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Self Appointed Crazy-Haired Bossy Bat Has A Go At Chairman Of Whitley Council For Doing His Job Properly


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Well I guess it's easy to say no to the great unwashed when you're sitting pretty with a massive salary & gilt edged pension. If he was really serious about lack of funds for wages perhaps he should lead by example & take a pay cut himself.


Why should he? He has had the pay and pension for what, 4-5 months? Its not like he's been a pig at the trough for decades like some of the others.


I didn't think you got a pension for only 1 term? I thought you had to get re-elected..


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Moffatt comes across as a mix a bully and spoiled child. It is fine as long as she gets what she want but as soon as somebody stands up to her she does not like it and goes looking for somebody who will or might allow her to carry on as before. In this case ding dong.


I would though agree with Declan to a certain extent in that Cannon's has possibly come across as a bit overly agressive and confrontational. However unfortunatly I also think that it may be the correct tactic as from the past union reaction I can not see that they will ever get the cuts or changes in working practice required by amicable negotiation. Look at the threat strikes last year over the buses with regard to the loss of the time off to bank cheques, one of the unions has presently withdrawn from negotiations because a union member was not given time off to prepare for a pre meeting meeting.


If we are going to have discontent, threats of strikes, major disagreements then lets bring it to a head now rather than pussy foot around for a few years. I get the feeling that is what Cannon is there for. Basically to be Mr Nasty/Mr Unpupular for a few years whist all the "nasty" decisions are taken and forced through. Once they get to where they want to they will bring a new guy in

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Alf Cannan did not inherit his role, he was elected. Although that said, he will doubtless have inherited much of his father's support. All in all that's no bad thing - David Cannan knows where the bodies are buried.

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Ah yes, David Cannan achieved so much for the people of Kirk Michael, didn't he? Cannan Junior as good as inherited his role


It's easy to be uncompromising, but the people who get the deals done do have the ability to compromise. It remains to be seen whether Alf is all bluster

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Declan, I think you will find that the situation up at the IOM College was handled by people who know how to conduct themselve's properly. Eddie Teare well known for being a number cruncher had his finger on the pulse up there quite quickly after Annie Craine had let things go for such a long time. Eddie was quick to call a meeting with the staff and staff union representatives and between them they were able to negotiate a suitable time scale to turn the place around. I was up there the other day and the place was packed, it was buzzing with students, the staff were happy, there was an excellent atmosphere and they are making money. I think if you have the right people involved negotiations can start of on the right footing and you can get a good resolution.


Eddie is viewed by some as being a hard nose but at least he conducts himself like a gentleman in comparison perhaps to the two individuals at the start of this thread AC and AM.

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It's easy to be uncompromising, but the people who get the deals done do have the ability to compromise. It remains to be seen whether Alf is all bluster


How do you compromise when the Govt's position is there is no money for pay increase and we need to cut the wage bill and the other sides position is we want more.


I have £1 and I offer to buy something from you for that £1. You want £1.20. How do I compromise if I only have £1? I can not offer to give you £1.05 as i do not have the extra 5p.


That appears to be the present problem. The Govt are prepared to discuss how they pay the £1 and to who but AM wants £1.20 or will compromise on a bit less say £1.10. Unfortunatly the Govt do not have that extra 10p

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It's easy to be uncompromising, but the people who get the deals done do have the ability to compromise. It remains to be seen whether Alf is all bluster
How do you compromise when the Govt's position is there is no money for pay increase and we need to cut the wage bill and the other sides position is we want more. I have £1 and I offer to buy something from you for that £1. You want £1.20. How do I compromise if I only have £1? I can not offer to give you £1.05 as i do not have the extra 5p. That appears to be the present problem. The Govt are prepared to discuss how they pay the £1 and to who but AM wants £1.20 or will compromise on a bit less say £1.10. Unfortunatly the Govt do not have that extra 10p


I think what Teare said was that there was NO additional money for pay rises and if I read the paper correctly Cannan was calling for pay restraint on the basis that any pay rises would have to be found from within existing budgets and therefore could place additional pressure on jobs.


So, your example might be AM and EH get paid £1 each. There is only £2 available to pay them. AM demands a pay rise of 20p and goes to Arbitration and is successful and gets £1.20. EH then gets told he has to accept a pay cut to 80p or lose his job.


So, if your EH......do you support AM in her call for a pay award or AC in his call for pay restraint ??


It is important to recognise that Unions can always go to Arbitration to get pay setllements........Ridiculous as it is.

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It's easy to be uncompromising, but the people who get the deals done do have the ability to compromise. It remains to be seen whether Alf is all bluster


How do you compromise when the Govt's position is there is no money for pay increase and we need to cut the wage bill and the other sides position is we want more.


I have £1 and I offer to buy something from you for that £1. You want £1.20. How do I compromise if I only have £1? I can not offer to give you £1.05 as i do not have the extra 5p.


That appears to be the present problem. The Govt are prepared to discuss how they pay the £1 and to who but AM wants £1.20 or will compromise on a bit less say £1.10. Unfortunatly the Govt do not have that extra 10p

Far too simplistic. The Government has sufficient money to pay DoI workers to undertake unnecessary tasks like renewing the pavement(s) on Athol Street.


On the other hand they pay hundreds of thousands of pounds a year to a security firm to run our electronic offender tagging system.


But this has nothing to do with the inflammatory comments made by Cannan. If those comments don't simplify the negotiations, or result in a reduction in Government costs they are, IMO, unnecessary and inappropriate.


Of course the electorate like to hear tough words - I prefer robust action and conduct.

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All strengh to Alf Cannon he is one of the best of the bunch, he has impressed me with his knowledge and leadership, Angela Moffatt is a disgrace. More strength to his elbow.


I agree, this is turning into a fine story, could be as good as Star Wars (Alf played by Harrison Ford, Miss Moffat by Chewbacca). Alf will not roll over, the Island will benefit.

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I think that his tactics are less than optimal and will not result in the best deal for Government


I'm sure Alf has worked out how good the union leaders are and is playing his game accordingly.

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I think Angela's in for a few 'bad hair days' this year and next.


Does she have any other kind of 'hair day'? I haven't actually been following her that closely but, last time I saw her hair, it was in the maddest cut with some kind of home dyed red abomination of a colour going on with it. There is nothing worse (deleted comments because they were a bit mean.....)

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But outright dogmatic statements of supposed fact are never going to be the way forward, when what is needed are full and frank discussion.

The stance of Government is a confrontational one, which will only galvanise employees resentment when they witness daily the continuing wast of money by our spendthrift legislators.

Employees do not want shiny new buses and trains they desire and need to be able to feed there family's and when they see the leaders making nil sacrifice they quite rightly, will eventually turn on that undemocratic legislation.

All the Pro Government posters on here would also feel a bit differently if their families were facing penury brought about by the continuing purchases of such luxuries.

When empire building is put ahead of basic living standards, something surely has to happen.

A Governance that forgets the people that placed it in power is in real trouble and all the spin cannot alter the glaring fact that they have got there priorities completely wrong.

Mr Longthorne may have a fleet of shiny new buses and an oily new diesel loco, but people need the basics to survive.

If they continue plundering reserves to shore up such uneccessary grandiose capitol schemes we will soon all be in the poorhouse.

I am long enough in the tooth to remember the soup kitchens in Myrtle street and Tynwald street, and indeed had cause during my life to require to avail myself of the service, I do not want to see my children having to do the same.

Come on guys and girls, show your metal,put the brakes on the Gravy Train.

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