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Rog Is Boring


What should Rog do?  

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Thanks everyone. It wasn't an 'attention seeking excecise' but a genuine attempt to see if what I had been advised (actually from three seperate hotmail addresses) was a widely held view.


I must admit now to being somewhat embarassed at the replies. Thanks again.

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replied "Rog should carry on much as before"


this is a forum, and your views are as important as anyones, i for one am sick of all this censorship and biased rulings, if you have an opinion then you have a right to air it, and that right should not be taken or wrestled from you, no matter how irrelevant or contraversial it may be.


for gods sake, we've had 2 forums taken away from us because people weren't prepared to stand by the terms set out in the forums "lawbooks".

it clearly states that the moderators and administrators are not responsible for the posts that appear, its about time they stood up for people who have a point of view, no matter how outrageous. these forums are for people to have their say, no more than that, and everyone should respect the fact people have differing points of view, innit!


crack on rog

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I voted you should stay, which is obviously different from agreeing with your opinions.... what I do respect about you Rog is that you generally put them across in an intelligent and considered way, anyone who strongly disagrees should take a leaf out of your book and reply in kind... I thought that was some of the point of forums, to discuss things...


Big huge frowns at the cowardly idiot who sent you nasty anonymous emails, and here's hoping they are reading this thread, which I am sure they probably will, and realise it was bang out of order.


... to be honest I'm kinda sick of forums fullstop which is why I don't post much anymore, I still read them as they are more effective than the local new sites at keeping me aware of things going on... occasionally something interests me enough to reply, or occasionally I have some news or advice I feel I should share with the community.... but on the whole it just doesn't seem as fun or friendly anymore as it used to.

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I voted "carry on" cos I too respect your composition.


/off thread... Can anyone explain what on earth

...and inadvertently hit carriage return,

means in PC speak?


/shakes head at thought of female sat at typewriter trying to vote online...

(not blonde by any chance are you? :P )

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/off thread... Can anyone explain what on earth
...and inadvertently hit carriage return,

means in PC speak?


What exactly do you think the 'Return' key was originally called? They're still called carriage returns in a hell of a lot of applications too.


(Otherwise known as enter)


And you're just as bad. It's not 'Enter'. 'Enter' is the key on the numberpad cunningly labelled.... 'Enter'.

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I meant more commonly known as enter ....


Yes I am bad... very bad.... and temporarily stupid too.


But happy :-)


Have you ever noticed how stupid people are always happy???


You are WIN

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