament to the nature of the party is rubbish. I have a criminal record in Nigeria – in fact I was deported from the place. Does that make any political party to which I belong in some way tainted by my presence?


‘Mrs T’ wrote --- Party leader Nick Griffin was given a suspended sentence in 1998 after he was convicted of inciting racial hatred.


That is not violence (Though I do detest Griffin and when he is replaced as he soon will be the BNP will be all the better.


‘Mrs T’ wrote --- Soho bomber David Copeland was a BNP member.


What he did was not BNP policy. He was widely condemned.


‘Mrs T’ wrote --- The party's organiser in Northern Ireland, Andy McLorie, was jailed for two years for his part in a 1986 National Front petrol bomb attack on the home of an RUC officer.


And so? There have been many people jailed for far worse who have nothing to do with the BNP. Especially in the case of IRA / Sin Fein.


‘Mrs T’ wrote --- No fewer than THIRTEEN of the BNP's 28 regional or branch organisers in 2003 had criminal records for offences that included assault, fraud, theft, racist abuse and possession of drugs and weapons.


So what?


‘Mrs T’ wrote --- Mick Treacy, an Oldham BNP organiser, has five convictions for violence, theft and handling stolen goods.


So what? How many are related to actions for or on behalf of the BNP? Hint - try none.


‘Mrs T’ wrote --- Tony Lecomber, a BNP director, is a convicted bomber and was jailed for three years after a brutal attack on a Jewish school teacher. Burnley BNP organiser Steve Smith was jailed for six months last year for falsifying election nomination signatures.


It is inevitable that some people do bad things. That’s life. Falsification of election documentation is by no means a BNP exclusive --- as a certain group of ‘ethnics’ in the Midlands have recently demonstrated.


And in any case, that’s just a few names from a membership of millions in the UK who live perfectly good and decent lives and are BNP supporters.


‘Mrs T’ wrote ---

And the fact that the party has a couple of Oxbridge graduates in it now does not make it automatically acceptable.


More than a couple and not just Ox/bridge either. Nor just WASP’s.


‘Mrs T’ wrote --- All they've done is to swap the word "P***" for "muslim" and suddenly they get plaudits from people who should know better.


That could also justifiably be seen as a growing maturity by moving away from the raw racism of the past and identifying where the REAL threat to our country lies.


‘Mrs T’ wrote --- Or it could be a smokescreen to stay within race relations legislation but still spread race hatred.


Race hatred is not the same as recognising that differences of abilities do exist between people of different races. As a result of the efforts of the left wing activists who promote their ‘everybody is the same’ rubbish we can no longer even enter into discussion about racial differences much less make perfectly legitimate selections of people by race to take advantage of such racial strengths without at once being classed as being ‘racist’


It has gone further. Today accusations of ‘Racism’ are made when social or even local differences are brought into discussion. Candidly to class a bunch of Irish tinkers who choose to buy old touring caravans and predate upon the British Tax Payer as being a separate ‘race’ is ludicrous.


The BNP has largely moved away from being the refuge of the mad, bad, and sad who just want to have a go at anyone who is from a foreign land. They do still exist in the party, but they are on the way out. Today the BNP has in its numbers people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds including Jewish people, people from the Indian sub-continent and especially Sikhs, in fact a variety of people with one common aim – the promotion and the protection of Great Britain.


Having written that it remains that the BNP is not for me. Nonetheless it does provide an important function within politics by being at the opposite end of the legitimate political continuum from the Socialist Libertarians who would given the chance open our borders to everyone and decare that all property was theft.


What is important is to keep in mind that the BNP of today is a far cry from the BNP of even 5 years ago – and it is continuing to improve as new people join it.. It also provides a political party that millions of people find comes closest to their legitimate (and sad to say thanks to disgusting social engineering inspired legislation, illegal) beliefs. But the BNP is not the party of race hatred that is is still portrayed as. It has changed markedly from when it was the successor to the National Front and is now more and more simply a party that puts Britain first in a way that the others should, That is what is so often overlooked. It has in my opinion still some way yet to go but it is well down the road of ridding itself of the REAL racists who hated simply on the basis of a persons race. Again in my opinion the watershed will be when Griffin goes. That will be the time the big three really will start to sweat.


But above all right now it sends a message to the existing ‘big three’.


Pay attention to what GROWING millions of people in the UK want, or face the consequences as these millions of people, encouraged by the realisation that they ARE in the millions, start to take matters into their own hands and start to do what the politicos do not have the courage to do and put Britain FIRST.

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How is your foot Rog? You really should be careful where you point that gun.


So many falsehoods and errors in that piece that it hardly warrants a reply.


Which ToryGraph Daily Mail type site did you cut and paste most of that from?


Just one comment of many that could be made:


A classic but by far not unique example is the Islamic Parliament that has been set up in the UK together with separation of schooling and so forth with the intent of producing a separate nationality into the UK. This is not about integrated societies, it is about social groups based


Is that any different from the public schoool system in the UK? A separate group - wealthy people - setting up a separation of schooling and so forth with the intent of producing an elite, and avoiding their children mixing with the common people.


Happens all the time, self interests of a group are put ahead of the larger community, and the public school system was the forerunner to all the separate schooling ideas.


Catholic Schools, Church of England Schools, predated Muslim schools by a couple of centuries. Are they to be vlified for separatism as well?


And before you go on about them being part of British culture, remember that 79% of the population do not attend any church at all.

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Is that any different from the public schoool system in the UK?  A separate group - wealthy people  - setting  up a separation of schooling and so forth with the intent of producing an elite, and avoiding their children mixing with the common people.


Happens all the time, self interests of a group are put ahead of the larger community, and the public school system was the forerunner to all the separate schooling ideas.



Don't fret about not going to a Pubic School - I'm sure that if you do happen to have any innate ability to succeed you still might.


But in any case, Public Schooling is not about producing 'an elite' as you so quaintly put it - it is about ensuring the continuing of the elite.


Fortunately a combination of cost and unattractiveness of the Public School regime to The Great Unwashed does have the effect of keeping the majority of them away.


Almost Darwinian, really.

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A member of the faith extolling the virtues of what are essentially thinly-disguised fascists - how very interesting and what an auspicious time to do it as well.


What a shame all the stupid, childish mud-slinging and name-calling from elsewhere is even infecting this thread. Someone proposes that perhaps the gov should assist with housing, a private landlord (surprise surprise) immediately accuses them of being a communist and thinks that any public housing should be means-tested etc etc presumably in an effort to protect their investment. I think it is highly amusing that those who are failing to be understood immediately accuse their readership of being too thick to comprehend the point they are trying to make when just maybe they're not explaining themselves too clearly.


I did not vote in the UK election as I don't believe I have the right to effect how others run their country. However there is no doubt that there are a lot of people in England who believe that their national identity is being eroded away by all the immigrants who refuse to integrate and at the same time stand up for their rights. Of course, the immigrants may just think that being English is hardly laudable and if they think the BNP is all about being English you could hardly blame them.


As Samuel Johnson put it:


"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel!"


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I was asking Rog, and referred to Jewish communites, not Jews.


Jewish communities such as the one in Cheetham Hill, Manchester (which is the only Jewish community I'm familiar with) where they definitely don't integrate with the non-Jewish locals. Which is a credit to them - it's a dodgy area until you get into the Jewish part.

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I couldn't agree more that Cheetham Hill is dodgy. We live just up the road in Hopwood so it's our route into the city centre. There always seems to be a demo going on by Muslim Fundamentalists (well ok then, keen muslims) on a particular corner just about every Saturday. Strange the bible-thumpers don't seem to be so keen....


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Then I am a scoundrel.


And if immigrants don't want to integrate then they should go to where they will want to integrate.

In the UK they are under no obligation whatsoever to integrate into the particular society they live amongst. In the schools in places like Cheetham Hill the Asian children tend to do far better than the white Anglo-Saxon Christians. I'm convinced it's because the Asian kids get backing, support and discipline at home so they know how important this schooling is. According to my sister, who is Head of Department, they can only teach the kids with the support of the parents. Well guess what? There is proportionally far more Asian parental support showing up at the school than their white neighbours. Teachers are leaving in droves because the lack of parental discipline at home shows up in school. In any given weekday if they don't just simply abscond the average white kid will spend more time with their teacher than they will with their parents!


Would you try and integrate into an inferior society? I know I wouldn't.


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