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Rog Is Boring


What should Rog do?  

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Occupation:  Semi-retired C.A.D. engineer 




Maybe he meant CAB Engineer aka Taxi Driver such as Aquatic Engineer aka Plumber, Electrical Engineer.....Electrician, Mobile Patrol.....Car Park Attendant.....


Pervayor of fine foods.....Kebab Shop owner!



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Actually Rog, I didn't think until after I'd posted that someone who used to be a regular poster on manxnet also got threatening emails. He doesn't post anymore. Was interesting to hear who one of the senders was though - hmmm - at least that particular person (then??) had the balls to email from an identifying addy.


Obviously, hiding behind anonymity typifies a true coward.



Rox: at one point Rog used to drive me nuts (as he would testify for!) but I had to admire that he gave as good as he got, and he would at least listen, even if he didn't agree. You would have to agree that he isn't afraid of bringing contentious issues into the general affray, and that is no bad thing.


I tend to feel slightly differently than the common herd about issues such as racism purely because of my nursing background -- suffice it to say it is because of my experiences, not necessarily my personal viewpoint.


Please let us always seek and discuss and disagree our own interpretation of things: far rather that than the potentially far more damaging (to us and our future) apathy of far too many people?


(I really should cut and paste a brilliant post exactly on that)


Rog's philosophy seems pretty much along the lines of:


I may not like what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

-- Voltaire


With the occasional temptation to throw a spanner in the works...


And that is really not such a bad thing??

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I may not like what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

-- Voltaire


Did you click on my link?


Yes I did click on your link, and it reminded me of the post-spat discussion I'd had with Rog, and also the "post of the year" about the biggest threat to humanity that I'd read on another site (US based) and has a certain amount of Rogness about it.



Steady now Bill, you don't expect purrrrrrrry to read other posts do you? She's only intent on trying to look smart, not listen.


Fortunately my ego doesn't have a planetary system all of its own. I'm not interested in how I might look, smart or otherwise. In the grand scheme of things it really, really doesn't matter to me (so I really don't know why it seems to matter to you so much)


What does bother me is that a worthwhile poster to this forum is suffering personal abuse.


It should be acknowledged that the seemingly acceptable behaviour of randomly seizing each and every opportunity to dish out negative personal comments are not only poisoning the place, they may well be contributing to and in many ways validating the behaviour of whatever sickos are emailing Rog.



And now, for your viewing pleasure, the Post of the Year.


Our Society's Greatest Threat




I’ve been reading over a few threads, and some loose thoughts began to coalesce for me today. As these thoughts began to gel in my head, I realized that there was something I wanted to say, away from any other debate.


The frequency that I post here tends to wax and wane, owing mostly to life, but also owing to laziness. Sometimes I just don’t feel like typing. However, I continue to come here almost daily to at least read what people are thinking and saying about various issues. I don’t must trust the media, and have found that I learn more here, on both sides of any given issue.


To the point of this thread: If someone asked you what you thought was the single greatest threat to our society today, what would your answer be? Conservatives? Liberals? Al Qaeda? Brittney Spears? My answer would be none of the above.I believe that the greatest threat, at least to the US, and more broadly to any free society, is an uninformed, apathetic population. It disturbs me beyond my ability to describe when someone says they don’t like to think about the issues. When we stop caring about world issues, when we become complacent about what our politicians are doing, our freedoms immediately begin to erode. Once the lost freedoms reach a certain critical mass, government becomes empowered enough to take more liberties, and to subjugate the population.


However, when a populace is well informed, differences of opinion are inevitable. We will not always interpret the same data the same way. That’s OK. The debate that ensues is vital to our future.


What I am trying to say, in my own clumsy, wordy, way, is that there are those on this board with whom I disagree on almost every issue. Sometimes, those disagreements can become quite intense, even heated. But, it must be said that though I may disagree with you, even heatedly, I lose not one iota of respect for you because you disagree with me. I know when I debate issues, I am, well, pointed. Maybe even a little blunt. Please don’t take that to mean I think any less of you. There are posters on this board who have made me sit back, and forced me to really think about a response, and who forced me to more closely examine what I was saying, and what I was thinking.


I am pleased that we can disagree. It means we are all really thinking about the issues we face. As long as that continues to happen, we are able to ward off that which most threatens us.

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From purrrrrry


. . at one point Rog used to drive me nuts (as he would testify for!) but I had to admire that he gave as good as he got, and he would at least listen, even if he didn't agree. You would have to agree that he isn't afraid of bringing contentious issues into the general affray, and that is no bad thing.
to be a little self indulegent, and from The Beach
Gor seemed to be toying with the group although now and again there would be someone wanting to challenge his intellectual prowess. This usually resulted in a wry but friendly smile from Gor, and his challenger would go back to their seat, often choosing to take a new perch in a row further back from where they came...


keep on keeping on, Rog, our kid.

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I tend to feel slightly differently than the common herd about issues such as racism purely because of my nursing background


Sorry, the "common herd"? Are you somehow above the "common herd"?

And how exactly do the "common herd" think about issues such as racism then purrrry?

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I tend to feel slightly differently than the common herd about issues such as racism purely because of my nursing background


Sorry, the "common herd"? Are you somehow above the "common herd"?

And how exactly do the "common herd" think about issues such as racism then purrrry?


Get over yourself Alex!


All I was saying (and trying to avoid detail in case it might prove distressing to anyone) is that sometimes I hear things that whilst I personally do not agree with, professionally I don't have a problem with.


Here's hoping you can get your head round that concept, as I really have no wish to explore it any further.

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I'm an opinionated old fart with views that are both Conservative as well as being conservative.  I'm pro-israeli (for obvious reasons) and loath and detest Bleah, NuLabour, Do-Gooders, and Political Correctness in equal measure. 


I have the highest reguard for Peter Karren MHK but utterly detest many others, some of whom I know, or rather knew, personally who are now in The Keys and even the Council of Ministers.


I think it reasonable to take a poll to see if my presence is welcomed, despised, or whatever.



Who cares?????




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Where has Rog gone?  We gave him a virtual hug and he's vanished!



And that virtual hug is much appreciated.


On the 'General Chat' board I've mentioned that Clair has been seriously ill and is just out of hospital yesterday.


Thanks folks, really, thanks.

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