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Deep Down..


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.. but we have hardly gone downstairs when it comes to our planet. Just came across this: http://service.spiegel.de/cache/internatio...,354557,00.html


Amazing, the lowest a human being has ever been below the surface of the earth is now around 2000 meters.. How come we climb up 8000 meter high mountains, fly into space, but nobody has ever really been below us? (or cared what may be below our feet)


Makes me wonder: Does anyone know about any natural caves on the Isle of Man? Would be an interesting thing to explore...


And makes me realize: That movie "The Core" is a lie! And I thought they really went down there :unsure:




Taurus excreta cerebrum vincit

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One slight flaw in you plan.


The average geothermal gradient is about 2 degrees F per 100 feet of depth. Thus, 5000 feet below the surface the temperature would be about 160 degrees F. (average surface temperature of 60 degrees F plus 100 degrees of geothermal gradient (2 degrees/100 ft for 5000 ft)). Many oil wells are 10,000, 20,000, or even 25,000 feet deep. The temperature in the bottoms of these wells can be as high as 500 degrees or more! Some water wells are more than 2,000 feet deep; bottom-hole temperatures in these wells can be in the neighborhood of 100 degrees.





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